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44 Cards in this Set

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The persistence of learning over time through the processes of encoding, storage, and retrieval of information


A measure of memory whereby a person must retrieve information learned earlier (like a fill-in-the-blank question)


The ability to identify items that have been previously learned (like in a multiple-chocie question)


A measure of memory that assesses the time saved when learning material for a second time

Measures of Retention

Measurement of memory retention are usually measured using recall, recognition, and relearning


The processing of information into memory


The process of retaining encoded information over time


The process of bringing information to the forefront of the mind from storage

Sensory Memory

The immediate, very brief recording of sensory info in the memory system

Short-term Memory

Activated memory that holds a few items briefly before the information is stored or forgotten

Long-term Memory

The relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system, and includes knowledge, skills, and experiences

Working Memory

An understanding of memory that focuses on conscious processing of auditory and visual-spatial info, and of info retrieved from long-term memory

Explicit Memory

Memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and actively 'declare' (a.k.a declarative memory)

Effortful Processing

Encoding that requires conscious effort and attention

Automatic Processing

Unconscious encoding of incidental info, such as space, time, and frequency, and of well-learned information

Implicit Memory

Retention of learned skills or associations independent of conscious recollection (a.k.a non-declarative memory)

Alan Baddeley Model of Working Memory

Auditory and visual-spatial information enters the 'central executive' (focus of attention and consciousness), where it is supplemented by stored long-term memory

Atkinson-Shiffrin Processing Model

The memory-forming process formed of three steps: sensory memory, which forms short-term memory, which may then be stored as long-term memory. This has recently be updated by adding working memory and automatic processing.

Iconic Memory

A momentary sensory memory of visual stimuli lasting no more than 0.1 seconds

Echoic Memory

A momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli, usually lasting about 3-4 seconds


Organizing items into familiar, manageable units


Memory aids, often using vivid imagery and/or organizational devices

Spacing Effect

The tendency for distributed practice to yield better long-term retention than through massed practice

Testing Effect

Enhanced memory after retrieving rather than simply rereading information. Also referred to as retrieval practice effect or test-enhanced learning

Shallow Processing

Encoding on a basic level based on the appearance of words

Deep Processing

Encoding semantically, based on the meaning of words; tends to yield the best retention


A neural center located in the limbic system which helps process explicit memories for storage

Memory Consolidation

The neural storage of a long-term memory

Flashbulb Memory

A clear memory of an emotionally significant event

Long-term Potentiation

An increase in a cell's firing potential after brief, rapid stimulation. This is thought to be the neural basis for learning and memory

Encoding Specificity Principle

The idea that cues and contexts specific to a particular memory will be most effective in helping us to recall that memory

Mood-congruent Memory

The tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with one's current mood

Serial Position Effect

Our tendency to recall best the first and last items in a list

Anterograde Amnesia

The inability to form new memories

Retrograde Amnesia

The inability to retrieve information from one's past

Proactive Interference

The forward-acting disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new info

Retroactive Interference

The backward-acting disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old info


The basic defense mechanism that banishes anxiety-causing thoughts, feelings, and memories from consciousness


A process in which previously stored memories are potentially altered before being stored again

Three Ways to Forget Something

1. Encoding failure

2. Storage decay

3. Retrieval failure

Misinformation Effect

When misleading information corrupts one's recall of an event or information

Source Amnesia

Attributing to the wrong source an event we have experienced or heard of. Source amnesia is at the heart of many false memories

Déja Vu

Cues from current situation that may unconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience

Improving Memory

Methods include:

1. Repeated rehearsal

2. Making the material meaningful

3. Activation of retrieval cues

4. Using mnemonic devices

5. Minimizing interference

6. Sleeping more

7. Testing knowledge