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108 Cards in this Set

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name the 4 genus in the family myrtaceae

- eucalyptus




What is the name of the 'pea' family?


What are the 3 genus in the family Fabaceae?

- acacia: yellow wattle looking

- Hardenbergia


what are the 2 genus in the family Rutaceae?



What is the common name for the family rutaceae?

Citrus family

What are the 4 genus in the Proteacae family?





What is name of the 'daisy' family?


What is the name of the mint family?


What are the 2 genus in the family Lamiaceae?



What family is Eucalyptus (gum tree)?

Myrtaceae: woody capsules

-solitary flowers or in clusters

Characteristics of Melaleuca and what family?

Myrteaceae family: compound flowers in a spike

Characteristics of Callistemon and what family

Myrtaceae: Compound flowers in a spike (bottle brushes)

5 petals and 5 sepals

Characteristics of Leptospermum and name the family?

Myrtaceae (tea tree): white flowers

- flowers solitary or in clusters of 2

What is so unique about the Fabaceae family?

Pea shaped flower: papillanaceous flowers (5 petals)

Characteristics of the Proteaceae family?

Leathery, lobed leaves.

What family does the genus Banksia belong to and name charateristics?

Proteaceae: terminal spike of flowers (candle-like cone). Golden/orange/red

Characteristics of Grevilliea and family

Proteaceae: leathery follcile

flowers arrange in racemes

red and yellow: bulb type.

Characteristic of Telopea and family

Waratah: in Proteaceae family: with a cluster of 10-240 flowers.

Bright red to deep pink

stout erect shrub up to 4m

dark green leathery leaves, lighter on the bottom

Characteristics of Hakea and family

Proteaceae: flowers in cluster, in the axil of a leaf. Pin cushion... Leaf is the same colour, top and bottom. Lumpy seeds

Characteristics of Asteraceae

Daisy family: flowers heads surrounded by bracts. pollinated by insects.

Variety of colours: yellow, orange, pinks and whites

Characteristics of family Casuarinaceae

She oak-family. Scale-like leaves in whorls


fruit is the cone

Characteristics of Ericaceae?

Heath family: 5 petals united. Tubular flowers with some dense hairs. Alternate leaves. Red root of flower with lighter tips

Characteristics of orchidaceae

Orchid family: waxy rubbery stick

alternate leaves

Zygomorphic flower

Characteristics of Laminaceae:

Square stems

leaves opposite and aromatic

zygomorphic flowers

Genus Prostanthera family and characteristics

Laminaceae: leaves opposite and smells minty when crushed. Deep purple leaves. Round leaves and cup shaped flower

Genus Westringia family and characteristics

Leaves in a whorl of 3-4

white or purple flowers or light purple with orange dots

dry/rough/hairy leaves

Characteristics of Malcaveae

Alternate leaves, single often palmate

large fruit capsule: pee pod look-alike

Common name for the Poaceae family?

Grass family

Characteristics of the Poaceae family

Leaf sheath is open. Florets with brackets.

Hollow round stem.

Little corn: farmer chew them

peel back and theres more corn

spiklet with 3 bracts

Characteristics of the Juncaceae family

(rush family): sold stem (spongy) and cyindrical. Clumps, sporadic distribution. Flowers with 6 tepals (in 2 whorls), 3-6 stamen

stem: bottom: dark green- light green- top: brown

Characteristics of the family Cyperaceae

Sedge family: sedges have edges

- flattened or triangular stem

floret has one bracket

discoloured floret: gold/brown- stiff

Characteristics of family Xanthorrhoeceae

Grass tree family: mature plants with trunk

- leaves rigid forming tufts

- flowers in tall woody spiked

Species found in the Porifera phylym

Sponges: medusa and polyps (forms(

Unique characteristic of the phylum Cniadara?

Cnidocytes (stinging cells): jelly fish, sea anemones, and coral

Species in Anthozoa and which phylum

stony corals (grow on substrates), belong to the phylum cnidaria with no medusa

Species in Scyphozoa class and which phylum

True jelly fish: in cnidaria

Species in Hydrozoa class and which phylum

Freshwater jellyfish (hydra)

Main point about phylum Platyhelminthes

Platyhelminthes are free-living flatworms

which phylum does the class turbellaria fit?


Species in class Trematoda and which phylum

Endoparasitic fluke: platyhelminthes

Species in class cestoda and which phylum

Parasitic tape worms (Taenia saginata): platyhelminthes

What do the Nemertea phylum look like

Look like ribbon worms

Species in the class Polychaeta and which phylum

Leeches: Annelida

Species in class Oligochaeta and which phylum

Marine worms: annelida

Features found in the phylum Mollusca

Muscular foot, visceral mass, mantle and radulla

Species in class Polyplacophora and which Phylum

Chitons: mollusca

Species in class Bivalvia and which phylum

Clams and muscles: mollusca

Species in class Gastropoda and which phylum

Snails: mollusca

Species in class Cephalopoda and which phylum

Squid, octopus, cuttlefish: mollusca

Features of the phylum Nematoda

Unsegmented worms: mouth to anus digestive system

Special features of Arthropoda phylum

Metamorphism and complex adaptation

What is taxonomy?

classification of animals. Linneaus. Hierarchical system. Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. Reflects historic relationships.

What is species Nomenclature

Name of species. Two latin words. First is genus, and second is species. Genus+ species= latin binomial. Genus capitalized. Whole name italics

What is systematics

Evolutionary relationship between species. (phylogeny) Modern systematics reflect the evolutionary history. Oldest taxon occupies the lowest branches of the phylogenic tree: youngest taxon in terms of evolution, the upper most branch

What is a cladogram

Diagram that depicts evolutionary relationships among groups based on phylogeny.

Define cladistics

form of analysis that looks at features of organisms considered to be innovations, or newer features: derived characteristics

Difference between cladograms and phylogenic trees

Both cladograms and phylogenic tree show relationship between organisms, only phylogenic trees have branches that represent evolutionary time and amount of chang

What are the levels of cellular organisation

Unicellular, cellular aggregate, cell-tissue, tissue-organ and organ system

what are the 2 Forms of symmetry

Radial of bilateral (head, cephalised)

What are the 4 classes in the phylum cnidaria

Hydrozoa, scyphozoa, Cubozoa and Anthozoa. Name a species in each class

What kind of body plan does a cnidaria have?

Diploblastic body plan with 2 germ layers

4 classes in the phylum cnidaria

Hydrozoa, scyphozoa, Cubozoa and Anthozoa. Name a species in each class

What kind of body plan does a cnidaria have?

Diploblastic body plan with 2 germ layers

What cells are unique to Cnidarians?

Cnidocytes- stinging cells found in the epidermis

What are the 4 classes found in the phylum platyhelminthes?

Turbellaria (free living flatworm), Monogene (ectoparasitic flukes), trematoda (endoparasitic flukes) and Cestoda (parasitic tapeworms).

What kind of symmetry do platyhelminthes have?

Bilateral symmerty.

What kind of symmetry do platyhelminthes have?

Bilateral symmerty.

What kind of body plan does platyhelmintnes have?

Body plan is acoelomate: tripoblastic body plan- three germ layers

What level of cellular organisation is platyhelminthes?

Organ-system level

What level of cellular organisation is platyhelminthes?

Organ-system level

Are nematodes segmented or segmented?


What level of cellular organisation is platyhelminthes?

Organ-system level

Are nematodes segmented or segmented?


What kind of body cavity do nematodes have?

Pseudocoelom: cavity between endoderm and mesoderm. Not a true coelom

What kind of digestive tract do nematodes have?

Complete mouth to anus digestive tract.

Unique characteristics of the phylum mollusca

-muscular foot, visceral mass, mantle that secretes the shell, and a radulla

Unique characteristics of the phylum mollusca

-muscular foot, visceral mass, mantle that secretes the shell, and a radulla

What are the 4 classes in mollusca?

Polyplacophora (chitons), gastropoda (snails), bivalvia (clams, muscles) and cephalopoda (squids, octopua and cuttlefish)

What kind of body plan do molluscs have?

Coelomate body cavity in which the cavity is enclosed by mesoderm

Are annelids segmented or unsegmented?


Are annelids segmented or unsegmented?


What kind of body plan do annelids have?

True coelom, and triploblastic body plan

Are annelids segmented or unsegmented?


What kind of body plan do annelids have?

True coelom, and triploblastic body plan

What is the class polychaeta (annelids) subclass?

Hirudinea (leeches) and Oligochaeta (freshwater and marine worms)

Are echinoderms protostomia or deuterstomia?


What is a unique characteristic of Echinodermata?

They have a water vascular system that controls the action of suction forming tube feet.

What are the 4 classes of Echinoderms?

Asteroidea (sea stars), Ophiuroidea (brittle stars), Echinodea (sea urchins, sand dollars) and Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers).

What is the difference between complete metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis?

Metamorphosis: there is a resting stage between the larval and adult stage (pupal stage): adult and larvae look very different.

Incomplete metamorphosis: larvae and adults look similar. They molt

What is a survival advantage of complete metamorphosis?

Survival advantage. Compete for different food, therefore they also have different predators and stages of life

Why don't terrestrial arthropods have gills?

terrestrial arthropods rely on diffusion through tiny holes in the trachea. Also have tiny spiracles on the abdomen

List some of the external features of a locust

- antennae, mouthparts, two large compound eyes, and 3 simple (ocelli) eyes. The head is made of 6 fused segments.

What are the names of the locuts upper and lower lips?

Upper: labrum

Lower: labium

On arthropods which segment bears the wings and legs?


Are arthropods protostomia or deutrostomia?

coelomate protostomes

Do arthropods exhibit segmentation?


What kind of skeleton do arthropods have?

Exoskeleton covered by a cuticle

What are the 5 classes in Arthropods

Trilobita (trilobites), Merostomata (horseshoe crabs), Arachnida (spiders, mites, scorpians ticks), Diplopoda (millipedes) and Chilopoda (centipedes).

What are the 2 subphyla in Arthropods?

Insecta (insects) and Crustacea (shrimps, crabs etc).

Define bio-assessment?

Is where you use the type of animals present in an environment to tell us about whether the environment is in good of bad condition. Bio-assessment works because animals have different tolerances to pollution

what happens if two solutions are isotonic?

The movement of water is equal in both directions

What happens is two solutions differ in tonicity?

The net flow of water is from the hypotonic to the hypertonic solution

What is osmoregulation?

regulates the solute concentrations and balance the gain and loss of water

What are osmoconformers?

Consist of most marine invertebrates. They are isotonic with their surrounding and do not regulate their tonicity

What are osmoregulators?

They expend energy to control water uptake and loss in a hypertonic or hypotonic environment

Most marine invertebrates are...?


Most marine vertebrates are..?


What are the names and characteristics of the 4 types of scales?

-placoid: sharks and rays: sharp and pointy

-ganoid: plate like scale found in sturgeons and gars

-Cycloid: circular: overlap. carp and salmons

-ctenoid: spines on the end (similar to cycloid). Common on fish that have spiny fine rays