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16 Cards in this Set

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5 Cost Allocation Methods

1. Equal Share of Indirect Expenses

2. Percentage of Budget

3. Time Budget Study

4. Cost Tracking System

5. Space or Measurement Studies

1. Equal Share of Indirect Expenses (Cost Allocation)

Each functional line unit receives an equal share of indirect expenses

2. Percentage of Budget (Cost Allocation)

Each line unit is assigned a percentage of indirect costs that equals its percentage of the overall budget figure

3. Time Budget study (Cost Allocation)

Allocate (distribute) according to time spent on various tasks; How do we spend our time?

4. Cost Tracking System (Cost Allocation)

Actual use of the item by cost objective is tracked & charged back to the unit using it

5. Space or Measurement Studies (Cost Allocation)

one can determine the appropriate proportion of cost to allocate to a specific cost objective by measuring the relative proportion of overall cost

Direct Cost

can be traced to a cost objective. ex: materials, labor, & expenses related to the production of a product.

Indirect cost

Agency incurs these regardless of program operation; Not directly traced to a cost objective. Ex: administration, personnel, & security costs.. employee salaries

Evaluation Purposes (Define)

1. Program Development - with the data gathered in an evaluation, in programmer can help improve and refine programs by determining what works, what does not work and why things work the way they do

2. Organizational Management - helps the programmer make informed decisions about how to modify programs, what services to drop, and which to continue

3. Accountability - establish accountability by documenting program outputs and outcomes

9 steps of Importance Performance Evaluation (1-5)

1. Purpose - judge the worth of agency performance

2. Audience - supervisors/administrators

3. Process - program attributes (lit review, staff, focus groups)

4. Issues - patrons judgement about satisfaction

5. Evidence- collected data from patrons

9 steps of Importance Performance Evaluation (6-9)

6. Data Gathering - questionnaires, survey, focus groups; instruments use to gather data

7. Analysis - matrix analysis

8. Resources - costs

9. Reporting - interpret results

Program life cycle INTRODUCTION

Programmer introduces & launches new program

Program life cycle GROWTH

# of participants increases most rapidly

Program life cycle MATURATION

Program growth slows

Rate of participant increase slows

Program life cycle SATURATION

Growth slows

Patrons enrollment levels off

Program life cycle DECLINE

Falling enrollments