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93 Cards in this Set

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What position should the safety bars on your saddle be in when riding? Why?

The stirrup bad is usually kept in the open position so if the rider should fall and start to be dragged, the stirrup leather can release from the saddle, freeing the rider.

Describe the CORRECT way to adjust your girth on the left side while mounted.

Keep your left foot in the stirrup. Put your left leg up over the knee roll and lift the saddle flap. Take the end of the billet and pull up, it is easier to slip the buckle tongue into the next hole if you keep your finger on the tongue.

What parts on the horses back legs that are not on the front legs?


The CLEFT, BAR, FROG, and WHITE LINE are all parts of the horse’s _____________


Where is the horses POLL

Just behind the ears, on the horses topline.

Name the parts of a pony’s leg, in order, starting at the hoof

Front leg: hoof, coronet, Pastern, fetlock joint, cannon bone, knee, forearm, elbow.

Hind leg: hoof, coronet, Pastern, fetlock joint, cannon bone, hock, gaskin, stifle

Name the parts of the pony in front of the WITHERS

Shoulder, arm, chest, elbow, forearm, knee, cannon bone, fetlock joint, pastern, coronet, hoof, point of shoulder, crest, neck, mane, head, cheek, throttle (throat latch), jaw, chin groove, muzzle, face, forelock, poll, eyes, ears, mouth, nostril.

Where’s the horses STIFLE located?

The joint between the FEMUR and TIBIA; above the GASKIN.

Where are the horses WITHERS?

Between the BACK and NECK, on the horses topline at the top of the shoulder blades.

Where is the horses GASKIN?

Between the STIFLE and HOCK, on the horses hind leg.

STAR, SNIP, BLAZE, and STRIP are examples of _______ _________.

Face markings.

A pony with a REDDISH-BROWN body and a BLACK mane, tail, legs, muzzle and ear tips would be called _________.


A pony with a REDDISH-BROWN body and the SAME color mane, tail and legs is called a _________.

Chestnut or sorrel.

Describe a BLUE ROAN

Black with white flecks, giving it a blue tinge.

What is the tallest height a mount can be and still be considered a “pony” ?

14.2 hands.

Horses and ponies are measured in “hands”. How many inches are in ONE hand?

4 inches.

If your mount measures 14 hands, would you call it a horse or a pony?


At which gait does a pony move his legs in diagonal pairs?

(For example, the LEFT FRONT and RIGHT HIND would be a diagonal pair.)


Which gaits have FOUR beats?

Walk and gallop.

Which gait does NOT have a moment of suspension?


What is the ENERGY that a horse creates and uses called?


How many beats are in a walk?



Helmet, black field or dress boots, paddock boots with smooth or suede (suede is allowed for D levels ONLY) half chaps or leggings, white, buff, canary or tan breeches with a belt if there are belt loops, white riding shirt with neckband collar (must be sleeved), white stock tie with plain stock pin (pre-tied are allowed), solid black, navy or dark gray coat and optional gloves.

Is it proper Pony Club attire to wear garters (leather knee straps) with breeches?

No. Garters are only worn with jodhpurs. Breeches are only worn with tall boots.

Name an important TOOL used to make adjustments to your leather tack so it will fit your pony properly.

A leather punch.

Name the parts of a SADDLE.

Head nail, pommel, twist, seat, cantle, panel, skirt, keeper, flap, stirrup leather, stirrup iron, stirrup pad, girth, knee pad, dee rings, billet webbing, billets, knee roll, stirrup bar, point pocket, buckle guard, gullet, sweat flap.

What should you do AFTER tightening the girth?

After you have tightened your girth, pick up your pony’s front foot and pull his leg forward. This stretches the skin around his elbow, so that it won’t get pinched under the girth.

What is the purpose of a breast plate?

The breast plate keeps the saddle from slipping back.

What two parts of a snaffle bridle are attached directly to the bit?

The reins and the cheek pieces.

WESTERN, FLAT, AUSTRALIAN STOCK and RACING are all types of ———————


Name the parts of a BRIDLE.

Crownpiece, browband, cavesson, nose band, snaffle bit. Cheek piece, throat latch, reins.

SNAFFLE, KIMBERWICK, and PELHAM are all types of ———


With which of the following bits or bits would you use double reins?






Which grooming tool is used to loosen caked on mud and dirt from the pony’s coat.

Curry comb

When you pick up your pony’s foot, which way should you be facing?

You should be facing his tail.

What do you use a METAL curry comb for?

Cleaning the body brush.

A horse that is kept at pasture and not ridden every day should still have what grooming practice done on a daily basis?

He should still have his hooves picked.

How can you tell that your pony has cooled out enough after work to be put back in his stall?

His temperature is normal and his chest feels cool and dry, and he is cool and dry everywhere else. His breathing is normal-he is not puffing and his nostrils are not wide open. The small veins of his face and neck are back to normal - not sticking out.

How often should your pony’s feet be checked by a farrier?

Every 6 to 8 weeks, whether he is ridden or not. Some ponies need to be checked every 4 to 5 weeks, depending on their needs.

What are clinches?

The ends of the nails.

The clinches have risen and you hear clicking when your horse walks on a hard surface. What is this a sign of and what should you do about it?

The shoe has become loose and you should call your farrier.

SHIPPING, STABLE, POLO, and TREATMENT are all types of —————-


The protect the horses legs from the heels snd coronet up to the hock and knee. They must be well padded to protect against bumps and scrapes. They must be firm and snug to support tendons. They should always be used when trailering. What are they?

Shipping bandages or boots.

What is CRIBBING and what problems are associated with it?

Cribbing happens when a pony grabs a solid object with his teeth and arches his neck while he swallows air. Cribbing can cause colic and weight loss, among other issues,

Name the different stable vices.

Cribbing, wood chewing, stall kicking, pawing and weaving.

CRIBBING, WEAVING, and WOOD CHEWING are all examples of ________ __________

Stable Vices.

When someone says that a horse is BARN SOUR what does that mean?

A pony who will not leave the barn or who acts up and tries to rush back to the barn.

What is the best gait to use to detect lameness?

The trot or jog.

For what reasons should you call a veterinarian right away?

If the pony is in distress or if you think there is an emergency. If you know there is a problem but you don’t know what it is or how to help your pony.

What diseases can your horse get vaccinations for?

Tetanus, equine encephalomyelitis (sleeping sickness), influenza (flu), rabies, equine herpes virus (rhinopneumonitis), Potomac horse fever, West Nile virus, anthrax, botulism, equine viral arteritis, and strangles.

What is a sign that there is something wrong with your horse?

Colic (belly pain), coughing, runny eyes and nose, choking, diarrhea, depression, fever, not eating or drinking, losing weight, dull coat, change in normal eating habits or behavior and injuries.

A vaccination against this disease should be given to a horse once a year. A booster shot may be necessary if the horse gets a deep cut or puncture wound. What disease do these shots protect against?


What is the normal temperature range for a typical horse or pony?

Between 98.5 or 101 degrees.

What is the correct order for the feeding of grain, water and hay to a horse or Pony?

Water, hay, then grain.

Timothy, clover, Bermuda and alfalfa are all types of _________


How high should a hay net be hung to be considered safe?

The hang a hay net safely, it should be hung so that the middle of the full net is about eye level. When the net is empty, the bottom should hang no lower than the point of the pony’s shoulder.

Give three examples of a feed grain.

Oats, corn, barley, bran and sweet feed, among others.

According to the pony club D manual, are grass clippings from your yard a good feed for your pony to eat? Why or why not?

No, they can cause him to be very ill or even die.

List examples of feeds that are considered roughage or bulk.

Grass, hay, beet pulp, range cubes, hay pellets, and various other types of hay.

TRUE or FALSE: when giving your pony a treat, you should hold the food in your fingertips so that the pony can bite off a small portion.


What two things must always be available to pastured and stabled ponies?

Clean, fresh water and salt.

A D3 pony clubber should know how much roughage and how much concentrate is in his/her pony’s ration. Give examples of a CONCENTRATE.

Grains (oats, corn, barley, bran); mixed feed and pellets; supplements.

Horses need it to keep proper chemical balance in their bodies. They lose a lot of it when they sweat. They usually cannot get enough of it from their grains and hay. It should always be available in their stalls and pastures. What is it?


Why should you pile the bedding higher against the wall and in the corners of your pony’s stall?

To prevent your pony from getting cast (stuck) if he/ she rolls in the stall.

A manure pile generates heat- a LOT of heat. What hazard does this present and what precautions should be taken to insure this doesn’t happen?

Fire; manure should be piled neatly at a distance from the stable.

For safety, what should you do with stable cleaning forks and takes when they are not being used?

They should be hung up safely, with the tines facing the wall.

What is the first thing you do after leading your horse into the trailer?

You should wait until someone has fastened the tail bad or back door behind you before tying your pony up.

If you are trailering one horse in a double trailer, the horse should be on the drivers side of the trailer. Why?

He should be on the drivers side of the trailer so that his weight does not make the trailer drift to the shoulder of the road.

When unloading a horse from a trailer parked on level ground, what should you do first?

Untie his head before lowering the ramp or tail bar.

Explain the proper, safe way to lead your pony.

From the left hand side, walking beside the neck; hold the lead rope with two hands, making sure to fold the excess in your left hand, not loop is around your hand. Your right hand should hold the lead rope about six inches from the halter.

When tying to a sturdy post or trailer, what types of knot should you always use?

A quick release knot.

When you approach a pony in a stall, paddock or pasture, what should you ALWAYS do?

Speak to him so he knows you are there.

Tic check stirrup length before mounting, make a fist, put your knuckles against the stirrup bar, then stretch the leather along your arm. The stirrup leather should reach where on your body?

Your armpit.

Describe how to warm your pony up for any discipline and explain why this is important.

A good warm-up takes at least 15 minutes of walking and trotting and is used to loosen both the horses and riders muscles.

What should you ALWAYS wear whenever you are on your pony?

An approved helmet that fits properly and boots with a heel.

TRUE or FALSE: when you adjust your stirrups while mounted, you should take your feet out of the stirrups so that you can see what you are doing.


When you begin to mount your pony, which way should you face?

Face the tail.

When you begin to mount your pony, which way should you face?

Face the tail.

Before mounting your pony, what should you ALWAYS do?

You should always perform a safety check.

What is the FASTEST and SAFEST way to get off a moving horse?

An emergency dismount.

The rider communicates and controls the horse with “natural” and “artificial” aids. Name some “artificial” aids.

Crops and spurs.

While you are riding at a trot, what are you doing when you sit one extra beat and then continue posting?

Example: your rhythm goes up-down-up-down-down-up.

Changing your diagonal.

Explain the proper way to ride a pony down a steep slope.

Stay in balance and keep your feet under you. Don’t lean back and brace your feet in front of you. This makes it harder for your pony to keep his balance.

Another name for rising at the trot is ________.


What are the two ways to ride the trot?

Posting (rising) or sitting.

TRUE or FALSE: a small circle is harder for your pony than a large circle.


What is meant by the expression “changing the rein”?

Change directions.

Another term for a simple step back is a _________ _________.


What size is the circle that takes up the full width of the dressage arena?

20 meters.

When riding over a jump, why must you RELEASE the pony’s mouth (give with the reins)?

This lets him stretch his neck and jump safely.

Where should you be looking when jumping your pony?

Toy should always look ahead and keep your eyes up.

List the five phases of a jump, in the correct order.

Approach, takeoff, flight, landing, recovery.

When riding down a hill, does it help your pony if you lean back and keep your feet braced forward? Why of why not?

No; if unbalances him and you.