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10 Cards in this Set

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The Enlightenment

It was an intellectual and cultural movement in the eighteenth century that emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith

One Enlightenment thinker

John Locke

Other Enlightenment thinker

Isaac Newton

French military general and statesman

Napoleón Bonaparte


A movement integrated by the children of Spaniards who were born in America and sought their own identity, based on the indigenous past and on the exaltation of the American

The independence of Mexico

Is known as the process of liberation of the Spanish empire by the Mexican territory

This process lasted a total of 11 years, began on September 16th,1810 and ended in 1821

Towards independence

Stages that emerged on the Mexican independence

Initiation, Organization, Resistance and Consumption.

Miguel Hidalgo

He was born on May 8, 1753 in Corralejo de Hidalgo and died on July 30, 1811 in Chihuahua. He was a priest and revolutionary from New Spain who stood out by initiating the first stage of the Mexican War of Independence with an act known in Mexican historiography as Grito de Dolores.

Vicente Guerrero

He was born on August 9, 1782 in Tixtla de Guerrero and died on February 14, 1831 in Cuilápam de Guerrero. He was a Mexican politician and military man, a militant and one of the leaders of the insurgency in the Resistance stage of the Mexican War of Independence.