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35 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 Transformations?
Translation, Rotation and Reflection
What is a Translation?
A slide without turning or flipping
What is a Rotation?
A turn about a center point
What is a Reflection?
Flipping an image over a reflecting line
What is a Tessellation?
Using congruent shapes over and over to cover a flat surface.
What polygons Tessellate?
Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Regular Hexagons and others
What polygons do NOT Tessellate?
Regular Pentagons and most shapes with 7 or more sides
What is Perpendicular?
Two lines that meet at a right (90 degree) angle
What is a right angle?
90 degrees
What is an acute angle?
less than 90 degrees
What is an obtuse angle?
More than 90 degrees
How many degrees make a straight line?
What is a linear pair?
Two angles right next to each other that form a straight line and add to 180 degrees.
What is supplementary?
ANY two angles that add up to 180 degrees.
What are vertical angles?
Two angles that are across from each other when you see an X. They are always congruent
What does congruent mean?
Exactly the same shape and size
What is n-fold rotational symmetry?
The number of times you can turn a shape and it looks exactly the same. To find the degree of rotation take 360 ÷ n.
What are exterior angles?
On the outside of the parallel lines
What are interior angles?
On the inside of the parallel lines
What are alternate interior angles?
On the inside and jump across the line. They are congruent.
What are alternate exterior angles?
They are outside of the parallel lines and jump across the lines. They are congruent.
What are Corresponding angles?
Angles in the same location that are congruent. Ex. above the parallel lines and to the left of the other line.
What is the symbol for parallel?
In a parallelogram what are the opposite sides?
Straight across and are congruent.
In a parallelogram, what are the opposite angles?
Straight across and are congruent.
In a parallelogram, what are consecutive angles?
The angles on the same side and they are supplementary.
How many symmetry lines does a parallelogram have?
What kind of rotation symmetry does a parallelogram have?
2-fold which is 180 degree
What is a rhombus?
a special parallelogram with all equal sides (looks like a diamond)
What is a rectangle?
a special parallelogram with all right angles
What is a square?
A special parallelogram with all equal sides and all right angles. It has 4 symmetry lines and 90 degree rotational symmetry.
How do you find distance on a number line?
subtract and make your answer positive
How do you find distance between two points (x,y) and (x,y)?
Take the square root of the
(x-distance)^2 + (y-distance)^2
What do all the angles in a triangle always add up to?
180 degrees
What do all the angles in a quadrilateral (four sides) add up to?
360 degrees