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52 Cards in this Set

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The Big Bang Theory states that? (3)

The universe began as a HOT and INFINITELY DENSE point. It is similar to a BLACK HOLE. It happened 13.7 BILLION years ago when a tiny singularity violently exploded.

What are the 2 stages of the Universe's Evolution?

• Radiation Era

• Matter Era

EPOCHS (RADIATION ERA) w/ explanation

1. Plank; no matter existed and there were 4 superforce (Gravity, Strong Nuclear, Electromagnetic, Weak)

2. Grand Unification; gravity split from the superforce (3 na lang sila)

3. Inflationary; Universe rapidly expanded from size of atom to size of grapefruit

4. Electroweak; Electromagnetic and Weak split up

5. Quark; all elements are present BUT it was too hot and dense for subatomic particles to form

6. Hadron; Universe cooled down, quarks bind together, formation of protons and neutrons

(7.-8.) Lepton and Nuclear; proton and neutron fused, creating nuclei and creating the 1st element in the universe, HELIUM


Atomic Epoch - universe cooled down, electrons attach to nuclei for the first time (created Hydrogen)

• Galactic Epoch - hydrogen + helium = formed atomic clouds, and from these clouds, became the seedlings of galaxies

• Stellar Epoch - The formation of stars helped shape the universe, heat in the stars caused the conversion of H and He into all remaining elements in the universe

Belgian cosmologist and priest who pioneered the Big Bang Model

Abbe George Edouard Lemaitre

British astronomer who coined the Big Bang

Fred Hoyle

Inspiration of Lemaitre

Albert Einstein

Proposed that the universe is spatial bound (infinite) and that the universe is static.

Albert Einstein

3 Key Observational Evidence of the Big Bang

1. Hubble/Cosmic Expansion

2. Cosmic Microwave Background

3. Primordial or Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

What up with Edwin Hubble?

Made the major discovery of Hubble's exapantion using the 100 inch hooker telescope

What are cepheids?

Class of variable stars pulbating peeriodically; used as an indicator of distance and velocity

What did George Gomow, Robert Herman, Ralph Alpher predict?

That the early stage of the universe was hot and dense, then an afterglow of radiation must have filled up the universe because of the cooling process

Afterglow of radiation is called?

Cosmic Microwave Background

Who predicted the CMB

George Gomow

Ralph Alpher

Robert Herman

The 2 radio astronomers that confirmed the presence of CMB

Arno Penzias

Robert Wilson

Confirmation of CMB

Where? When? What temp?

Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, USA


2.7 Kelvin

What is the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (2)

Produces light elements after the big bang



1. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

-formation of the nuclei of H and he; happened 3 mins after the big bang - Hand He nuclei attracted electrons which allowed them to form full neutral atoms

2. Stellar Nucleosynthesis

-process of fusion in the center of the stars

-formation of He to Fe

3. Supernova Nucleosynthesis

-elements are formed during the violent explotions of stars.

-has a looot of neutrons so elements heavier that Fe was formed

Key ratio of BBN

75 % Hydrogen

25 % Helium

Believed everything is made out of Atoms


Father of Atomism


Greek word that means Atom


What are the characteristics of Atomos



Atoms was proposed by Democritus' teacher who is....


"To understand the very large, we must understand the very small"


4 Elements





What did Anaxagoras believe in?

Most of the things come from seeds

Believed that everything came from the 4 elements


Added Ether to the 4 elements


What is the meaning of Ether

Space or Void

In alchemy they are achieving to get:

Philosopher's Stone (turns things into gold)

Elixir (Medicine)

Democritus' description of atom (400 BC)

simply a round sphere with no electrons, protons or neutrons

John Dalton's description of atom (1808)

Tiny particles that can not be divided

Said that each element has its own atom

John Dalton

Discovered the Electrons

JJ Thompson (1897)

Description of electrons

Smaller particles, negatively charged, no mass

Could not find the positive particle

JJ Thompson

Thomson's Model

Plum Pudding Model

JJ's term for electeons


What was E. Rutherford's experiment?

Goild foil experiment

Whose experiment led to the discovery of nucleus

E. Rutherford

Could not decide how protons and neutrons were arranged

E. Rutherford

Niels Bohr

Said that electrons travelled in a fixed path around the nucleus

Shows why each element emitted its own unique frequency of energy as electrons jumped orbits

Atomic Planetary Model

Says that we can't know exactly where an electron is in any given time

Electron Cloud Model

What does the electron cloud do?

Assigns electrons to diff. atomic orbitals

The smallest unit of matter that retains the identity of the substance


2 Regions of ATOM

Electron Cloud


Nucleus contains...


Atomic #

Number of protons in an atom

Mass #

# of protons and neutrons (addition)

An orbital can only hold:

1st ring - 2 electrons

2nd ring - 8 electrons

3rd ring - 18 electrons

4th ring - 32 electrons