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11 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 steps of an habit?

1) Cue

2) routine

3) Reward

How many percent of what you do happens on autopilot?

About 40%

How do you change the habit?

By changing the routine and leaving the cue and reward intact

What is the most important habit to practice?


What are ways you can grow your willpower?

-Do something that requires a lot of discipline

-Plan ahead for worst case scenarios

-Preserve your autonomy (doing tasks assigned by someone else tires your willpower)

What is the 4th component of an habit?


When is an habit formed?

When a craving becomes anticipated

When is willpower facilitated?

When you're doing a personal choice

How do you nurture a new habit?

By sandwiching a nee habit between already existing routines

How do you plan an habit change?

1) Identify the routine

2) Experiment with rewards

3) Isolate the cue

What are the 5 categories a cue almost always falls in?



-Emotional state

-Other people

-An immediately preceding action