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48 Cards in this Set

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Tuning out certain stimuli


When the tuned out stimulus is removed then repplied and you react to it again


Opposite of habituation

Increase in responsiveness of a stimuli

Associative learning

Learning in which one event object or action is directly connected with another

What is classical conditioning and who discovered it?

Pavlov dog trainign


Process of learning the conditioned response


Conditioned response is lost and unconditioned stimuli is no longer paired with it

Spontaneous recovery

An extinct response occurs again when the conditioned stimulus is presented after some period of time


Other stimuli other than the conditioned stimulus elicit the conditioned response


When the conditioned stimulus is differentiated from the other stimuli

What is operant conditioning and who discovered it?

Learning that uses punishment and reinforcement BF Skinner


Anything that will increase the liklihood that a preceeding behavior will be repeated

Positive reinforcement

Positive stimulus that occurs immediately following a behavior ex. Food pellet

Negative reinforcement

A negative stimulus that is removed immediately following the behavior ex. Shock removed

Fixed ratio schedule

The reinforcement is given after a set number of instances of the behavior

Ex. After every 10 times push button rat gets a treat

Variable ratio schedule

Randomly get reinforcement keep doing behavior in hopes of getting a reward

Fixed interval schedule

The behavior is reinforced at a certain time

Ex. Boss comes at top of every hour so worker works the most then

Variable interval schedule

Provides reinforcement after an inconsistent amount of time

Ex. Worker works hard all day but slow because dont know when boss will come in


Process by which a behavior is followed by a decrease in the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated

Positive punishment

Pairs negative stimulus with behavior

Negative punishment

Removal of reinforcing stimulus

Ex. Break the window lose tv privaleges


Individual learns how to get away with something by having a certain behavior


When an individual performs a behavior to ensure a stimulus is not presented

Insight learning

When previously learned behaviors are suddenly combined in unique ways

Latent learning

Something that is learned but npt expressed until its required

Ex. Learning how to get home then one day need to walk home

Observational learning

Learning through watching others


An observer sees the behavior being done then imitates it

Cognitive routes of persuasions

Central- persuaded by content

Peripheral- focused on superficial characteristics


Transferring info into our memory

Serial position effect

Remember first and last things

Dual coding hypothesis

Remember word + image helps remember better

Self reference effect

Remember things that are personally relevant

Iconic memory

Photographic memory for visual info

Echoic memory

Memory of sound

Implicit/ procedural memory

Knowledge of how to do something

Explicit/ declarative memory

Being able to declare or voice what is known

Cannot actually perform can only talk about it

Semantic memory

Factual info

Episodic memory

Autobiographical memories for info of personal importance

Free recall

Retrieving the item out of thin air

Cued recall

Retrieving info when provided with a cue


Involves identifying specific information from a set of info that is presented


Process of learning material that was already learned

Prospective memory

Remembering to do things in the future

Damage to hippocampus leads to

Anterograde amnesia

Inability to code new memories

Retrograde amnesia

Inability to recall information that was previously recorded

Proactive interference

When info that was previously learned interferes with the ability to recall info learned later

Retroactive interference

When newly learned info interferes with the recall of info learned previously

Positive transfer

Old information facilitates the learning of new information

Misinformation effect

Tendency to misremember