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26 Cards in this Set

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What is a Preliminary Ruling

national court makes a reference to the Court of Justice on a point of either the interpretation or the vaidity of EU law that is relevant to the case

what are the key concepts with a preliminary ruling procedure

uniform interpretation of EU law

separation of powers


what is the essential function of Art267 TFEU

to ensure that EU law is applied uniformly by national courts

what are the 2 types of preliminary references

reference on the interpretation

reference on the validity

(of EU law)

whats the difference between the 2 types of national courts that can refer for a preliminary ruling

some have the discretion to refer and some have the obligation to refer

what was the contents of the fourth paragraph added to Art267 TFEU by the Lisbon Treatu

an urgent preliminary ruling procedure

how do we know what constitutes a national court/tribunal

rich body of case law

why is the Syfait I case useful

provides a helpful summar of the main cumulative factors that determined what constitutes a national court/tribunal

Can the CJEU decide on the legality of national law


what question was asked in Foto-Frost v Hauptzollamt Lübeck-Ost

whether a national court could review the legality of an EU measure

which body is the only body that has authority to declare an EU act invalid?

Court of Justice

What was said in Inuit I

the burden is on the national legal systems to ensure that an avenue to make a preliminary reference to the Court of Justice is available under national law

what does Art267(2) TFEU say

any national court or tribunal may make a reference to the Court when a case is actively pending before it if it considers that a decision on a question of EU law is necessary to enable it to give judgment

what issue did the preliminary ruling procedure cause

caseload of the court increased dramatically

what solution was thought of to tackle the problem of an overloaded caseload

acte clair doctrine & prima facie

what are the 4 main categories where references to the CJEU are rejected

if theres no genuine dispute

referred q is irrelevant to the case

hypothetical scenarios

question isnt articulated properly

which case demonstrates where theres no genuine dispute

Foglia v Novello

what is eroded by these exceptions imposed by the CJEU

erosion of the principle of separation of functions

which case shows the q being referred is irrelevant to the case

Salonia v Poidomani and Giglio

which case shows the q submitted was a hypothetical one

Meilicke v ADV/ORGA FA Meyer AG

what are the two main exceptions to the duty to refer relevant questions (Art267(3) TFEU)

q referred is materially identical to a q thats already been submitted and decided on

acte clair: so obvious as to leave no scope for reasonable doubt

which case introduced the acte clair doctrine


what concerns are there about the acte clair doctrine

open to abuse. Difficult to monitor the safeguards in place

which two cases relax the CILFIT comditions for the application of the acte clair doctrine

X and Van Dijk

Ferreira da Silva e Brito

what kind of threat does the relaxation of the application of the acte clair doctrine pose

the uniform application of EU law by increasing the possibility that national courts of last resort might not make a reference when its necessary to do do

What does Da Costa say

a preliminary ruling on interpretation delivered by the Court of Justice is binding on the national referring court but other national courts and public authorities should treat the ruling as authoritative