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84 Cards in this Set

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what is metacognition?
self understanding one's own cognitive processes (self-appraisal) & executive control
Loss Aversion
people experience loss MORE intensely than GAINS of the same magnitude, consequently they are less likely to take risks.
Insight of own memory
Implicit memory
automatic & effortless memory i.e. word completion
What are the symptoms of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome?
muscle rigidity, hyperthermia, stupor
What is a MODERATOR?
it AFFECTS the STRENGTH of relationship
What is a MEDIATOR?
It CAUSES the relationship
When does AUTOCORRELATION happen?
When observations are not independent
What do you do about informed consent when a minor evaluation is COURT ORDERED?
The court order precludes consent, but you still need to explain the evaluation in terms understandable to the minor
SPECIFICITY: identifies people WITHOUT the disease
What is most costliest & most frequent malpractice claims?
Sexual misconduct
What effect does compressed workweeks have?
1. positive effects on supervisor ratings of employee performance
2. positive effects on job satisfaction, employee satisfaction & attitude
What is important when starting therapy with a person Dissociative Disorder?
establishing therapeutic alliance
What are PRIMARY, SECONDARY & TERTIARY interventions?
PRIMARY: aimed at ALL member to reduce development of disorder & incidence
SECONDARY: targets individual who have just begun to exhibit symptoms & prevent from becoming more serious
TERTIARY: aimed at individuals who already have the disorder, to reduce chronicity & relapse
__% of Parkinson's depression preceded the physical symptoms?
Which story is associated with Kohlberg's theory?
What is another way to describe Beck's "schemas"
Cognitive structures
For women, combining work & family does what to their self-esteem?
INCREASES SELF-ESTEEM, because they bring home the bacon & fry it in a pan :)
Alzheimer's is most associated with what symptoms?
Memory problems PLUS apraxia, aphasia, or agnosia
Vygotsky's "self-talk" is what?
self-directed speech to self-guide & self-instruct
CBT for older people is best when...?
provided at slower pace & conducted at higher abstract levels
What drug causes flashbacks?
What is functional analysis?
looking at conditions that CONTROL A BEHAVIOR
Which racial groups have problems related to perceived exposure to discimination?
BOTH African-American & whites have mental health related declines/ difficulties
What does elevated L & K scales mean?
Faking good i.e. "I want you to L i K e me"
What is the F scale on MMPI-2?
items infrequently endorsed by "normals",
a/k/a the Freakazoid scale
Lesions in the Hypothalamus is associated with what?
rage reactions
Anorexia is associated with what levels of Serotonin?
In CHILDREN, Borderline Personality Disorder is associated with---?
a more Object Relations type of theory- results from disturbances in separation/individuation = fear of abandonment & conflicts of fear of domination
What do you do when testing someone who requires special accomodations?
Obtain legal advice
What does Endoplasmic Reticulum do?
involved in synthesis of fats & proteins
Breaks at work has what effect on productivity?
INCREASES PRODUCTIVITY, even though they are technically on the job even less time, mainly due to Less fatigue
What is lifetime prevalence of Borderline Personality disorder?
What is 3-Box model of memory?
best explains serial position effect
What areas of the brain are responsible for peripheral/central vision?
Anterior occipital= peripheral
Posterior occipital= central
"self in relation" theory is most related to what type of theory?
Object-relations, theory is about mothers & daughters' relationship
People's 1st memories are at what age?
memories prior to 3-4 years is limited BUT not totally absent- the 1st memories vary over time.
Ackerman is associated with---?
psychoanalytic family therapy- Ackerman the Analyst
being depressed has what effect on autobiographical memories?
less detailed, more negative
Rules has what effect on group conflict?
temporary decreases conflict
What symptoms accompany adolescent Panic Disorder?
shortness of breath, chest pain, tachycardia, SCHOOL REFUSAL
Which is emphasized more on motor tasks- speed or accuracy?
In some study having to do with sports, they emphasized SPEED OVER ACCURACY.
What differences are there in age of Male vs. Female disclosure for Gay/Lesbians?
there is NO difference in age of disclosure
Male with extra X chromosome has _____?
mnemonic: Kevin Kline-felter's syndrome
Low LPC leaders are associated with ___?
(Fiedler) task-oriented leader, prefer highly favorable or unfavorable situations
Long-term exposure to racial oppression can result in ____?
Attempts to earn acceptance by acquiring material goods & signs of status
With percentile ranks, how are the scores distributed?
PR always has a FLAT line, so scores are distributed EVENLY throughout the distribution
Hippocampus & memory
associated with memory consolidation, spatial memory, explicit memory
Phoneme & Morphemes
Phoneme is smallest unit of sound (mnemonic: "phoneMMMMMMe")
MORpheme is smallest unit of meaningful sound, like "pre", "ing", "ist" (mnemonic: MORE-pheme, "more" means something)
OLFACTION is associated with areas of the brain?
To develop a selection test for hiring, you would need to do what first?
conduct a JOB ANALYSIS to determine the KSA's needed, this will help determine the test.
Conducted to determine what kind of training program to design.
Which is more effective: performance feedback, group goals, both or none?
Performance feedback & group goals are more effective than either one alone. (Group goals are sometimes more effective than individual)
What kind of health is most related to job security?
BOTH mental health & physical health are related to job security- the more secure you are about your job, the better they are.
Peer appraisals are most useful for ____?
predicting promotions & raises
knowledge about events in a situation
"mental shortcut"
Is "sliding scale" fee EXPLICITLY mentioned in Ethics Code?
No- it's acceptable but not written in stone.
Kelley is associated with what theory?
Personal Construct
Babies develop what kind of vision 1st, 2nd, 3rd?
Lay down on your back and kick your hands & feet in the air, imagining you are a baby (ok, not really, but imagine)
1. Kinetic
2. Binocular
3. Pictorial Depth
What part of the occipital lobe is responsible for central/peripheral vision?
Imagine you pasted a target covering the back of your head, where your occipital lobe is- the CENTER of the target is at the very back of your head, the POSTERIOR part. The outside edges are on the PERIPHERAL, nearer to front or ANTERIOR part of your brain.
Declarative memory consists of .....?
Episodic & Semantic Memory
Mnemonic: "I DECLARE, that EPISODE of SEINFELD last night was uh...uh..... now what was the word?"
Paired Comparison is what kind of measure?
Relative measure
mnemonic: a pair of twins are also relatives
Mnenomics are superior/inferior to rote _____?
Only in the short-term- very surprising.
A Mother will most easily & accurately recall what? Birth weight or age when 1st walked?
Birth weight!!
(DO NOT rely on own experiences for this - I got this wrong)
What most suggests ALCOHOL WITHDRAWAL?
Vasovagel response associated with needle phobia is characterized by _____?
(think about vasospasms)
Decrease in Heart Rate, decrease in Blood Pressure, sweating, pallor
ADHD is linked with abnormalities in what structures of the brain?
Frontal lobe, striatum (the caudate & putamen in the BASAL GANGLIA), cerebellum
What are the stages in Helms' white racial identity model?
"If someone wants to changehow they feel, they need to make more effective thinking & acting choices. If they're lonely, they need to find a friend." Who would say this?
Glasser- Reality Therapist
Is teaching psychology @ a university considered a "psychological service?"
Malpractice requires what?
The 3 D's:
DERELICTION of that Duty
Actions do not have to be malevolent, but must show evidence of harm.
What do Goal Setting theory, Equity theory & Expectancy theory all have in common?
High Need for Achievement people prefer what kind of risks?
Moderate risks- they are NOT gamblers. More concerned with personal accomplishment, they like frequent/concrete feedback, work alone or with other High NAch.
What treatment is more effective for treating migraines?
Thermal biofeedback & autogenic training is more effective than either one alone
Individual with High Need for Achievement prefer moderately difficult goals and are MORE likely to be committed to the goals when they have been ______.
Self Set goals. Research found the people with High NAch were more committed to goals that they self-set.
What of the following is least likely to be an early symptoms of MS?
1. impaired memory & attention
2. blurred or double vision
3. fatigue that worsens in the afternoon
4.heaviness, weakness or loss of sensation in the legs
The last 3 symptoms are common initial symptoms. 70% of people MS do experience cognitive problems, but these usually happen after they've had MS for awhile.
Children of ______ parents tend to be "conflict-irritable"
Children of ______ parents tend to be "impulsive-aggressive"
Children of _______ parents tend to be "energetic friendly"
Elaborative Rehearsal is ______?
the process of making new information meaningful to enhance in retention & retrieval. Relating new information to previously learned info is a type of elaborative rehearsal.
Socio-emotional selectivity theory refers to _____?
Predicts that people's awareness of how much time they have left to live impacts their motivation & preferences. Including preferences for emotionally close vs novel social partners. Kind of a "quality vs quantity" type of the preference. So it makes sense that people who have a shorter time to live prefer close relationships, while people who think they'll live forever prefer novel social partners.
An central issue of debate regarding a client who is HIV + and engaging in risky sexual behavior is ______?
Foreseeability of harm (Tarasoff)
people are ______ willing to discuss intimate topics & seek social support in crowded situations.
LESS willing