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34 Cards in this Set

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Arteriosclerosis Obliterans

What’s the primary cause of occlusive disease

ASO- arteriosclerosis obliterans

Main lesion is atherosclerotic plaque

Symptoms of ASO

Intermittent claudication

Nocturnal cramping

Ischemic neuropathy

Rest pain

Cold intolerance


Onion skin, lack hair, nail / skin changes (pallor, rubor, cyanosis)

Decreased pulses, cool skin, decreased turgor, delayed CFT

Risk factors for ASO

DM, HTN, smoking, high triglycerides, angina, MI, valvular heart dz, A-fib, stroke, prior LE revasc +/- stenting

What’s the usual source of an arterial emboli??

The heart is the source of an arterial emboli 90% of the time

Condition associated with arterial emboli

Mitral stenosis, acute MI, bacteria endocarditis, prosthetic heart valves vs aneurysm vs strokes

What % of the population may not have a dorsalis pedia artery?

10% of the population lacks a dorsalis pedis artery

In patients congenitally missing a dorsalis pedis artery, what artery takes it’s place?

Perforating peroneal artery

How many angiosomes are there in the foot and ankle?

There are 6 angiosomes of the foot and ankle originating from 3 main arteries.

What three arteries give rise to the angiosomes of the foot and ankle? And how many branches from each?

Posterior tibial artery -3 branches

Peroneal artery -2 branches

Anterior tibial - 1 branch (the dorsalis pedis)

Samuels office year for pvd

Pallor on elevation

Allen’s office year for PVD

Pallor on elevation with compression of a palpable artery

Capillary Refill time

Less than 3 seconds is normal

>10 sec = significant PVD

What’s a normal ABI

0.96 - 1.2

> 1.2 is calcinosis


Normal 0.96-1.2

Mild PVD 0.85-0.95

Moderate 0.50-0.85

Severe 0-0.5

BELOW 0.5 wound won’t heal

What’s a usual toe pressure range?

In normal digits, pressure la are usually 70-110 mmHg

What’s considered a normal toe pressure?

Any pressure at or above 67mmHg

What do we look for with segmental pressures?

Gradients > 20mmHg between sites along the same leg is abnormal (may be falsified if calcified)

What do we look for with segmental pressures?

Gradients > 20mmHg between sites along the same leg is abnormal (may be falsified if calcified)

What’s photoplethysmography?

PPG- modality used to provide an indication of the skins blood flow

PVR- pulse volume recording

Reflects blood volume under a sensoored cuff. Cuffs are filled to 60 mmHg at areas to be measured; changes between segments reflect stenosis / occlusion

Transcutaneous Oximetry


Measure of skins oxygen tension

Reflects adequacy of arterial and capillary perfusion and therefore healing potential

How does the TCO2 test work

Probe with healing coil, oxygen electrode- places on skin to cause vasodilation. Give you how much O2 is present there in the present arterial blood

Why are TCO2 used?

Used as a predictor-of amputation stump healing.

TAO- Thromboangiitis Obliterans

Segmental inflammatory dz of medium vessels (arteries and veins). Makes that use tobacco!

Results in gangrene.

TAO - thromboangiitis Obliterans treatment

Stop tobacco

Anticoagulant and steroids followed by Nifedipine and surgical management of the gangrene

Monckebergs medial calcific sclerosis

Calcification of the tunica media leading to elevated ABI


What triggers Ray aids phenomena

Excessive sympathetic activity incited by cold or emotion or as part of a collagen disease

What triggers Ray aids phenomena

Excessive sympathetic activity incited by cold or emotion or as part of a collagen disease

Rynauds Trilogy

Pallor -> Cyanosis-> Rubor

What triggers Ray aids phenomena

Excessive sympathetic activity incited by cold or emotion or as part of a collagen disease

Rynauds Trilogy

Pallor -> Cyanosis-> Rubor

Treatments for raynauds

Alpha adrenergic blockers

Topical nitroglycerin


