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12 Cards in this Set

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Trade fixtures that are not removed because the real property of the landlord acquiring to the property in this way


The amount of land an individual owns may be affected by the natural actions of the water and owner is until to all land created through increasing in the land resulting from the deposit of soil By the Waters action

Air Rights

The right to use the space above the Earth may be sold or leased independently provides the right have not been limited by law


Items of personal property that can become real property such as construction material


Something that is transferred with or runs with the land in a right or privilege associated with the property although not necessarily a physical part of it

Area Preference

Is commonly referred as location location location


Is a sudden removal of soil by an act of nature

Bundle of Legal Rights

Includes the right of possession and control enjoyment exclusion and deposition also known as ownership rights for a real property


Items of personal property including tangible as chairs tables clothing money bonds and bank account.


Annually cultivated crops such as fruits vegetables and grains are generally considered personal property


is the gradual and sometimes imperceptible wearing away of the land by natural forces such as wind, rain and flowing water


Is personal property that has been so attached to the land or a building that bylaw it becomes a part of the real property examples are kitchen cabinets light fixtures and Plumbing.