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34 Cards in this Set

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What is a Python Virtual Environment used for?

It creates a separate logical directory from the rest of the Linux directory, so different projects can be worked on in different virtual environments

Which command installs Python Virtual Environments?

"pip install venv"

What command creates a Python Virtual Environment?

“python3 -m venv (dirname)”

How do you activate the Virtual Environment?

"source dirname/bin/activate"

What file is created to install all tools needed for your Development Environment?


What kind of Python operators can you use to install exact or certain versions of programs listed in the requirements.txt file?

Boolean Operators can be == / <= / >= to indicate exact version # / version less than or equal to defined version # / greater than or equal to the defined version #

What commands do you enter to save the state of the virtual environment and exit?

"pip freeze" to save and "deactivate" to exit

What Python Data types are "mutable"?

List, Dictionary, Set

What Python data type is objects enclosed in a Parenthesis? ( )

Tuple - Contains random data types like strings / integers / floats

What Python data type is in Key:Value Pairs in curly brackets? { }

Dictionary - Unordered Key:Value pairs

What Python data type is in curly brackets but not Key:Value pairs? { }

Set - Unordered set of unique objects

What Python data type is in straight brackets? [ ]

List - Sequence of objects delimited by quotes (strings)

What are Methods in Python?

They are functions from a library imported or built in, to manipulate Python objects

How do you see an imported libraries Methods or Functions that can be used? What is the Verbose help file on the library?

"help(libraryname)" for the Verbose help file, or "dir(libraryname)" to just see the functions

What does zero indexing mean in Python?

Whether it is a string or a list of items, objects start in the 0 position, so "Hello" is 0-4 characters when working with manipulating that object!

What is PEP8? What is PyPI?

PEP8 is "Python Enhancement Proposal" best practices, PyPI is the python "pip" library

What is an "if" Statement? How is it different from a Loop?

If Statements in Python run through a Boolean series of truths that branch out to a final result (if / elif / else) and then the scripts ends

Which Loop type can cause an infinite loop?

A "while" loop that never stops iterating

What is a "while" loop used for?

It is used to iterate repeatedly, likely running some embedded function within the loop, until it hits the end of the loop and exits

What is a "for" loop?

"for" loops are used to perform an action based on the criteria specified, like a range of numbers

What does the "break" statement do?

It exits a "while" loop that is meant to be infinite until the correct input is received, such as the loop "while True:" will loop forever with no break

How do you begin to create a custom function?

"def functionname():"

Do you use 1 tab or 4 spaces for Python indentation between code blocks?

4 spaces as tabs give different indentation in different environments

What is a Python "Class"?

Classes are created to define a generic object that can be referenced over and over to not type the same code for every time you use the same data / objects

What are *args and *kwargs when creating a custom function? What purpose do they serve?

Args and Kwargs are used as Variables when you are not sure how many variables might pass through your function, "def functionname(*args): or "def functionname(**kwargs):

What is DRY and KISS in Python?

PEP8 concepts "Don't repeat yourself" and "Keep it simple stupid!"

What is "inheritance" in Python?

Inheritance is creating a new class from an existing class that share the same attributes, the existing class is basically copied into the new class along with any extra objects your define

What is Object Oriented Programming vs Procedural Programming?

Object Oriented Programming is meant to re-use code / objects within a script, whereas Procedural Programming is code meant to execute from top to bottom in one iteration

What module allows you to use files from the underlying OS that you are running Python in?

"import os"

What are "dunders" and "magic methods" in Python? How or they identified?

They perform core functions in Python like initializing a newly created Class with "__init__" and are identified by the two underscores on each side of the object

How do you create your own module / library to import into another Python script, and use the functions within it in a new script?

Create a Python script, "import sys" in the new script, then you can "from (script) import (function)" into the new script

What kind of Python Object cannot be imported into a script and functions extracted for use?

Classes that are created via Inheritance from an existing Class,

What are the 3 main ways to use Modules in Python for DEVASC exam day?

Importing "pip" built in modules, creating your own modules (scripts), or writing code in C# and compiling it before using in your Python script

Which module can you import to allow Python to interact with objects on your device?

"import sys"