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20 Cards in this Set

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a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience
classical conditioning
a type of learning where a stimulus gains the power to cause a response because it predicts another stimulus that already produces a response
anything in the environment that one can respond to
any behavior or action
the view that psychology should restrict its efforts to studiying observable behaviors not mental processes
John Watson
founder of behaviorism the view that psychology should restrict its efforts to studying observable behaviors not mental processes
mental processes all the mental activities asscociated with thinking knowing and remembering
unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
in classical conditioning a stimulus that triggers a response automatically and reflexively
unconditioned response(UCR)
in classical conditioning the automatic response to the unconditoned stimulus
conditional stimulus (CS)
in classical conditioning a previously neutral stimulus that through learning has gained the power to cause a conditioned response
condition response (CR)
in classical conditioning the responseto the conditioned stimulus
in classical conditioning the process of developing a learned response
in classical conditioning the diminishing of learned response when a UCS does not follow a CS
spontaneous recovery
reapperarance after a rest period of an extinguished conditined response
Ivan Pavlov
learning theorist famous for the discovery of classical conditioning
a process in which an organism produces different responses to 2 similiar stimuli
a process in which an orgainism produces different responses to 2 similar stimuli
Rosali Rayner
graduate student of John Watson and co researcher for the Little Albert demonstration of classically conditioned emotion
John Garcia
identified the phenomenon of taste aversion which established that classical conditoning was influenced by biological predispostions
Robert Rescorla
developed a new theory that emphasized the importance of cognitive processes in classical conditioning