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31 Cards in this Set

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Development through the lifespan
-trust vs mistrust(0-18m)
-autonomy vs. shame an doubt(18m-3yrs)
-initiative vs guilt(3-5)
-industry vs inferiority(6-12)
-identitiy vs identity deffusion)
-intamcy vs isolation(18-30yrs)
-generativity vs stagnation (30-65)
integrity vs despair(65+)
Mental retardation
-IQ of 70 or below
-impaired ability to function adaptively
-onset before 18
-not the same as menal illness
-but can co exist with it
=every child is different
Pervasive developmenal diorders
-coded on axis2
-impaired social interaction and communication
-occurs before age 3
-bizaare behavior
-left hemisphere losses
Aspergers Syndrome
-generalized, impaired restricted social ability
COnduct disorder
-< O2 i the fronal cortex when trying to focus-aggresive,estructive acts
Oppositianl defiant disorder
-pattern of negative, hostile behavior- not highly destructive acts
rumination disorder
-regurge and re chewing
feeding disorder
-persisant failure to eat enough
-exasterbated by stress
-minimized when pt is absorbed in something
Tourettes tx
-behavioral therepy
-self esteem-anxiety reduction
communication disorders
-expressive language disorder
-mixed receptive/expressive language
-phonological disorder
elimination disorder
-may be voluntary or intentiional
reactive attachement disorder
- failure in parental connection
stereotypical movement disorder
-non functional repeitive motor behavior
selective mutism
-selecive ability to speak. Interferes with ability to learn and function
-schizo can occur as youg as 5-8 yrs
-watch for adult s/s as well as severe anxiety, odd ways of speack, absense of freiends
-much caution with anti pshycotics
-secondary (exogenous)
-major symptoms:anhedonia, apathy, anger
-much cauuin with meds
-3rd leading cause of death fo adolecnets
-change in personal habits
-change in school behavior or perfomace
-behavioral changes
adjustment disorder
-stronger, longer lasting greif reaction
-emotional response to a stressor
Nursing interventios
-keep pts informed
-developmental needs
-refusal to maintain body weight over a minimum normal weight for age and height
-intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat even though under weight
-disturbance in the way ones body weight shape or sixe is experienced
-in females; absense of at least 3 consecutive menstraul cycle
-either restricitive or bing eating/purgining type
anorexia symptoms
-low nergey
-hunger/ful confusion
-dry skin
-pitting edema
Biologcal theories
-hypothalmus(regulates eating/sexual function)
-serotonin and neuroephinephrine (decreased in anorexia
-neuro hormones related to stress
Psychodynamic theories
-freud: appetite = labido
-fear of losing cotrol
-phobia of weigt
-fear of growing up
-secondary gain;dependency needs met
nursing intervention
-aimed at increasing self esteem
-increasing weight to at least 90%
-helping the pt re establish appropriate eating behavior
-recurrent epsodes of binge eating
-a feeling of lack of control over eating behavior
-aimed at preventing weight gain,such as making self vomit, using laxitives or diuretics, fasting
-persistant over concern with body shape and weight
-either purging or non purging type
-ther person considers the quanitiy of food to be excessive
-the eatingiis subjectively experienced as involuntar
biological theorires
-hypothalmic dysfunction
-carb craving d/ metabolic loop disturbance
-neurochemical changes of major depression
psychodynamic theory
-ambivilance vs worthiness
-rebellion against demands fo perfection-fear of intamcy
biopsychosocial theory
-social, cultural,, psychodynamic forces
-eating to reduce anxiety
-psychologucal and physiological cycling