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49 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 basic mech of pleural effusion?
i)incr drainage of fluid into pleural space ii)incr production of fluid by cells in pleural space iii)decr drainage of fluid from pleural space
What is pathophys of transudative effusion?x2
i)elevated capillary pressure in visceral or parietal pleura (CHF); ii)decr plasma oncotic pressure (hypoalbumin)
What is pathophys of exudative effusion?x2
i)incr permeability of pleura ii)decr lymphatic flow bc damage to pleural membranes or vasculature (inflamm/malig)
What ratios do exudative effusions have at least one of? x3
i)Pleural protein/serum protein >0.5; ii)Pleural LDH/serum LDH >0.6; iii)LDH>2/3 upper limit of nl serum LDH
What are causes of transudative pleural effusions? x3
i)CHF ii)cirrhosis iii)PE
What are causes of exudative pleural effusion?x4
i)Malignancy (esp lung and breast). ii)bacterial pneumonia iii)PE iv)Collagen vasc dz
What are 2 sxs of effusion? What are 3 signs?
i)a)dyspnea on exertion b)PND/orthopnea c)peripheral edema ii)a)dull to percussion b)decr breath sounds over effusion c)decr tactile fremitus
What are the causes of elevated pleural fluid amylase? x3
i)esophaeal rupture ii)pancreatitis iii)malignancy
what is chylothorax? What does it look like?
i)lymph in pleural space ii)milky, opalescent fluid
what does purulent fluid mean in effusion? What does bloody effusion mean? How does TB present in effusion? What does pH<7.2 mean in fluid?
i)empyema ii)malignancy iii)lymphocytes w/exudative fluid iv)parapneumonic effusion or empyema
How do you DX effusion? x3 What is thoracentesis good for? x2
i)CXR: blunted costophrenic angle. lateral decubitis is better for small effusions and if loculated vs free flowing ii)CT: better than CXR iii)thoracentesis: a)drains b)4 C's: chemistry (glucose/protein/LDH/pH); cytology; cell count (CBC w/diff); culture (gram)
How to treat transudative effusion? exudative?
i)trans: diuretics and Na restriction; can do parecentesis if dysneic. ii)exu: treat underlying dz.
How to treat parapneunic effusion? uncomplicated vs complicated?
i)uncomp: Abx alone ii)compl: a)chest tube drainage b)intrapleural injection of thrombolytic agents(streptokinase) c)surgical lysis of adhesion
What is diff b/w parapneumonic effusion vs empyema?
parapneumonic is uninfected transudative effusion; empyema is infected parapneumonic effusion
Wha is cause of empyema? x2
i)usually untreated parapneumonic effusion (exudative). ii)other foci of infection like abscess or mediastinitis
What are clinical features of empyema? how to DX?
i)those of the underlying cause (ie pneumonia). ii)CXR and CT scan
How to treat empyema? x3
i)aggressive drainage of pleura and Abx ii)if severe and persistent, rib resect and open drainage
What is defn of pneumothorax? What are the 2 types?
i)air in pleural space (shouldn't be there). ii)traumatic vs spontaneous (no trauma).
What is primary spontaneous pneumothorax? What is it due to? How are the resp reserves?
what are causes of 2ndary (complicated)pneumothorax? x4
a)primary: no DZ (healthy peeps); due to rupture of sublpleural bleb at apex->collapsed lung. Pts have suff resp reserve. b)secondary (complicated): complication of lung dz (usually COPD; asthma, ILD, TB). Life threatening b/c Lack of pulmonary reserve
Which procedures do you always need CXR b/c of traumatic pneumothorax?
i)Central line ii)thoracentesis iii)transthoracic needle aspiration
What are sxs of pneumothorax? x2 What are signs? x4
A)i)ipsilateral CP, usually sudden ii)cough B)i)decr fremitus on that side ii)hyperresonance iii)decr breath sounds iv)mediastinal shift towards pneumothorax
What is TX of primary pneumothorax is small? If large? what is TX of secondary pneumo?
i)small: observe or one way valve tube ii)large: chest tube drainage. iii)chest tube drainage
What is pathophys of tension pneumo and what happens?
i)tissue around opening into pleural space is a flap->air in pleural space. ii)collapses opposite lung
What are causes of tension pneumothorax? x3
i)mechanical ventilation w/ass'd barotrauma ii)CPR iii)trauma
What are clinical features of tension pneumothorax? x4
i)hypotension: cardiac filling impaired due to compression of great veins ii)distended neck veins iii)decr breath on side collapsed; hyperresonance
How to treat tension pneumothorax? Why imp?
i)tension in pleural space not relieved->hemodynamic compromise (hypoxemia). ii)chest decompression w/large bore needle, then chest tube placement
What is defn of ILD?
inflamm process of alveolar wall leading to fibroelastic prolif and collagen deposition->get distorted architecture, fibrosis, impaired gas xchange
What are the 6 types of ILD? What are exs of each?
i)Environmental lung dz: silicosis, asbestosis ii)Granulomatous ILD: sarcoid; wegener's; Churg Strauss iii)Aveolar filling dz: goodpastures iv)hypersensitivity lung dz: hypersen pneumonitis; eosino pneumonitis v)drug induced; vi)misc: IPF; ARDS; ILD ass'd w/CT disorders
What are signs of ILD? x3
i)rales at base ii)digital clubbing iii)signs of pulm HTN and cyanosis
What diagnostic modalities are there for ILD? x4
i)CT is best image ii)CXR: diffuse honeycomb iii)PFTs: restrictive pattern, but all lung vol decr (FEV1 less so). iv)Tissue BX: need for ILD, done w/bronchoscopy
What is sarcoidosis?
multiorgan systems affected by noncaseating granulomas, lungs usually involved. PX is good
What are symptoms of sarcoid for each system involved?
What are systems involved (x5) and what is cause of death of sarcoid?
i)constitutional sxs: malaise, fever, wt loss. ii)lungs: dry cough, dyspnea. iii)skin: erythema nodosum iv)eyes: ant uveitis v)heart: arrhythmia or sudden death vi)arthralgias
What is the typical presentation of sarcoid?
i)young ii)constitutional sxs iii)resp complaints iv)erythema nodosum v)blurred vision vi)bilat hilar adenopathy
How to dx for sarcoid? x4
Definitive dx: transbronchial BX: noncaseating granulomas. i)CXR: *bilat hilar lymphadenopathy ii)ACE is elevated iii)hypercalciuria/calcemia iv)Decr FEV1/FVC; decr lung vol; decr DLCO
How to treat sarcoid?
i)most resolve on own ii)steroids if pt w/severe eye dz, heart block, serious lung dz iii)MTX if steroids refractory
What is histiocytosis X? What is ass'n? What are findings x4?
i)chronic interstitial pneumonia caused by abnl prolif of histiocytes ii)smoking iii)a)dyspnea, b)nonprod cough, c)spon pneumothorax, d)DI
What is Wegener's charaterized by? Where does it affect x3? What are manifestations x3? How to DX x2? how to treat?
i)necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis ii)vessels of lung, kidney, upper airway iii)a)upper/lower RTI; b)glomneph; c)pulm nodules. iv)tissue BX. C-ANCA. v)steroids and immunosuppressants
What is Churg Strauss Syndrome? how does it present x3? What are its ass'n for DX? How to treat?
i)vasculitis w/asthma ii)a)pulm infiltrates b)rash c)eosinophilia. iii)a)blood eosinophilia b)P-Anca iv)steroids
What are the diff in asbestosis and silicosis for CXR findings? For location?
i)asbestos: diffuse fibrosis, pleural plaques in lower lobe ii)Silicosis: local and nodular fibrosis, eggshell calcifications in upper lobe.
What are you at increased risks for in asbestosis (x2) and silicosis? (x1)
i)asbestos: malignant mesothelioma (bloody effusion) and bronchogenic CA. ii)silicosis: risk of TB
What is hypersensitivity pneumonitis? What is hallmark finding? What does the acute form present as and what is treatment?
i)inhaled antigenic agent->immune mediated pneumonitis->chronicity=restrictive lung dz. ii)IgG and IgA to inhaled Ag (can have Ig w/o dz tho) iii)flu like feature w/pulm infiltrates on CXR. iv)removal and steroids
What is goodpastures due to and what does it lead to? How does it present? How does it get DXd? How to treat?
i)autoimmune IgG to glom and alveolar BM (T2HS). ii)hemorrhagic pneumonitis and glomnephritis iii)present w/hemoptysis and dyspnea iv)anti-GBM Igs v)plasmapheresis, cyclophos, steroid
how does IPF present and what is px? Who is it common in?
i)gradual onset of progressive dyspnea, nonprod cough. ii)very bad iii)men and smokers
how to DX IPF? How does CXR look? What is treatment?
i)need lung BX, r/o other causes. ii)honeycombed or ground glass on CXR iii)none, but O2, steroids, or lung xplant
What is COP? How to treat?
i)inflamm lung dz w/similar clinical and radiographic features to infectious pneumonia. ii)resistant to Abx but treat w/steroids. iii)ass'd w/virus, meds, CT dz
what vaccinations do you give for COPD for flu A (x2 weeks)? x2 For flu A and B? What if vaccination won't work for the strain?
i)amantadine+influenza ii)influenza + oseltamivir(x2 weeks) iii)use oseltamivir for as long as flu is in community
what nonpharm intervention prolongs life of chronic airflow obstruction?
smoking cessation and lung vol reduction sx
what do you do for COPD in absence of hypoxemia or cor pulmonale?
pulm rehab, not O2. it helps dyspneic pts who have reduced exercise tolerance despite pharm. No improvement in pulm fcn, oxygenation, or survival
What are signs of cor pulm?
i)loud P2, ii)paradoxical S2 split iii)EKG changes