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31 Cards in this Set

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morphologic classification
-indices from CBC
-microcytic-hypochromic, normochromic-normocytic, and macrocytic
pathophys classification
resulting from dec RBCs or from increased destruction
what is ferritin
major iron storage protein in the body

-composed of a protein shell surrounding an iron core
what is hemosiderin
ferritin that is broken down in secondary lysozomes
what is transferrin
major iron transporter in plasma and delivers iron to cells
all circulating plasma iron normally is bound to transferrin. This chelation serves three purposes:
it renders iron soluble under physiologic conditions, it prevents iron-mediated free radical toxicity, and it facilitates transport into cells.
trasnferrin cycle
apotransferring molecules binds 2 Fe3+

this complex binds to a transferrin-R on target cells

complex is internalized into a vacuole that becomes acidified, released iron from apotransferrin which is then recylced to cell surface
trasnferrin saturation is measured using
serum iron and transfrring level or TIBC
iron transfer to intestine
DMT1 absorbs Fe2+ from gut

once in enterocyte, iron can be stored by binding to ferratin OR exported across basolateral membrane for use in the body
what is ferroportin
exports iron from intestine
what is ferroxidase
aka ceruloplasmin

oxidizes iron to Fe3+ for binding to transferrin
development of iron def anemia
first: decrease of storage pool
second: storage pool is exhausted
third: frank anemia
what is a sensitive indicator of iron deficiency if decreased
serum ferritin is proportional to total ferritin
stage one of iron def anemia
serum ferritin levels will decrease
stage two of iron def anemia
storage pool is exhausted and transport compartment is affected
-dec serum ferratin
-dec serum iron
-dec % saturation
-inc trasnferrin-R
-inc free erythocyte protoporphyrin
stage 3 of iron def anemia
-dec Hb
-dec Hct
-dec MCV
-dec MCH (microcytic hypochromic anemia)
-inc RDW
what type of anemia is iron def anemia
microcytic hypochromic
def of folate or b12 results in
imparied DNA synthesis
microscopic findings in b12/folate def anemia
macrocytes in PB
symptoms of b12/folate def anemia
generic and related to anemia
-fatigue, pallor, dyspnea upon exertion, rapid pulse
-gastritis, nausea, vomitting, glossitis
-neuro symptoms (b12)
causes of b12/folate def anemia
-dietary deficiency
-increased hematopoeitic needs (pregnancy)
-impaired absorption (pernicious anemia)
altered metabolic pathways in b12/folate def anemia
5,10-methylene TDF donates a methyl to dUMP to form dTMP which is necessary for DNA synthesis

b12 is required to make THF from 5-me-THF
b12 acts as co-enzyme to methionine synthase, where methionine is made from homocysteine
lab dx of b12/folate def anemia
-dec Hb
-dec Hct
-inc MCV
-inc MCH
-inc RDW
-hypersegemented neutros
-inc unconjugated plasma billirubin
-inc plasma LD
pernicious anemia
-type of vit b12 def
-defect: failure of the parietal cells to secrete instrinsic factor which is necessary for absorption of b12 in the ileum
-90% >40yo
schilling test
dx pernicious anemia
-oral dose of radioactive B12
-after 2hours: given IV or IM admin of non-radioactive cobalamin
-non-radio will saturate the liver and and radio absorbed will be secreted in urine
-if urine excretion is low, radioactive cobabalim was not absorbed

-if after adding IF with radioactive cobalamin corrects the defect we know its an IF problem
anemia of chronic dz/inflammation:
found in what pts
pts which IBD, malignancy, CT dz
anemia of chronic dz/inflammation:
RBC charactersitics
(can be microcytic)
anemia of chronic dz/inflammation:
-low serum iron
-low transferin
-dec % transferring saturation
-nL or high ferritin level
anemia of chronic dz/inflammation:
role of hepcidin
hepcidin: controls most of iron homeostasis
-25 amino acid protein produced primarly by hepatocytes
-levels are dec in response to inc serum iron and during iron overload syndromes and inflammation
-binds directly to ferroportin and triggers its internalization, thus interrupting iron export from intestinal enterocytes and macs

-inflamation: inc IL6 which binds IL6-R, which activates STAT3 which upregulates hepcidin transcription

-iron is not efficiently recycles to erythroid precursors - thus anemia
hepcidin and HFE
HFE protein regulates hepcidin gene transcription

-defective in hemochromatosis
anemia of chronic dz/inflammation:
levels of transferring and ferritin
trans: dec
ferr: inc

(compared to iron def anemia: trans: inc
ferr: dec)