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109 Cards in this Set

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Everything had a soul; mental illness thought to be caused by evil spirits.
Removing a piece of the skull to allow the spirit to escape. Mental illness thought to be caused by evil spirits.
Thought mental illness was caused by a problem in the brain and not demons; gave meaning to mental conditions, mania, melancholia, dementia, hysteria
excited, lack of sleep
loss of cognitive functioning
physical disorder, pain and paralysis with no physical cause
Observed role of emotions in mental illness. Distinguished emotions from physical issues. Remedies meant to soothe the individual.
St. Marys: changed from a regular hospital to an asylum for the mentally ill, became known as "Bedlam" because of its horrible treatment of patients.
Moral Treatment
Work of two men named Pinel (made asylum more friendly) and Tuke (called patients guests, encouraged self-esteem, encouraged guests to work) to reform mental asylums and make them treat patients better and be shown kindness
Benjamin Rush
Had a son with schizophrenia, required that all mental hospital nurses be educated and treat patients with dignity. Wrote the first book on psychiatry.
Dorothea Dix - Mental Hospital Reform
Volunteered in an asylum for the mentally ill that had poor conditions. Campaigned to end bad treatment and established 32 mental hospitals.
Clifford Beers
"The Mind that Found Itself" Was put into a straight jacket, later published an autobiography about the unfair treatment / what it was like to wear a straight jacket. Began working on the National Committee For Better Hygiene.
Somatogenic perspective
Mental illness can have a biological / physical cause; general paresis from syphilis.
Psychogenic Perspective
Mental illness comes from the mind. Using hypnosis can cure mental disease.
F. Mesmer / mesmerism
Thought there was a blockage of magnetism, used iron fillings in a tub / metal rod to "mesmerize" the patient (later called hypnosis)
4 yrs medial, 3 yrs psychiatry, can give out prescriptions for meds
Clinical Psychologist
Cannot write prescriptions, give therapy
Learn the methods of Freud, Jung, Aeller to explain and treat mental illnesses
Case Study
Clinical data observations, psychological tests, look at records. Advantages: natural, generate hypothesis, document rare problems, develop new therapies. Disadvantages: lack of repeatability, hard to get all the information (patient could lie to you)
Correlational Research
Examines the relationship between 2 factors to determine their association. Correlation does not mean causation.
Correlational Coefficient
Degree of relationship between 2 variable. Positive: direct relationship, high GPA in high school high GPA in college. Negative: inverse relationship, how many days a student missed class and how well they do on exams
Experimental Research
Allows researcher to detect cause and effect. Changes in one variable (x - independent, researcher can vary) changes the other variable (y - dependent, changed because of the independent)
A cluster of symptoms that go together
Name / label of the disorder
History of the person, cause
Future / outcome odds (if you have schizophrenia you have a 25% chance of becoming well)
Drugs, therapy
Parenting classes
Autonomic Nervous System
Two parts- Sympathetic: fight / flight response, heart beats faster leads to adrenal glands and cortisol Parasympathetic: brings you back to a steady stage to keep you even
Nerve cell
long fiber
receiver of information. Synapse sends messages to the neuron
Too little = Parkinsons too much = schizophrenia
Mood; too little = depressed
inhibitory neurotransmitter; too little = anxiety disorder
stimulates activity
Family Tree
Someone has an illness, study all of blood relatives to see if other family members are carriers of the disease. Index case is the first person to have the disease (that you're tracking down from)
Twin Studies
Start with the one who has the disorder then follow the twin. Monozygotic = identical, dizygotic = fraternal. Usually monozygotic twins have a higher likelihood of both having the disorder (percentage expressed in a rate of concordance)
Psychotropic drugs
Antipsychotic, antibipolar, antidepressant, antianxiety
Anti-anxiety drugs: propanediols, benzodiazepines
propanediols: make you feel calm, benzodiazepines: leave regular behaviors intact ...Valium & Xanax
Anti-depressant drugs
tricyclics: eleval, increase concentration MAO inhibitors:can't eat certain foods with them, Nandil SSRI's: keeps reintake of serotonin from happening
Antibipolar drugs
Lithium carbonate used but can be harsh on kidneys / gastro system.
Antipsychotic drugs
To be used with schizophrenia, alleviate hallucinations and delusions. Troublesome side effects. ...Clozapine & Thorazine are types of Tardive dyskinesia (drug)
Electroconvulsive therapy
Only used for severe depression, memory sometimes doesn't come back
first person to do the operation was Monez, For severe depression, anxiety, OCD. Done through the eyes, small part of brain taken out.
Freud's conscious, preconscious, unconscious models
Conscious - everything you're aware of at a given moment. Preconscious - thoughts and memories that can be obtained from memory. Unconscious - powerful drives outside of consciousness
Power at birth and its source of psychic energy. Primitive, impulsive, unorganized, irrational, INSTINCTS
Pleasure Principle
Tension suppressed by a reflex action, WHAT YOU WANT IMMEDIATELY
Ego, Reality Principle
Ego has contact with reality, delays gratification of the id’s desires until it is appropriates. Reality principle gratifies the id’s desire but does it only when it is appropriate and will not harm the person. Secondary process thinking = knowing the difference between reality and fantasy
Social and moral values, social controls. (pride & guilt, rewards & punishment)
Reality anxiety
things you should be anxious about
Neurotic anxiety
worrying for no reason
Moral anxiety
Defense mechanism: ego controls id impulses. Excludes impulses / thoughts from the unconscious.
Defense mechanism: Fails to acknowledge unacceptable thoughts, feelings, actions. Refuses to face them, can sometimes help but is mostly bad.
Defense mechanism: Explains bad behavior to make it acceptable
Reaction formation
Defense mechanism: Exactly opposite of true feelings, hypocrisy.
Psychosexual development, 3 stages
Oral stage: 0-18 mos. mouth, lips, hunger, gratification, chewing feel. Anal stage: 18 mos - 3 yrs. expulsion then retention of feces, toilet training important for personality development. Phallic stage: 4-5 yrs, genital area, child often feels lust toward parent of opposite sex
Oedipus & castration
Oedipus = boy, boy is afraid his father will cut off his penis so he takes on father's behaviors
electra complex, penis envy
electra = girl, girl discovers she doesn't have penis and wants one. Hostile towards mother because of a desire towards the father
Free association
Saying whatever comes to mind to help patient realize conflicts and solve anxiety problems.
Dream analysis
Repressive defenses are lowered when sleeping. Sometimes expressed in symbolic form. Manifest: story-line, what you remember. Latent: motives are disguised, therapist interprets manifest content.
Unwillingness to talk about certain thoughts / experiences. Therapist helps find source of resistance.
Unwilling or inability to talk about certain problems
Unconditioned stimulus / unconditioned response
Tone --> food (unconditioned stimulus) --> salvation (unconditioned response)
Conditioned stimulus / conditioned response
tone (conditioned stimulus) --> food / salivation (conditioned response). Learning to salivate after the tone is heard is a conditioned response.
Stimulus generalization
response occurs to similar stimuli
Stimulus discrimination
being able to differentiate one from another. (red = stop, green = go)
Watson's experiment with LIttle Albert
Albert had normal hearing, Watson gave baby a white rat to play with and then made a loud noise, baby associated white rat with scary noise and then associated other white things as being scary.
Positive and Negative Reinforcement
Positive brings something desirable, negative removes something undesirable.
Behavior decreases in occurrence
Bandura modeling
A major part of human learning is observational learning. Bandura was concerned with how violence on TV would affect children.
Place patient in real life situation (fear of spiders, get spider, put it on patient’s arm), until the fear response does not occur.
Systematic Desensitization - Wolpe
You can’t be relaxed and anxious at the same time. He wanted to teach relaxation (systematic relaxation), patient goes through relaxation methods and then therapist shows patient scary images (spider) and hopefully the patient is so relaxed that they ignore and get over fear. Has had excellent results.
First the therapist handles spider, then the patient handles the spider
Albert Ellis
Rational emotive therapy. Restructure patients relief system, therapist helps rid patient of “should, must” (patient thinks they have to call parents frequently or they won’t love you).
Aaron Beck
Developed cognitive therapy. Works to help people recognize and change their faulty thinking.
Carl Rogers
Client-centered therapy, as the client you are responsible for your on treatment. The therapist is there to help you through a problem, support
Existential model
1. Existence is what we make of it
2. Existence is created by choices
3. Find satisfying values
4. You should be concerned about not doing anything
client-centered therapy - Rogers
Therapist doesn't impose a goal on the client, the object is to accept themselves
Unconditional positive regard - Roger
Therapist accepts patient regardless of what they say or do
Gestalt therapy, Fritz Perls
People have a basic goodness, problems originate from frustrations and fears to accept natural goodness. Concentration on the "here and now" and not delving into the past
existential therapy
Not a specific set of therapeutic techniques, you have free will and the freedom to choose an authentic life.
Societal labels
Labels can influence abnormal behavior
David Rosenham 1973, Being Sane in Insane Places
Volunteers went to hospitals and said they were hearing voices, were then diagnosed with schizophrenia but dropped all symptoms when they were admitted to the hospital.
electrodes on sides of brain, electrodes send a current through the brain to get a good picture.
CAT scan
computerized picture of brain
PET scan
radioactive material on brain to see increased activity
MRI scan
Use magnets for a clear picture of brain
complaints and signs
Complaints are symptoms the person reveals directly. Signs are things the therapist observes without the person speaking to them.
Axis I
all mental disorders except 2 on the Axis II
Axis II
Mental retardation and personality disorders
Axis III
General medical conditions
Axis IV
Psychosocial and environmental problems
Axis V
from 1-100 how much you can handle your symptoms
person is afraid to be in places or situations that seem hard to escape, bridges.
Psychodynamic View of Anxieties
Symptoms represent egos fears and impulses that were repressed but are now filtered into consciousness.
Little Hans
Boy afraid to leave house because he thought horses would fall down and bite him. Scared that father would destroy his "widdler", displaced wish that father was dead on horses, pretended to bite his father and the fear disapeared. Freud interpreted Hans' fear as epidemis complex and castration fears.
Panic disorder (without agoraphobia)
Intense anxiety that rises to a peak, reoccurring attacks means you have the disorder.
Panic disorder symptoms
Severe heart palpitations, shortness of breath, psycho sensory symptoms, distortion of light and sound, loss of self identity.
Panic disorder w/ agoraphobia
Repeated attacks of extreme anxiety or fear of being places where escape would be difficult. Can differ in severity. Related to norepinephrin NT.
Orbital gyrus (OCD)
Abnormal brain activity, supposed to filter out interfering stimuli.
Serotonin (OCD)
Patients have a lower than normal count.
Caudate Nucleus of the Basal Ganglia (OCD)
May be unable to properly regulate the transmission of information regarding worrying events or ideas between the thalamus and the orbitofrontal cortex.
Psychophysical disorder
A physical illness (asthma, headache, ulcer) where development has been influenced by mental problems.
Rational Emotive Therapy
Albert Ellis - get rid of "shoulds" "coulds" "woulds" in their mental state
Stress ruins immune system and makes you sick
Role of Hostility
Men are outward about feelings, women are inward with feelings.