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30 Cards in this Set

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The civil rights act of 1866 prohibited discrimination on the basis


In 1968 the Supreme Court in Jones versus Meyer rule that discrimination based on race is strictly

Prohibited no exceptions

The federal fair housing act is officially titled or renamed the

Civil Rights Act of 1968

The civil rights act of 1968 made discrimination in the showing negotiation sale rental or financing of a dwelling prohibited when based on

Race, color, religion, sex or national origin

Consist of inducing an owner to list-sell on the basis that the neighborhood is deteriorating due to the influx of minority persons


Directing a person into or away from a neighborhood or location based on race, religion, color, sex national origin

Steering- Channeling

The refusal by a lender to approve a mortgage loan based on a property being located in a certain geographical area & racial comp and income level


The 1988 fairhousing amendment expanded the civil rights act of 1968 too include

Handicap and familial status

Exceptions to the 1988 Fair housing amendment include

Housing for 62 years of age housing where 80% is above 55 years and subsidized fir elderly & poor

Financial penalties for or violation of the Florida fair housing act are

$10,000 1st offense, $25,000 2nd offense, $50,000 (2) or more

True or false under FS760.50 persons with HIV are considered handicapped and afforded all protections


True or false, Real Estate professionals do not have to disclose if death, suicide or homicide occurred in a property


A landlord may enter a dwelling unit with reasonable notice of__ hours


Normal repairs must be made in the hours between

7:30 am to 8:00 pm

True or false, a landlord cannot remove locks, or the tenants personal property unless the unit has been surrendered abandoned or the tenant has been lawfully evicted


The landlord has the following options for the handling of security deposit

Hold the dollars in a non interest bearing escrow account, hold the money in an interest bearing escrow account in Florida or post a surety bond with the clerk of the circuit court in the county

A landlord has __days to return the security posite including a crude interest if there's no damages


A landlord must communicate by certified damages against the deposit in ___ days


True of false, a tenant has 15 days to object after receiving a landlord's notice to deduct against the deposit


A landlord may dispose of personal property left by tenant up to what dollar amount


The fine for violation of the Florida do not call list is

$10,000 (upto)

The fine for violating the federal do not call list is

$40,000 per call

True or false, if the landlord does not make repair or maintain the premises according to statute or rental agreement within 7 days the tenant may terminate the rental


Protected class memory tool

Realtors Can Really Sell Nice Houses Fast= race, color, religion, national origin, handicap, family status

Property suspected of having homicide suicide or death are called

Stigmatized properties

This act is intended to reduce inequities and confusion by defining the rights of landlords and tenants in residential and non residential relationships

Florida residential landlord and tenant act

The eviction process starts when

the landlord provides proper notice to the tenant that they must vacate the property

Exemptions to the do not call are

18 months after the customer last purchase delivery or payment and 3 months after customer inquiry on open house

Existing properties that do not comply with the Americans with disabilities act, owners are required to make necessary modifications whenever such changes are readily and economically

Achievable and feasible

The _ act requires brokers to display a Hud a housing and urban development housing poster in all places of business including model homes

Civil Rights Act