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11 Cards in this Set

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Stresses the learning of concepts, theories, principles and content through discovery rather than rote memorization

Discovery approach

who stated "Stresses the learning of concepts, theories, principles and content through discovery rather than rote memorization"


its main emphasis is on the teacher not telling the students the principle or generalization or rule which they are supposed to learn

Discovery approach

who stated "its main emphasis is on the teacher not telling the students the principle or generalization or rule which they are supposed to learn"


It allows the student to become "active" in the learning process

discovery approach

discovery approach allows student to become ------ in the learning process


the student must engage in doing manipulating materials and interpreting result thus he discover something

Discovery approach

who stated "the student must engage in doing manipulating materials and interpreting result thus he discover something"


the student goes beyond the information given to new insights and generalization

discovery approach

who stated "the student goes beyond the information given to new insights and generalization"


•Pertains to cog utive aspect of learning

•sufficient background and structure of the situation should be provided to enable the students to find the path to the concept of problem-solution

•calls for the active student involvement

•student centered self directed learning

Natures of discovery approach