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135 Cards in this Set

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What are baby turkeys called?
what is a young female chicken?
What are two types of incubators?
Setters and hatchers
What do you vaccinate for while bird is in egg?
Mareks disease
What do you vaccinate for by spraying chicks?
Newcastle's and infectious bronchitis
What are blobs on turkey neck called?
What is duck preening gland?
What are bones in wings?
Humerus, carpometacarpus, phalanges
What are bones in legs?
Femur, tibiotarsus, tarsusmetatarsus, phalanges
What organ is just caudal to the liver?
Which stomach is the glandular one?
what is hard white lining of ventriculus called?
What is order of uterus parts?
Infundibulum to magnum to isthmus to shell gland to vagina
What are part of brain that stick out in bird brain?
Rostral caliculi, optic tectum
What is infectious bronchitis?
What are major signs of infectious bronchitis?
Misshapen eggs. Respiratory signs. Pale kidneys
What birds are effected by infectious bronchitis?
What causes infectious laryngotracheitis and amazon tracheitis?
What are major signs of infectious laryngotracheitis and amazon tracheitis?
Coughing up blood. Conjunctivitis.
Do you vaccinate when there is an outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis?
Yes bc it travels slowly through a flock
What causes hemorrhagic or diptheritic tracheitis?
herpes virus
If you see large cells with multiple nuclei, full of eosinophilic material on histopath, what does it mean?
Herpes viral inclusion bodies
What causes infectious sinusitis in turkeys?
mycoplasma gallisepticum
What causes chronic respiratory disease in chickens?
mycoplasma gallisepticum
Which birds get MG worse?
Turkeys! Don't mix with chickens!
How is MG transmitted?
Aerosols and transovarian (can dip egg in chlorhexidine to help stop transmission)
What causes turkey coryza?
bordetella avium
What do you have to grow on chocolate agar?
avibacterium and haemophilus
What causes infectious coryza?
avibacterium paragallinarium
What birds are effected by infectious coryza?
chickens, pheasants and guinea hens
WHat are signs of infectious coryza?
sinusitis, oculonasal discharge, rhinitis, conjunctivitis
What causes fowl cholera?
pasteurella multocida
What are signs of fowl cholera?
unexpected death, swollen wattles (caseous), swollen sinuses, joints, foot pads.
What will be internal signs of fowl cholera?
petechia, corn meal liver, fibrinous pleuropneumonia in turkeys. Air sacculitis, pericarditis, cloudy joint fluid
What look just like fowl cholera in turkeys?
Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale
What is new duck disease?
Riemerella anatipestifer
What are signs of new duck disease?
Fast death. Diarrhea, ataxia, head tremors.
What are internal signs of reimerella?
fibrinous polyserositis.
What are signs of orthomyxovirus? (high path)
facial edema, swollen, cyanotic comb and wattles. DIC- bleeding from vent
What are internal signs of orthomyxovirus?
Petechia in trachea, petechia on bumps in proventriculus.
What is newcastles?
What are the 3 forms of newcastles?
lentogenic, mesogenic, velogenic
What are 2 forms of velogenic newcastles?
viscerotropic or neurotropic
What is exotic newcastles?
What are signs of exotic newcastles?
respiratory signs, facial edema, GI hemorrhage, CNS signs
WHat are internal signs of newcastles?
hemorrhage throughout GI, petechia in esophagus, on gland bumps in proventriculus
What do you use to make vaccines for newcastles?
lentogenic strains
What is zoonotic form of newcastles?
Which bodies are infectious part of chlamydophilosis?
elementary bodies
What is parrot fever?
What are signs of chlamydophilosis?
biliverdinuria, conjunctivits, keratitis in cockatiels
What are internal signs of chlamydophilosis?
Do you culture for chlamydophilosis?
No, intracellular organism
What is the zoonotic form of chlamydophilosis?
upper respiratory disease,. pneumonia
What is brooder pneumonia?
What does aspergillus cause in baby turkeys?
neuro signs
What can lungs look like with aspergillosis?
What are transport hosts of gape worms?
earthworms, snails, slugs, insects
What do gapeworm eggs look like?
oval, double operculated
Name 3 upper respiratory pathogens
mycoplasma, bordetella, avibacterium
Name four lower respiratory pathogens
pasteurella, ornithobacterium, reimerella, chlamydophila
what cause asymmetrical lung fibrinonecrosis?
pasteurella and ornithobacterium
where do acervelina go?
where do praecox go?
where do maxima go?
jejunum, ileum
what does necatrix cause?
severe, deadly hemorrhage in jejunum, ileum
what does tenella cause?
hemorrhage and cecal cores
what does brunetti cause?
some hemorrhage of colon
what are coccidiostats?
sulfanamides, ionophores, amprolium
What does hexamita look like?
6 flagella
What birds get hexamita?
turkeys, gamebirds, ducks, pigeons (chickens are resistant)
Where do hexamita live?
intestinal crypts
What are signs of ascarids?
enteritis, hemorrhage, milk spots on liver
What two eggs are identical?
heterakis and ascaridia. No opercula
What do you use to treat ascarids?
piperazine, fenbendazole, levamasole, pyrantel
What does heterakis carry?
histomonas melleagris- "Black head"
What are transport hosts of heterakis?
What are signs of heterakis infection?
thickening of cecal mucosa/petechial hemorrhages
What are intermediate hosts of tapeworms?
snails, slugs, insects
What can the scolices of tapeworms cause?
caseous granulomas in intestinal mucosa
What can you use to treat giardia?
nothing is approved. Metronidazole works for pets.
What does giardia cause in cockatiels?
Feather picking
Where do ascarids live?
Small intestine
What eggs look the same?
Ascarids and heterakis
Gapeworms and capillaria (cropworms)
What causes blackhead?
histomonas melegridis
Where do tapeworms stay?
small intestine
What do you use to treat tapeworms?
dilbutylin praziquantel
In which birds is corona a GI disease?
What is blue comb in turkeys?
transmissible enteritis
What causes blue comb in turkeys?
corona virus
What are the signs of transmissible enteritis?
frothy diarrhea, darkening of head and skin, whitish, chalky pancreas
what causes hemorrhagic enteritis?
What birds are effected by hemorrhagic enteritis?
4-12 week old turkeys
how is h.e. spread?
What lesion is present in subclinical hemorrhagic gastroenteritis?
enlarged, mottled spleen
Why is hemorrhagic enteritis so bloody?
coagulation factors are lost
What does herpes virus cause in ducks?
duck virus enteritis
what is another name for duck virus enteritis?
duck plague
What are signs of duck plague?
sudden death. Watery diarrhea, ataxia, photophobia. Looks loke fowl plague which is asymptomatic in ducks
What are the lsions in duck plague?
vascular damage causes paintbrush hemorrhages on epicardium, petechia on viscera. Ulcerative lesions, multiorgan necrosis
What causes necrotic enteritis?
clostridium perfringens
What causes ulcerative enteritis?
clostridium colinum
What birds are effected by clostridium perfringens?
2-5 week old broilers
What are signs of clostridium perfringens/necrotic enteritis?
diarrhea and sudden death
What are lesions of necrotic enteritis?
fibrinonecrotic membranes on intestinal mucosa, nasty green stuff all over intestines
What is quail disease?
clostridium colinum aka ulcerative enteritis
what birds get quail disease?
young quail, chickens, turkeys, upland game birds
What signs are there of quail disease?
watery white diarrhea, high mortality, hemorrhagic enteritis
What are quail disease lesions?
button ulcers that coalesce to diptheritic membranes
What causes typhoid?
Salmonella enterica enterica serovar gallinarum
What causes arizoonosis?
Salmonella enterica arizonae
What does salmonella enterica enterica serovar pullorum cause?
pullorum disease (bacillary white diarrhea)
WHat are signs of pullorum disease?
dying soon after hatching. respiratory signs, panopthalmitis, swollen joints
what are lesions of pullorum disease?
multifocal hepatic necrosis, hepatosplenomegaly, caseous cecal cores, misshapen ovarian follicles
What is the difference btwn pullorum disease and fowl typhoid?
typhoid effects older birds, also get pale, shrunken combs and wattles and BRONZED livers
What causes paratyphoid?
motile salmonella (typhimurium, enteritidis, newport, derby)
What ages of birds are effected by paratyphoid?
young birds
Does salmonella pass through shell?
What are lesions of paratyphoid?
caseous cecal cores, omphalitis, septicemia. Get white nodules on intestines
What is s. typhimurium dt 104 resistant to?
ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, spectinomycin, sulfonamides, tetracyclines
WHich animals are most susceptible to salmonella enterica arizonae?
young turkeys
What are lesions of e coli?
fiibrinous polyserositis
What age birds are effected by TB?
semi-mature to mature.
Where are nodules in bird TB?
intestine, liver, spleen. NOT RESPIRATORY
How do you test for TB?
Test skin- wattle in chickens, wing web in turkeys (do PCR, culture)
What causes proventricular dilatation syndrome?
WHat birds are effected by megabacterium?
juvenile ostriches. High mortality
What lesions are caused by megabacterium?
thickening of proventriculus. Thickened junction of proventriculus and ventriculus
tetrameres (have rectangular eggs)
sulfur colored poop. Cyanosis of head and caruncle.
What birds are worst effected by blackhead
Turkeys, pheasants and peacocks- don't mix with chickens!
What are lesions of black head?
BULLS-EYE lesions in liver. Thich friable cecal walls. Caseous cecal cores
What causes pachecos?
herpes virus
What are signs of vitamin A deficiency?
lacrimation or dry eye. raised white pustule spots on mouth/throat, blunted choanal papilli, BLOOD IN EGGS
WHat are lesions with vitamin A deficinecy?
sqamous metaplasia of pharyngeal submucosal glands and mucosa