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Card Range To Study



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45 Cards in this Set

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When to use polarised versus linear 3 betting range

Polarised if they fold often

Linear if they like to call

Small blind preflop strategy

Tight and aggressive

3bet or fold, can sometimes flat smaller PP

suitable range: 77+ 87s+ A5s,A4s,

Top 5 J9s, QTs+ KTs+, AQo

About Top 10%

Big blind preflop strategy

Good pot odds

Defend wide, 150% range of opening Villain

How should we treat small pocket pairs and suited connectors/Broadway differently preflop

Small pp has polarised flop equity, better to call an opening raise with. better in multiway pots

Suited connectors/Broadway flop alright but not nutted, play better heads up. Good to 3bet with to thin out the field.

How should 3 bet sizing change with position

Earlier the position, bigger the size- charge Villain lots to see the flop!

5x BB from blinds and EP

3x BB from late position

Live tell - doubling bet each street

Often indicates a marginal hand

Did they stop to think about the bet size or was it a snap decision?

Live tell - snap call

Often indicates a draw, try and figure out later if they missed it

Someone open raises with their normal opening size after many players limped in

Often indicates a weaker part of their range. 3 bet often here

We have a player who is limping strong hands often as a trap - how to counter

Tighten iso raise range

Over limp

How does iso raise range change with number of players

Should tighten up

Against 1 can be wide

Against 3 or 4, use the UTG opening range as a guideline for which hands to bet

What should our overlapping strategy be in games with lots of preflop aggression

Tighten range / avoid

We might end up leaking money by limp folding

Especially careful in earlier positions

How to play high dry static flop eg A33r as PFR

We have range advantage

Check flop, bet TURN often with smaller bet size

How to play high wet flop as PFR eg KQ8ss

Bet big on flop we have range advantage but caller may have draws.

Proceed with caution If they call

How to play low wet dynamic board as PFR eg 456ss

Bad for us

Be careful of aggressive in position players

How to play low and dry boards as PFR eg 722r

Slight range advantage, but dynamic - overcards can change top pair

Good flops to barrel with aggression

How to choose hands to bluff

Don't choose hands with no equity

If we bet flop turn and river

Can we catch a draw or arrive at showdown with something?

EP PFR KK T98hhx flop what do

Board favours villains calling range

Probably can't value bet our overapair 3 streets

Can use as a bluff catcher proceed with caution

what should be be betting on flops?

sets, flush draws, open ended straight draws,

overpair, top pair (good ones)

About 25% of range?

when we bet or raise what are we trying to accomplish?

get better hands to fold

get worse hands to call

what is the 5th street chicken principle

if we have shown aggression on multiple streets,

perhaps raising pre flop then betting again on flop, calling a raise or anything else - it's highly likely that we

a) are going to make it to the river

b) at least have a decent hand with some showdown value

This means that if we check, and villain bets, we can probably fold if the pot odds are bad

What is depolarisation trick

Betting big on the river on boards with very obvious nut hands eg straight or flush, where it doesn't make sense for the Villain to have that hand, and they also don't think we have it. But they think we are totally bluffing but we are probably good versus whatever they have

Exploits weaker players that won't bet as they fear the obvious nutted hand

What is a donk bet when might it be useful

Out of turn bet when you aren't the initial aggressor

If we are playing against someone who raises big and often and we have a value hand

Against someone who folds often to bets

Usually though check raise is better if we have a strong value hand

How to determine if player is passive of aggressive

(Number of bets and raises) / number of calls

7 factors when deciding on c bet bluff

Number of players

Flop texture

Stack sizes (careful against short stacked players)

Hand equity


Opponents preflop range

Skill level- will players Trap us and move on later streets

how does a snap big bet on a turn/river card that changes a dynamic flop polarise the villains range?

they either hit something they were waiting for that is really good, or its a bluff

what sort of things are we looking for when thinking of blockers

do we block draws (villain is more likely to have a value hand)

do we block top pair

do we block flush draws

small stakes exploit - thin value

1) If we have overpair and we get called with top pair we can go 3 streets on a static flop where top pair doesn't change and no big draws come in

2)if we have betting lead and good second pair, we can bet if scare card comes down if it fits our range.


pre flop raise sizing tell - exploitation

If someone raises after several limpers, and their size is the same as if they raised first in. then they probably are raising a marginal hand - 3bet, can 3bet polar range with blockers too.

postflop sizing tell - exploitation

following up a previous bet with same size or less. usually a weaker made hand. especially if the next card is a brick

Dynamic board like 923 rainbow,

how to bluff this one with a good holding like KK, AQ etc.

double barrel, especially if nothing interesting comes down. can sometimes wait until the river, and if nothing comes down then fire the second barrel

exploitation - players with high VPIP (40%+)

They connect with all sorts of stuff on low/dynamic flops. can double barrel if an overcard comes down, we have overpair or something like that.
exploit - approaching flops which favour the flat caller and we are the pre flop raiser

normally we should think about checking these, however weak players don't thing about configuration and ranges, just if there hand is good or not. we can adopt a bet/fold strategy here and try and get some weaker holdings to fold

good example is paired boards where the pairing is very low e.g. 722 is better than 772.

exploit - overfOLDING late street raises

overfold here - beginners don't usually bluff with their bluff catcher hands, if they bet big on the river or check raise overfold

exploit - betting draws multiway on dynamic flops

if we don't c bet, we let other players pair up for free later on and we might not be able to get them off any high pair that comes up.

C bet if we think top card will change

exploit - fastplaying

against bad players, just bet / raise if you flop something good
exploit - attacking field bettors in limped pots

bet/barrel on dynamic non draw heavy flops where high card is likely to change.

basically a kind of squeeze

exploit - iso ranges

1 limper - can ignore and raise as if it was the same hand folded to you

2+ - raise early position range

exploit - we have something better than top pair on a dry board where we think villain has top pair

if we unblock top pair (maybe we have an overpair or set) C-bet bigger than normal to extract value

exploit - not check calling the river when you have the betting lead

we only check call the river to try and induce bluffs, and to get opponent to value own themselves (bet with a hand that is marginal - they would fold if we bet first)

the reason is that if we bet hard on previous streets most ppl that called

Bluff catching OOP bets on high disconnected run outs (after checking back the turn)

if we're the raiser, and somebody bets on a disconnected river, after calling our bets on previous stress - go ahead and check/bet again

they may be bluffing especially

Overbetting checklist

Hero has nuts in range

Hero doesn't have thin value bets and is polar

Villain has capped range

Not many nuts

Block bet

Small bet of 20-40% pot made out of turn usually on river

Use if you have marginal or second best hand to try and avoid Villain check raising you

Good if action goes raise x/x x/x

Stay balanced by block betting with monster hands from time to time

Dry static flop bet size

Small 25-35% pot

Wet high flop bet sizing

Large 55-80%

When to overbet

When you have a strong bluff or nut advantage


Hero 3bet, Villain calls

Flop comes AK4

Hero range has AK Villain doesn't as he doesn't 4 bet

If turn is a brick, overbet big