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15 Cards in this Set

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How is psychology seen in the 17th -19th century

Psychology is a part of philosophy. Referred to experimental philosophy sometimes


What happened in 1879

Wilhelm Wundt opened 1st experimental psychology lab in Germany + psychology emerges as a discipline

Wilhelm Wundt

What happened between 1800-1900

Psychodynamic approach established. Sigmund Freud published "the interpretation of dreams" - emphasising influence of unconscious mind on behaviour. Psychoanalysis therapy introduced

Psychodynamic approach

What happened in the 1920s

Behaviourist approach established by Skinner, following John Watson's book "psychology" (behaviourist view)

What happened in the 1950s

Humanistic approach (third force) established by Rogers and Maslow. Rejected ideas of behaviourist and psychodynamic, focussing on individual experience and importantance of self determination

What happened in the 1960s

Introduction of computer with cognitive approach- use computer as metaphor for human mind, studying internal mental processes in scientific way

What happened in 1980s

Biological approach - dominant scientific approach in psychology ( understanding brain in biological processes)

What happened in the 21st century

Cognitive neuroscience emerges - bringing together cognitive and biological approaches. Builds on computer models and investigates how biological structures influence mental states

What is science?

The approach to studying the universe / natural world through methods of observation and experimentation

What are the 5 key features for a subject to be regarded as science

Control, objectivity, predictability, falsifiability, replication

Really Fluffy Cats Often Purr

Explanation for control

Tests involve holding variables constant in order to establish cause and effect

Explanation for objectivity

Researchers are unbiased and not influenced by their personal feelings and experiences

Explanation for predictability

The aim is to be able to predict future behaviour from research findings

Explanation for falsifiability

Hypothesis based on theory are tested to see if they are true/false. Findings that contradict hypothesis are used to develope new theories

Explanation for replication

Finding should be repeated when tested on different occasions