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57 Cards in this Set

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psychologist who developed a sociocultural theory of child development

Lev Vygotsky

Differentiate Piaget's and Vygotsky view about cognitive dev.

Piagets- focus that cognitive dev. undergo on stages of cognitive dev

Vygotsky- emphasized on cultural factors in cognitive dev

Acc. to Vygotsky social interaction is...

It takes major role in ones development. He emphasized that the effective learning happens through participating in social activities. Parents, teachers and adult contribute to the learning process of a child.

It opens the door for learners to acquire knowledge that other already have. Serves as social function.


Is a form of self- talking

Private speech

Difference between what the child can accomplish alone and what a child accomplished with guidance.

Zone of proximal development

Represents a learning opportunity where a knowledgeable adult such as teachers or parent or a more advanced peer can assist the childs development.


The support or assistance that lets the child accomplish a task he cannot accomplish independently.


It here where the guidance can be withdrawn.

Scaffold and fade-away technique

He proposed the ecological theory

Urie bronfenbrenner

Presents child development within the context of relationship systems that comprise the childs environment.

Bio ecological systems

It points out that childs own biological make up impacts as key factor in ones development


What are the layers or structure on environment of bioecological model?

The microsystems

The mesosystem

The exosystem

The macrosystem

The chronosystem

Layers nearest the child. Comprises structures w/c the child directly interacts with. Structure includes family, school and neighborhood


It is when the structures of a child influence him/her at the same time the child influence hi structures

Bi-directional influences

This later serves as connection or interaction between the structures of the childs microsystem


Layers refers to the bigger social systems in which the childs does not function directly.


Layers found in the outermost part in the childs environment. Includes cultural values, customs and laws.


Covers the element of time as it relates to a child's environments. Involves 'patterns of stability and change' in child's life.


He was interested in studying the development of moral reasoning.

Lawrence Kohlberg

He also believe that children from ways of thinking through their experiences which includes understandings of moral concepts. He also followed the development of moral judgement and extended the ages by Piaget.

Lawrence kohlberg

What are the 3 levels of stages of moral development?

Level of post-conventional

" "Conventional

" "Pre-conventional

It's is the first stage of moral development and lasts until approximately age 9. Children don't have a personal code of mortality. Moral decisions are shaped by the standards of adults

Pre-conventional morality/level

2 stages in level 1

Stage 1- obedience and punishment orientation

Stage 2- individualism and exchange

At this stage diff. Individuals have different viewpoints.

Individualism and exchange

Child/individual good to avoid being punished

Obedience and punishment oreintation

Characterized by an acceptance of social rules concerning right and wrong. Begin to internalize the moral standards of valued adult role models

Conventional morality

Stages in level 2

Stage 3- good interpersonal relationships

Stages 4- maintaining the social order

Individual is good in order to be seen as being a good person.

Good interpersonal relationships

Individual becomes aware of the wider rules of society so judgements concern obeying the rules to uphold the law and avoid guilt.

Maintaining the social order

Third stage of moral development. Characterized by an individual's understanding of universal ethical principles.

Post-conventional morality j

2 stages in level 3

Stage 5- social contract and individuals right

Stage 6- universal principles

The small amount of mental activity we know


Thing s we could aware of if we wanted or tried.


Things we are unaware and can not become aware


He was explained over the course of child hood how persons personality is developed

Psychosexual development

Based on the notion that an individual gets motivated.

Psychoanalytic theory

Defined as before birth. Begins at conception and ends with the birth of the child.


3 stages of prenatal

Germinal ( 0-2 weeks)

Embryonic ( 3-8 weeks)

Fetal ( 9 weeks- birth)

What are the four main areas of Cognitive development of prenatal


Language and communication


Social/ emotional

Refers to the pattern of continuity and change that occurs throughout the course of life.


Also called as antenatal development in humans. Process encompassing the period from the formation of an embryo through the development of a fetus.

Prenatal development

Known as the germinal phase. First and shortest phase of embryonic development. Dito nangyayare Yung cell division.

Pre-embryonic period

Refers to weeks 2 to 8 weeks of development after an egg is fertilized. And when most of the organs and body structures begin to develop.

Embryonic stage

This is when the embryo officially turns into a fetus. 9 weeks to until birth.

Fetal stage

A baby under one year old.


Young child over one year of age to 3yrs old.


Two patterns of physical development

Cephalocaudal trend

Proximodistal trend

What are the motor development


Sucking reflexes

Rooting reflex

Gripping reflex

Curling reflex

Startle/ Moro


Tonic neck

Skills that involve motor development of muscles

Gross motor skills

Skills that involves a refined use of the small muscles controlling the hand.

Fine motor

Also known as nursery school

Preschoolers/early childhood

Generally thoughts of as the movement and used of hand and upper extremites

Finemotor development

Skilles related to caring for oneself


Development of human beings cognitive, emotional, intellectual and social capabilities

Psychological development

Relates to fundamental questions about the meaning and purpose of life

Spiritual development

Process by which people develop right and wrong

Moral development