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51 Cards in this Set

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general idea emerging from events or instances, help to establish consistency in political analysis, often not universally agreed on. No "laws" in politics

Body politic

entirity of a political community , orgainization may start with a common territorit but will lead to values beliefs and attitudes

Political Organization

Body politic, organization is in part, socialization


condition in which both units and interaction within a political system are marked by regulararity and stability with the imposition of accepted and enforced rules, structures and practices. Order leadsto customary Bh and expectation and can also be seen as a value/


gvt requires the assent of all citizens through participation in electoral process, direct of indirect rep. in gov. institutions


Rule by a single ruler who holds at least nominally absolute power


Gvt. by a single ruler who often exercizes arbitrary power for his benefit rather thsn that of the community


Group of individuals entities or actors that interact with each other to form an integrated whole. Connect and organized political body, if it changes in one aspect it can change in all, can be global.

International systems:

system of two or more actors that interact regularily in the global arena using established processes in given issue areas. HAve the sam legal status and essential equality. the reality is that diff states have diff capabilities based on their size, wealth etc.


Structured reltions existing within a political community that are established to distribute both the responsibilities and the privileges that arise from formal association with others, can be local, national, or international, public or private, ex. parties or interest groups


groupings that have developed to attend to particlar societal needs not necessarily organizations, they are strongest when autonomous, transparent, accountable, and durable Box 2.1 essential for building effective systems


Recognized political unit, considered to be sovereign, with a defined territory and ppl and a central gov't responsible for admin. Sovereignty gives them absolute control over a defined area

War: use of armed forces in conflict with an enemy


Rocognition by other political authorities that a govt is legit and rightful for a political community, internally must exert control, externally must have recognition from others, see box 2.2 for Canadinan soereignty


Group of persons who share an identity that is based on but not limited to ethnic, religioys, cultural or linguistic qualities, NOT a state.

"Nation State"

Refers to sovereign state, autonomous political unit of people who share a predominant common culture, language ethnicity or history.


individual or group action in a social context

BUT action and impact vary depending on the actor.


Ability to achieve goals in a political system, and have others do as you wish. "principle conept" ij politics

Dynamic: activelt used to achieve goaks

Static: measure relative capability

Steven Lukes "three faces" of power

1: decision making power, legislation

2: Non decision making power: ability to set agenda and get issues discussed

3: Ideological power: ability to influence people's thoughts.

hard power

tanglible incentives and punishment

soft power

ideas and influence


how acotrs get others to do their will, closel realtd to powert, can be a sub for power

box 2.4 cult of personality, influence on the extreme


Power or right to force obedience

Individuals aor groups given certain rights and responsibilities to lead

Trad. authority:

Passed down through generations

Rational legal authority:

based on rules and nowms

Charismatic authority:

special qualities of the individual box 2.5 for more


group of individuals that lead society, closely trelatied to influence and aiuthority, may or may not come with pwer


what is lawful, appropriate, proper, and conforms to the standards of the political system. Belief that those in charge ought to bebasis for legitimacy may be controvercialpower authority and legitimacy are linked


Rules imposed on socity by the governing authority, regulatory system for politics


LAws enacted by govrening authorityood example of real power and authority of gvt. at the legislative levelg


laws or principles of performance adopted by a government, coordinated plans by gvt, not just legislation but also communications, diplomacy, and campaigns


principles, standards, what an individual or community esteems as meaningful. Every political system epouses values though they may be v. different. Hierarchy of values may differ too


Parity in a political systemPolitical: right to participate, social: status given to all, economic: distribution of benefits, racial and gender rights

Concepts of equality:

Greeks looked at differences not equality of humans

Hobbes and locke: all devserve equal treatment

Adam Smith: equality through opportunity, FREE MARKET BITCHEZ

John Rawls

Everyone would choos equality over the uncertainty of the alternative

Social Order:

Recognizes structure of power, responsibility and liberty, views differ on what is "orderly"


freedom from danger or injur, closely related to order, domestic or international viewpoint, box 2.6


advancement in society towards a better and improved state of affairs, an integral element of liberal political, All politics is about improving societies theory.

Liberal Humanism

Seeks to Improve life from a state of supersttion and fear


state of affairs involving maintenance of what is right and fair within a society, the few will govern the many so justice is essential

Social justice:

equitable disctribution of goods and values in society

Economic justice:

Box 2.7(econ justice in welfare state) redistribution of economic resources from certain groups in society to others


freedom from despotic control

freedom: ability to act without constraint, liberty comes with responsibility in society

Negative Liberty:

Where govt does not get involved. areas of activity in which governments do not interfere, where an individual is free to choose,

Positive liberty:

freedom to achieve ones full potential, where gov't does get involved eg. econ redistribution, enabling citizens to reach their potentia


legislation or social action taken to provide citizens with phyiscal, financial, health and other assistance, how the gvt balances approaches to liberty


unlimited freedom to do as one pkeases, but these freedoms could impinge on others...


related to rights, responsibilities to protect rights, duty to protect while permitting persons to seek their own rights and freedoms

Civil rights:

those enjoyed variously from one political system to another

human rights

Those that are consideres inalienable, they cannot be given up, BUT there are differing views on human rights


social, political, cultureal, and economic ties that bind individuals to one another, ties are created by the values, rights, power distributiion, equality, laws and power that exist in one's political system leads to community


A person's understanding and expression of their individuality or group membership Individual identity makes us unique but group identity ties us to others.