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85 Cards in this Set

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Dependent variable

What you are testing for

Independent variable

what changes in your experiment


where neurons receive information

Axon - tail

carries info from cell body to other neurons, musc, or glands

Myelin shieth

fatty layer that covers axons, helps to speed up the neural impulse

Action potential

the minimum threshold to cause a firidng of an electron, causing an electrical charge to travel down the neuron

Central nervous system

brain and spinal cord

Peripheral nervous system

nerves not in brain or spinal cord

Somatic Nervous System

The nervous system within conscious control

Autonomic nervous system

Nervous system outside of consious control - digestion, heart beat, automatic breathing

EEG electronenecphalogram

measures electrical activity of the brain this is possible because the neruons communicate electricity

Positron emission tomography PET

Shows where sugar is being used by the brain, thus showing active areas where energy is being consumed

Magnet Resonance Imaging



Sensory switchboard, receives information from sense organs, sendins information to higher areas of the brain


Controls balance, coordination, voluntary movements, emotions, sounds, and textures.

Limbic System

following members, which control emotions and memory, important for food and sex drive. Known as the "emotional" brain


Aggression, anger, fear


Body maintenance: hunger, sex drive, thirst, body temperature.

Center of brain

For most basic functions such as basic drives (food, hunger, sex respiration, heartbeat).

Very similar to less advanced animals such as reptiles and amphibians.

Cerebral Cortex

Thin, wrinkled outer layer of the brain. Higher order thinking.

Lobes of the brain

Frontal - Judgement, planning, new memories

Parietal (top&rear) -

Occipital (back) - vision

Temporal (side/near ears), hearing

Motor Cortex

Affects opposite side of the brain/applications for prosthetics

Sensory Cortex

In front parietal loves, human lips are very sensitive and have relatively large area in sensory cortex devoted to lips

Brain plasticity

Brain ability to heal or modify in response to trauma. This can be either physical or emotional

- Younger=greater plasticity


Creation of new brain cells, made in center of brain and exported elsewhere.

Right hemisphere of brain


Right hemisphere



human minds have distinct pattern similar to the patterns of matter/in the physical realm. This has to do with anatomy and physiology, and how body systems work.


Emotions, memories, and consciousness.

- much more abstract.


Study observable behavior, much of today's therapy is based on behaviorism. Theory of extinction, if not performed, then the behavior will go away.

- All behavior is learned

- Associated with B.F Skinner

Humanistic Psychology

People are inherently positive and have growth potential and environment can help that potential.

- Associated with Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow

Cognitive Psychology

Brain/human mind is formed from perception, thinking, memory, and language. Learning is structured.

Nature V Nurture Debate

What is more important: our genes or our experiences?

-Twin studies: sometimes, even raised in separate environments, children are surprisingly similar

-Are humans born "blank slates?"


How closely 2 factors are related/how closely they predict each other.

Correlation V Causation


Illusory Correlation

When we think that there is a relationship and there really is not. This involves biases.

Ways to use pychology

1) Basic research

2) Applied research - applying knowledge directly to benefit people's lives

3) Clinical psychologist - treat mental, emotional, and behavioral issues.

4) Psychiatrists medical doctors that prescribe drugs

Scientific Method

Way scientists test questions to obtain information


Testable prediction

Sympathetic Nervous System

"Fight or flight"

Too much time spent with active sympa nervous sys can be harmful to health: htn, GI issues, high bp

Biology of Gender

Humans have 46 chromosomes. X from father=female, Y from father=male


Most important male sex hormone.

Present in both sexes. Necessary for sex drive and male sex organs. Important for puberty

Crystalized intelligence

Accumulated knowledge

Vocab inc with age

Fluid Intelligence

Ability to reason abstractly decreases slowly up to 75 yo, then more rapidly after that.


Hole through which light enters


Colored muscle that adjusts how much light can enter the pupil


Focuses light onto the back of the eye, where the retina is


Back layer of the eye. This is where the eye's sensory cells are


Changing the shape of the lens to help correct focus light on the retina. This occurs when the object's distance from the observer changes.

Retinal Rods and Cones

Rods and cones are sensory receptors of the eye. Cones are for colored vision, rods are for dim light/black and white vision.

Optic Nerve

Formed by the axon of the ganglion cells and carries info to the brain. A blind spot is formed by the optic nerve, yet our brain fills this blind spot so that we are not overtly aware of it.


Cluster of cones and the central area of focus

Stages of Sleep

Alpha waves - awake but relaxed state/in bed but not asleep. Sleep is measured by slow breathing, irregular brain waves.

Stage 1 - Sleep is associated with hallucinations/out of body experiences

Stage 2 - more relaxed

Stage 4 Deep sleep/delta waves. Hard to wake people in stage 3 and 4

REM Sleep

REM periods increase as night progresses

REM=Higher HR, rapid/irregular breathing, eye movements, genital arousal.

Need for REM sleep is biological. REM rebound if one is deprived of REM sleep.

Sleep Disorders

Insomnia - persistent problem sleeping

-less sleep with age

-Sleeping pills and ETOH can exacerbate problem.


Overwhelming sleepiness, occur at unexpected times, genetic link

Sleep Apnea

Stopping breathing during sleep, often unaware of disorder due to being asleep, associated with obesity.

Night terrors

Mostly happen in children, not dreams (which occur in REM sleep). NT happen in stage 4 sleep

Fetal Conception

Fertilization begins when egg and sperm meet

Zygote - a fertilized egg

Embryo - A more developed zygote - 2wk-2mo

Fetus - More than 2 mo after fertilization to birth


Hearing, we hear only a narrow range of sounds, small range of frequencies


Produced form waves, air molecules hitting ear sensors


Frequency of wave determines pitch and volume

Middle ear

transmits vibrations from the eardrum to the 3 bones in the ear

Inner ear

Contains the cochlea (snail shaped tube) where the sensory cells are located. The axons of the auditory nerve begin at the cochlear cells.


Learned associations form habitual behaviors

Classical conditioning

Learning by association

Unconditioned stimulus: food

Unconditioned response: salivation

Conditioned (learned) response: salivate when bell is rung

Conditioned stimulus: Ring bell

Spacing effect

Tendency for distributed study to get long term understanding through mass study.

Retention curve

as rehearsal increases, relearning time decreases.

Serial position effect

Where/when an object appears affects its ability to be recalled. Our natural tendency to recall the first and last items of a series.

Immediate recall

ability to recall last items best

Later recall

Ability to recall first items best

Contextual clues

Best recall in the same setting in which the item was learned.

Mood congruent memory

Tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with one's current mood.


Mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solve problems and use knowledge to adapt to new situations.

Intelligence test

method to assess mental talents and comparing them to those of others. The scores are then quantified.

Spearman's General Intelligence (g)

basic intelligence predicts our abilities in academic areas

Savant syndrome

person with limited mental ability, yet has outstanding ability to perform a specific skill

Alfred Binet

Intelligence is not fixed/subjected to change.

Mental age

Age at which one is mentally equivalent, not one's actual, chronological age.

Stanford-Binet/Intelligence Quotient

Mental age/chronological age * 100

Average IQ is 100

Achievement tests

Assess what a person has learned

Aptitude tests

Designed to predict future performance.

Intelligence is correlation

High IQ as a child is correlated with high IQ as an adult

Intellectual disability

IQ score of 70 or lower

Down Syndrome

Genetic disorder, caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21