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39 Cards in this Set

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What is a narrative poem?

Poem that follows a sequence of events/tells a story.

What is a lyric poem?

Shorter poems focusing on a specific subject and characterized by melody and intensity of feeling.

What is a stanza?

Lines in a poem that are grouped together.

What is denotation?

Dictionary meaning

What is connotation?

Emotion/social reactions a reader may have to a word(s).

What is a simile?

An expression of a direct similarity. Using words such as like, as, or, than, b/w two things that would ordinarily be regarded as dissimilar.

What are some examples of similes in "Harlem"

1. Like a raisin in the sun

2. Like a sore

3 Stink like rotten meat

4. Like a syrupy sweet

5. Like a heavy load

What is one overreaching metaphor in "Harlem"?

" A dream deferred"

What is a metaphor?

Figure of speech when two things, usually thought to be dissimilar, are treated as if they were the same. NOT using the word like but rather "the same as". Ex: "All the world IS a stage".

What is an implied metaphor?

Where the "BE" verb is omitted and the comparison may be implied or "buried" rather than stated directly. Ex: "Some dirty dog stole my car".

What is an example of an implied metaphor in "Harlem"?

Does it explode.

What is personification?

Figure of speech in which something non-human is give attributes of a person or is treated as if they are a person. Ex: "Death be not proud".

What is an apostrophe?

A particular type of personification that addresses someone not present as if they are present or capable of understanding.

What is Metonymy?

Figure of speech in which the name of one thing is substituted for that of something closely associate with it. Ex: "The White House announced today..."

What is a Synecdoche?

A special kind of metonymy in which a part of a things is substituted for the whole of which it is a part. Ex: "Give me a hand".

What is a paradox?

Figure of speech in which a statement initially seeming self-contradictory or absurd turns out to make good sense when seen in another light.

What is an oxymoron?

A self-contradictory combination of words or phrases such as "O brawling love! O loving hate! in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet".

What is a hyperbole?

An exaggeration or overstatement; a figure of speech in which something is state more strongly than is warranted.

What is an understatement?

Figure of Speech that expresses something in an unexpectedly restrained way. Paradoxically this can be a way of drawing emphasis to something.

What is an example of an English sonnet?

Shakespeare's "That time of year thou mayst in me behold".

How are the 3 quatrains and couplet of Shakespeare's "That time of year..." setup?

q1: Late autumn, relating to self/aging

q2: Sunset and light/referencing the aging process

q3: Fire that is going out

Couplet: Seeing all of this make lover love him more even though death approaches and their time together is growing short.

What is an example of an Italian sonnet?

"God's Grandeur by Gerard Manley Hopkins

What is a prose poem?

Not separated into lines. Works with all elements of poetry except line. Often written in common paragraph form.

What is a quatrain?

A 4 line stanza.

What is a sonnet?

14 line poems that in English are typically written in Iambic pentameter.

What is an English Sonnet?

3 quatrains (four line units with rhyming scheme of abab, cd cd, ef ef) and a couplet (two rhyming lines).

What are achetypes?

Symbols, characters, or plot lines that have been used again and again and carry a nearly universal significance.

What is an Italian sonnet?

Consists of an Octave (8 line unit) rhyming abbaabba, and a sestet (6 line unit) rhyming cdecde or cdcdcd. Often octave develops an idea, question, or problem and sestet completes it or provides a solution.

What is a sestina?

Lyric poem consisting of 6 six-line stanzas and a 3 line concluding stanza or envoy. 6 end words of 1st stanza must be used as end words of other 5 stanzas in a prescribed pattern.

What is blank verse?

Lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter most widely used form in English poetry.

What is a couplet?

Unit consisting of 2 consecutive lines of poetry with the same end rhyme.

What is free verse?

Poems free of predetermined metrical and stanzaic patterns. Can be called open form because the poem must have form.

What is internal form?

The inner arrangement or organization of a poems parts and context.

What is parallelism?

When elements of equal weight within phrases, sentences, or paragraphs are expressed in a simillar grammatical order and structure.

What is juxtaposition?

Placement of things side by side or close together for comparison or contrast or to create something new from the union, w/o necessarily making them grammatically parallel.

What is a narrative?

A poet recounting an event as a sequence of actions and details.

What poem provides an example of aprostrophe?

"Death Be Not Proud" by John Donne

What is an example of a dramatic poem?

"The Bean Eaters" by Gwendolyn Brooks

What is an onomotopea?

Words that sound like what they mean? Ex: Chitter in "The Sound of Night"