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12 Cards in this Set

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What are three General types of interviews that clinical psychologists conduct?

Clinical assessment (idiographic)

Diagnostic interview

Therapeutic interview (therapy)

What are three types of Clinical Assessments?

Clinical interview

Clinical test

Clinical observation

What is a Clinical Interview?

Face-to-face meeting to collect patient / client info

Un, semi, or fully structure

What are Clinical Tests?

Rule out medical and physical factors that may cause psychological symptoms

Collect info of psychological functioning

What are Clinical Observations?

Formal or informal observations of Target behaviours

By clinician, patient, or both

What is a Classification System?

List of categories, disorders, and symptoms

With guidelines for making diagnosis

E.g. DSM-5 (2013)

What are 3 advantages of the Classification System?


Statistical records

Treatment and prevention

What are disadvantages of the Classification System?


Doesn't differentiate between causes

What is a DSM-5?

Based on medical model

Uses syndrome and threshold model

Combines categorical and dimensional approaches

What is the Syndrome and Threshold Model?

S: specific pattern of essential syndromes

T: essential symptoms exist with specified additional symptoms

What is the Categorical Approach of the DSM-5?

Diagnostic class are homogeneous

Clear boundaries between diagnostic class

Diff categories are mutually exclusive

What is the Dimensional Approach of the DSM-5?

Measuring cognitive, emotional, and behavioral symptoms

On scales of severity and dysfunctionality