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58 Cards in this Set

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In steady flow

Velocity is not a function of time

In unsteady flow

Velocity is a function of time

In inviscud flow

Fluid has no viscosity

No energy loss from friction between molecules

In viscous flow

Fluid is viscous

Has frictional losses

Reynolds number in terms of rotational speed

=rho x N x D^2 /mu

As u = N D

N is rotational speed and D the diameter of propeller

Homogenous system

Either has constant properties or properties vary continuously

Heterogenous system d

More than one homogenous system

Phases separated by physical boundary or discontinuity

Define isolated clise

No mass or energy flow

Define closed

Energy flow but no mass flow

Define open

Define both mass and energy flow (by heat and work)


No heat flow in or out

5 properties of matter

Volume, pressure, temp, internal energy, entropy

3 derived properties

Enthalpy H

Helmholtz free energy A

Gibbs free energy G

Extensive property

Depends on the amount

Intensive property



Thermodynamic variable



Molar property

State function

Difference between two values regardless of path

Maxwell Relation

Back (Definition)

State function definition

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Use of Maxwell Relation

To prove a function is a state function

how to use Maxwells relation

Let M equal what’s in front of do

Let N equal what’s in front of dy

Diff M in respect to Y with constant x

Diff N in respect to X with constant y

If values equal, sf

U =

= q + w

Formula for heat, q

= integral dq =integral C dT

Where cp may equal a polynomial of T to integrate

H =

U + pV

dq =

For isochoric vs isobaric

Isochoric =dU

Isobaric = dH

To demonstrate

cv=(dq/dT)v =(dU/dt)v

Use u=f(V,T) and

dU=(dU/dV)T dv + (dU/dT)V dT

Divide it by dT at a constant v

Simplify as (dv/dt)v is 0 and (dT/dT)v is 1

Define 2nd law

Entropy of universe increases to a max

dU =


dq + dw

heat and work - not sf so not exact differentials

Isochoric P V graph

Constant volume

Isothermal P V graph

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Reversible work formula

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Work done BY system

Is negative

For heat

Signs are opposite

Isochoric P V graph

Constant volume

To demonstrate

cv=(dq/dT)v =(dU/dt)v

Use u=f(V,T) and

dU=(dU/dV)T dv + (dU/dT)V dT

Divide it by dT at a constant v

Simplify as (dv/dt)v is 0 and (dT/dT)v is 1

Reversible work formula

Back (Definition)

Kelli temp and calculating entropy change

Back (Definition)

Definition of fugacity

Back (Definition)

Reversible isothermal expansion of ideal gas

And reversible adiabatic expansion

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Unit of fugacity

Same as pressure

Fugacity co efficient

Ratio f/p

Chemical potential

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Vm is

Gas molar volume

Vm ideal is

Molar volume of gas behaving ideally at same t and p


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Definition of fugacity

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f in terms of p

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Reversible isothermal expansion of ideal gas

And reversible adiabatic expansion

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Fugacity co efficient

Ratio f/p

To calculate delta U S H and G

Find value in table

Differentiate ideal eq and combine equations

For G use other eq



Chemical potential

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Gibbs Phase rule

f = c - p + 2

where c is no of independent components

P is no of phases

F is degree of freedom


measure of flow of mass in chemical process

Can be used to determine point of equil

Example of equation of state and alpha from data

pVm = RT + Bp + cp^2 + Dp^3 ...

Divide Vm by p

Vm ideal = RT/p

So calculate alpha

Fugacity for pure condensed phases

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