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44 Cards in this Set

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which two types of muscle are striated
cardiac and skeletal
during devlopment, ____ or undifferentiated mononucleated cells fuse into a single cylindrical mutlinucleated cell
definition. a single skeletal muscle cell
muscle fiber
what are the two important factors following skeletal muscle damage
satellite cells and muscle hypertrophy
definition. dark band parallel arrangement and alignment of thick and thin filaments
A band
H zone
narrow light band corresponding to the space between the opposing ends of two sets of thin filaments
I band =
light band
definition. contains the regions of thin filaments that do not overlap heavy filaments
I band or light band
defintiion. network of itnerconnecting proteins that anchors thin filaments at the boundary of each sarcomere
z line
proteins that link the central region of adjacent thick filaments
M line
definition. elastic protein that extends from the Z line to the M line and is linked to both the M line proteins and thick filaments act to maintain the alignment of thick filaments in the middle of each sarcomere
each myosin can interact wiht how many actin
each actin can interact with how many myosin
definition. myosin binds to actin and slides it pulling the z lines closer together and reducing the width of the i bands
contraction or shortening
do filament lengths change in contraction?
no only overlapping increases
what is reduced in muscle contraction
what stays the same in muscle contraction
can you have contractions without shortening?
yes like isometric exercise
definition. thick filament that is actually a polymer of myosin molecuels each of which has a flexible cross bridge and that binds ATP and actin
definition. calcium binding protein. calcium causes a confromation change which affects tropomyosin and exposes actin for ginding
cross bridge cannot be released becasue no ATP is made
after death rigor mortis
in relaxed skeletal muscle, ____ blocks the cross bridge binding site on actin
contraction occurs when _____ bind to troponin; this complex then pulls tropomyosin away from the cross bridge binding site
calcium ions
what does the latent period between excitation and development of tension in msucle include
time to release calcium from sarcoplasmic reticulum
move tropomyosin \cycl the corss bridge
the sarcoplasmic reticulum is continuous with the ___ ____
endoplasmic reticulum
where is calcium stored
lateral sacs
what receptors release calcium into the lateral sac
DHP and ryanodine receptors which are both voltage sensitive
where are DHP and ryanodine receptors found
T tubules
how is caclium taken back into the lateral sack
primary active transport
what does calcium bind to
troponin which makes a conformationl change on tropomyosin
what are the three functions of ATP in skeletal muscle
energize the cross bridge
dissociate the cross bridge
energy for active transport of caclium into the reticulum lowering cytosolic calcium to prerelase levels ending the contraction and allowing the muscle fiber to relax
definition. motor neuron and all of the fibrils it innervates
single motor unit
how may motor neurons will a fibril receive a synapse from
a single motor neuron
why are muscles not all or none
more can be recruited to reach full contraction ... there is not always full contraction
definition. the point of synaptic contact between the axon terminal or a motor neuron and the muscle fiber it controls
neuromuscular junction
definition. analogous to an EPSP
what does metric mean
definition. responds well to repetitive stimulation without becomign fatigued muscles of the body posure are examples
slow oxidative skeletal muscle
defintiion. responsds quickly and to repetitive stimulation without becomign fatigued
fast oxidative muscles
defintiion. used fro quick bursts of strong activation
fast glycolytic skeletal muscle
walking is an example of what kind of muslce
fast oxidative
jumping is an example of what kind of muscle
fast glycolytic
which skeletal muscles are the smallest
slow oxidative
which skeletal muscles are the whitest
fast glycolytic