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Year Two Rivers acquired


Song Sparrow

Melospiza melodia - central breast spot, malar mustache


Melospiza Georgiana - rust brown wings, black eyeline. No central dark spot. Sounds similar to chipping sparrow

Spizella pusilla - Pink bill, white eye ring, rufous cap, white wing bars. Steep decline.

Pounds per acre waterfowl feed on waste grain (land) before feeding rates decline


What is nitrogen free extract

Digestible carbohydrate

When is winter wheat highest in nitrogen (protein)

When it emerges from senescence (actively growing)

What species bird carries young on back


Gray headed coneflower - Ratibida pinnata.

-Easy to establish on dry to mesic soil types

Common Arrowhead / duck potato

Sagittaria latifolia

Acres Piasa island


Red shouldered hawk

2 white tail bands, translucent windows near end of wings

Broad winged hawk

Single white tail band

Golden eagle genus

Aquila - true eagles. Booted > feathered all the way down to top of feet.

Bald eagle genus

Haliaeetus - sea eagles

Difference between leaf arrangement coontail vs brittle Naiad

Coontail is whorled. Naiad is opposite.

How does AMS assist glyphosate?

The sulfate ions tie up MG & CA ions reducing hard water antagonism

When is the best time of year to burn to promote wildflowers


Half life of 2,4-D

12-40 days depending on water conditions

How many trumpeter swans were left in 1935

69. Located in Mt near Yellowstone Park

What year did swans arrive at Riverlands


Where does the northern rough wing swallow get its name

Miniscule hooks on the leading edge of their primary feathers

Current trumpeter swan population

63,000 in 2015

What was Hardin originally named?

Child's landing - Benjamin Childs arrived in 1835

Types of birds that feed on green ash seeds

Cardinals, finches and woodies

Cerulean habitat

Large tracts deciduous forest, diverse vertical structure, gaps in canopy

White trout lily

Erythronium albidum

Liliace - lily family

Yellow warbler

Setophaga petechia

Palm warbler

Setophaga palmarum

-Breeds in boreal forest

-spends a lot of time on the ground


Porzana Carolina

Virginia rail

Rallus limicola

-longer reddish bill than sora yellow bill

Louisiana waterthrush

Louisiana waterthrush-Parkesia motacilla

-early spring migration

-bobs tail constantly, montacilla means tail wagger

-favors clear running water

-eyestripe is wider at the rear


Northern waterthrush - Parkesia noveboracensis

-Buffy eyebrow

-more streaking on throat than Louisiana

-swamps, dirty water

Blue headed vireo

Vireo solitarius

-white spectacles

-olive green upper parts

White eyed vireo

Vireo griseus

-quick with the beer check

-yellow spectacles and flank

Gray dogwood

Cornus racemosa

-white drupes, leaves more slender than rough leaved

Blunt spike rush

Eleocharis obtusa

Blue Jay

Cyanocitta cristata

-oldest banded 26 years

Reed canary grass

Phalaris arundincea

Virginia wild rye

Elymus virginicus

-cool season perennial. Fast growing good for erosion control. Has some shade tolerance so good for woodland restorations. Readily reseeds.

What order are bitterns in?


Area search

Informal, roam freely. Good for detecting which species are present but not numbers of each species.

Components of Upper Mississippi River restoration program

Habitat restoration, monitoring and research. Authorized by the Water Resources Development Act of 1986

Is herbicide Poast approved for aquatic use?

No - toxic to aquatic organisms

How many years of early spring burning to control Reed canary?

5 years. 1.5% solotion of glyphosate will brown it off enough to burn. Mowing before seed matures in mid June

How long is the rainfast time on rodeo?

6 hours


Single phrase, dark cap, rufous under rump

Brown thrasher

Song given in pairs, yellow eye


Song repeated 3 or more times, white ventral wing patches


Panicum vargatum

Amount of AMS to use with glyphosate

2.5% > 2.5 to 5 gallons per 100 gal


Blue winged--Vermivora cynaoperta

-Two wing bars, black eyeline



Orange crowned-

Olive green, orange crown rarely visible

Oreothlypis celata

Does not breed Mo


Nashville -

Oreothlypis ruficapilla

Does not breed Mo

White eyering stands out on gray head

Yellow belly


Tennessee -

Oreothlypis peregrina

Back green, underparts whiteish

Breeds in boreal forest not Tn


Red-eyed vireo - vireo olivaceus

Sings all day long

Over 12,000 songs identified

Clean white underparts


Warbling vireo - vireo gilvus

Whiteish stripe over the eye

Stay high in the deciduous treetops

6 subspecies

Breed in MO

What does vireo mean?

Latin for green migratory bird


Philadelphia vireo- Vireo philadelphicus

Breeds farthest North of the vireos

Bright yellow below with a yellow throat, gray crown


Black-throated green - Setophaga virens

Bright yellow face & dark throat

Two white wingbars


Palm- Setophaga palmarum

Spends time on ground bobbing tail

Rusty cap, rusty streaks on breast and yellow eyebrows


Yellow rumpled - Setophaga coronata

-Winters further north than any other warbler due to ability to digest waxes found in bayberries and wax myrtles

Setophaga - ses "moth" phagos "eating"

Largest trumpeter swan on record



Virginia rail - Rallus limicola

-reddish bill, black and white barred sides, gray cheek. Rusty overall, white undertail


Ohio spiderwort - Tradescantia ohiensis, Phlox divaricata

-flowers only open for a day,

Easy to establish from seed, full or partial shade, well drained soil

What soil type pin oak adapted to?

Acidic soils of river bottomlands. Planting in alkaline (high calcium) soils results in Iron chlorsis, yellowish green foliage

How can native thistle be distinguished from invasive?

Leaves of natives usually have whitened or wooly undersides


Scarlet - pringa olivacea

- "chip burr"


-piranga(unknown small bird) olivacea(olive green)


Blue grosbeak, Passerina caerulea


-large silver bill, chestnut wingbars

-shrubby thickety places

-habitually spreads and twitches tail


Willett Tringa semipalmata

-broken wing display like killdeer

-Willett eggs are tasty, young plump and juicy


Greater yellowlegs, Tringa melanoleuca

-often solitary

-slightly upturned bill

-strides purposely with high stepping gait

How many species of birds does UMR floodplain support?

Over 300


Dolichonyx (long claw) oryzivorus (oryza=rice, vorus=devour)

-rice bird

-winter in South America, long distance migrants


Black throated blue, Setophaga caerulescens

-does not breed in MO

Songbird species of concern along UMR corridor

Wood thrush, veery, golden-winged, Connecticut, cerulean, rose breasted grosbeak and black-billed cuckoo.


Lotus, Nelumbo lutea

-most leaves 1-3' above water surface

-rhizomes and seeds, both edible

-water lily leaves have a V shaped notch


Spatterdock, Nuphar advena

-requires a muddy bottom

-yellowish flowers

-also called yellow pond lily & cow lily


Teal love grass, Eragrostis hypnoides

-forms dense mats


Blue vervian, Verbena hastata

-herbaceous perennial. Medium to wet soil


-birds eat the seeds


Butterweed - Packera glabella


-germination in fall and grows throughout the winter

-do not eat!


Black throated blue, Setophaga caerulescens

-white square on wing diagnostic


Least bittern/Green heron


Spotted touch me not, Impatiens capensis. Aka Jewelweed

-pod pops open at slightest touch

-moist bottomland


What is bolting?

Stem elongation

How many fluid onces is a pint

16 ounces. 0.5 quart.


Mourning, Geothlypis Philadelphia

-low thick veg

-eats eggshells after eggs hatch

-population down 40%, still least concern

-does not breed in MO


Philadelphia more bright yellow than warbling. Eyeline on Philadelphia goes all the way to the bill


Wild 4 o'clock, Mirabilis nyctaginea

Mesic to dry


Yellow wood sorrel, Oxalis stricta

-all parts edible, large amounts of vitamin c

-oxys is Greek for sour

-full sun, weedy



What family is the Dickcissel in?

Currently Cardinalidae. In the past was in the blackbird family.

How much edge buffer is needed to prevent cowbird parasitism



Leadplant, Amorpha canescens

-not particular about soil type and adds nitrogen to the soil

-slow to develop, 3 years to flower

-yellow stamens

-canescens = becoming gray


Least sandpiper, Caldris minutilla

Yellow green legs, distinctive 'creep' call, slightly decurved bill.


Pectoral, Caldris melanotos

Mudflats with short grass

Heavily streaked breast with white belly.

How to distinguish Pennsylvania smartweed (pensylvanicum) from ladysthumb (persicaria)?

Ladysthumb has a fringe of hairs on top of the ocera.


Spotted, Actitus macularius

-stuttering wingbeats

-bobbing tail constantly

-crouched position

-yellow legs, orangish bill


Solitary, Tringa solitaria

-bobbing back half of its body

-blackish underwings against white belly

-prominent eyering

-small white spots on the back

-holds wings straight up after landing

What order / family is the cormorant in?

Suliformes / Phalacrocorax

What are the two species of long winged peep?

Baird's + White rumped


Nodding bur maigold- Bidens cernua

Leaves turn purple cool weather

Wet mucky soil


Yellow headed blackbird

Xanthocephhalus Xanthocephhalus - xanthos=yellow, cephalus=head

Estimated size of piping plover population

8,400. Threatened to endangered.

What do Anser & caeruleus mean?

Anser - goose

Caeruleus- bluish

Where do greater snow geese breed and winter

Breed Canadian high artic, ellesmere Island. Winter Atlantic flyway around Delaware and Chesapeake Bay.

Snowy egret vs great egret

Snowy has black bill with yellow lores & black legs with yellow feet.


Savanna sparrow, Passerus sandwichensis

-yellow spot before eye

-crisply streaked breast

-short notched tail

Estimated number of bird watchers in US

52 million


Definitive basic herring

-diffuse dusky streaks in head (non breeding)

-Pink legs

-juvenile eye and bill entirety dark

-steep decline

How to distinguish Ross from Snow goose

Shorter neck

Stubby triangular bill blueish at base

Ross lacks grinning patch on bill

How to distinguish ring neck from scaup

Ring neck peaked crest with white side spur. Scaup lack side spur and have pale backs. Ring neck white ring tip of bill & non whiteish wingstripe. Female scaup mostly solid brown head

Trumpeter vs Tundra

Trumpeter eye broadly connected with V shaped border on forehead. Most tundras have a small yellow spot in front of eye (10% all black)

What year did house sparrows and starlings arrive in the United States respectively?

1851 / 1890


Bottle Gentian, Gentiana andrewsii

-imperiled in MO

-moist prairie, fens, openings in bittomland forest


Common evening primrose, Oenothera biennis

-up to 6 feet tall

-opens flowers in the evening

-June through October


Common golden Alexander, Zizia aurea

-grows in a wide variety of habitat

-height 2'

Where does sideoats gramma (Bouteloua curtipendula) do best?

Dry sites with little competition from more aggressive native plants


Yellow, Setophaga petechia

-associated with willows/wetlands


Franklin's, Leucophaeus pipixcan

Bold partial white eye ring

White window and wingtips

Red/orange feet and legs

Breeds interior marshes of North America

What does solidago mean?

To make whole

How do Foster's differ from least

Foster's larger with orange bill and full black cap. Least has yellow bill with white forehead.

Current least tern population estimated around 70,000 - least concern.

How do semi-palmated differ from piping?

Piping are paler overall and have an incomplete breast band. In flight piping has white band across top of the tail.

How do forsters differ from common?

Forsters long deeply forked tail. Common has more black in wing tips.

Breeding forsters has orange rather than red bill of common.


Baptisia sphaerocarpa - yellow wild indigo

Bapto- to dye, sphaerocarpa- well rounded fruit

Dry to average moisture

Current estimate least tern population

18,000. Population goal is 7000.

Plummeted to 2000. Protecected in 1985 ESA.

How many insects day tree swallows eat?

2000 during nesting season

Best time of year to plant forb seed? And native grass?

Forb seed in fall. Grass in the spring.

Type of nester are kestrel?

Obligate secondary cavity nester - don't make their own nest cavity

Size of kestrel

9'', 4oz

Difference in germination times for E. frumentacea vs E. muricata

Frumentacea germinate early. Muricata is late drawdown germination.

Yellow nutsedge

Conspicuous channel along central vien of each leaf blade. Red root does not have tubers or rhizomes.

Merlin vs Kestrel

Kestrel much less streaked below and lack white tail bands.

Female kestrels have barring on the back unlike solid brown back of merlins.

Bonaparte vs Franklin's

Bonaparte smudge behind eye, flashy white panels outer wing. Franklin's thick eye crescents, limited black on wing tips.



Named after gunsmith John Krider from Philadelphia who collected the type specimen.

Quercus meaning

'Beautiful tree' Celtic origin

Range of pinoak acorn production

2000-170,000 sound acorns/acre = 150-2500 lbs/acre

What age class should oaks be maintained to maximize acorn production?

40-75 years

Difference in bobbing behavior between Solitary vs spotted sandpiper

Solitary bobs head/foreparts. spot bobs tail

What is the only accipter seen in the summer in St Louis?

Coopers - rapid flaps with coasting in between