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3 Cards in this Set

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What is reasonable force?

1. Perspective of a reasonable officer

2. Totality of the facts known to the officer at the time force was used

3. Without regard to underlying intent or motivation

4. Based on the knowledge the officer acted properly under established law at the time.

General firearm safety rules

A. Treat every firearm as if we’re loaded

B. Keep the muzzle pointed in the safest direction possible (laser rule)

C. Keep your finger off the trigger and outside other trigger guard and if applicable keep the safety selector on safe until you are on target and have decided to fire.

D. Know your target, it’s surroundings, and what is beyond it.

E. Keep the muzzle pointed down range at all times.

F. No horseplay allowed at any time

Firearm fundamentals



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Trigger control


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