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54 Cards in this Set

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Token economies

Modify behaviour, positive reinforcement

Empirically supported

Effectiveness demonstrated by independent studies

Humanistic approach

Allows self exploration


SSRI antidepressants more effective, milder side effects

Labotomy & cingulotomy

Types of psychosurgery

Counter-conditioning & stimulus hierarchies

Control for systematic desensitisation


Able to reflect & discuss thoughts & feelings, generalise what is learned


mental age ÷ chronological age × 100

First stratum (Carol's 3 stratum model)

Nearly 70 specific abilities

Validity & content validity

The test measures what it intends; measures everything it's supposed to

Aptitude tests

Measure potential for learning & performance

IQ differences explained by inspection time

~ 1/4

Julian Rotter

Expectancy, reinforcement value, locus of control

Locus of control

Internal: believe they have influence. External: blames outside forces.

Structured interviews

Same set of questions

ID governed by

Pleasure principle

Conditions of worth creates

Incongruence between experiences & need to distort experiences

Freud's personality structures

Id, ego, superego

Self verification construct

Remember congruent better than incongruent feedback

Reliance on factor analysis

Not a limitation of trait approach

Reciprocal determinism

When disagreeableness reinforces itself

Alfred Adler: people motivated by

Desire to overcome shortcomings


Increase cost after commitment

Foot in door

Small request before larger one

Door in face

Large request before smaller one

Norm of reciprocity

Respond well to good treatment

Conformity increases

Only to group of 4-5

Out group homogeneity bias

Out group members are similar

Social facilitation

Confirm incorrect expectations by bringing out expected behaviours

Attitudes predict behaviour

When aware & strongly held

Social loafing

Exert less effort in a group

Out group derogation

Attribute negative qualities

Personal attribution likely when

Constancy high, low distinctiveness & consensus

Social identity theory

Self concept derived from group membership

Critical reflexivity

Examining views that influence professional behaviour

Cultural encapsulation

Working with clients from ethnocentric protective, not considering cultural understanding


Groups with things in common

Multicultural approach (diversity)

Different aspirations & rights respected

NHMRC core element of respect

Right to different beliefs, regard for welfare & heritage


Innermost core, pleasure principle


Primarily conscious, reality principle


Morals & traditional values, from identification with others and operant conditioning

Lexical approach

Traits defined by words & concepts used everyday

Eysenck's supertraits

Comparable to extraversion & neuroticism. Postulates possible biological basis.

Measuring locus-of-control

Internal-external scale

Collective unconscious construct

Carl Jung: analytic psychology

Alfred Adler

Motivation: overcoming shortcomings


five factor model: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

Cognitive affect personality system

Inconsistency because different situations trigger different responses

Cultural constructions

Influence interpretation of results

NHMRC reciprocity

Respect participant's values

Etic & emic

Differences across cultures & focus on one culture


Disconnect from original & host culture

Collaborative yarning

Sharing information about ideas