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46 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 main ropes that make up the light jackstay

Jackstay, inhaul, outhaul, lanyard

Who can initiate an emergency breakaway?

Either ship (delivering or receiving)

Who controls and executes an emergency breakaway?

The delivering ship

Aim of the emergency breakaway is to:

Disengage as quickly as possible without endangering life and with the minimum damage to equipment


Check away

Heave around


RAS complete

Test sound powered phone line

Replace sound powered phone line

Tension up


Prepare to trip pelican hook

Ready to trip pelican hook

Trip pelican hook

Start pumping

Decrease pumping

Increase pumping

Stop pumping

Start blow through

Stop blow through

Prepare for emergency breakaway

Ready for emergency breakaway

Execute emergency breakaway

Who has the zero end of the distance line?

Guide ship (ship which sets the speed and direction)

What does six shorts blasts indicate?

Prepare emergency breakaway

What actions are take upon witnessing a safety breach?

Bring to the attention of the IC or the safety officer by shouting "STOP"

What does "haul away" mean?

To haul in steadily (pull)

What does "check away" mean?

The order to ease out a line hand over hand whilst maintaining the strain

What does "Avast" mean?

Stop what you're doing

What does "Down slack" mean?

To heave in on a line to take the slack out of the line

What does "haul taut" mean?

Take down the slack and take up the strain

What does "walk back" mean?

To ease a rope out while keeping it in hand

What does "bring to" mean?

To take to a hawser, capstan or winch and connect up directed amount of turns (usually 4)

What does "Heave in 1/2/3" means?

To heave in with a capstan or windless winch at the stated speed

What does "Veer 1/2/3" mean?

To ease out a cable or hawser from the cable holder or capstan when these are connected to and controlled by their engines

What does "off turns" mean?

The order to remove turns from around a capstan, winch or bollards

Where do you find your part of the ship?

Watch and station bill - on the main notice board

Name items of RAS

What is some PPE that may be required during RAS?

GWR, Hard hats, Steel capped boots, Life jackets/goggles if req

What can you use to protect the ships deck during RAS?

Shot mats

What should be used where a guard rail is regularly connected and disconnected?

Temporary guard rails

Who and why would give 1 whistle blast?

Firing ship: to signal it's preparing to fire the gun line and to take cover

Who and why would sound 2 whistle blasts?

Non firing ship: to indicate they're in cover and ready to receive

Who and why would sound 3 whistle blasts?

Firing ship: to break cover and retrieve gunline OR;

Nonfiring ship: to indicate the gunline is lost and to pass another