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98 Cards in this Set

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Divergent Pathway

Convergent pathway

Benefits of it



Diff layers

Meaning behind layers and

brain effect

Dif between fast and slow responces in terms of mediation

Fast - Ion

Slow- G protein

What do neurotransmitters create and Wich channel

What do neuromodulators create and which channel

How does g protein get to

Coordinated intracelluar response and EPSP

and IPSP

How does chemical gated iok channel get to



What happens if two subtresholds are far apart?

What happens if two potentials are close together - and term

3 steps of several presynaptic nuerons

Inhibitory post synaptic potential

Global presynaptic vs selective


Sub and Supra threshold




How does a action potential stop a Supra theshold from contining (ions involved)

Deymilenation diseases cause what and why when dealing with action potentials?

What does Milena cover?

Like what?

Node if ravian and benefit of it

How does Schwann cell produce myelin

4 different CBS cells and functions

2 PNS cells

A Emo!

5 steps of neurotransmitters release

Neurotransmitters termination 3 ways

Types of automatic neurons and what control

- commicate with

- stimulate

Somatic motor neurons control , responces

Sensory , interneurons, efferent









Cycle of Acetylcholine through ugh cleft

Its made from what?

Parts of neuron

Weak stimulus vs strong stimulus

What 2 channels do glutamate effect

And effects of such

Na or AMPA receptor

and calcium or NMDA recptor

What does NA cause (beside depolarization)

How does that effect calcium?

What does calcium do (2)

Receptor , type, location, agonist /anta

3 glutamate


And ago and anti

Directions on head

Nerve numbers down spine

Layers of of meninges

Spinal cord layers

How do ventricles connect and talk ?

Filled with what

Serebral spinal fluid

What makes CSF?

Effect of it?

How does it go around brain?

What the name of the space it is in?

Astrocyte foot process do what

tight Justin's do what

Make juctions that stop **** from comming through blood r.brsin. ...filter.

Ascending tracts and descending tracts in spinal cord

Gray matter diagram

Spinal reflex

Single neural reflex

What's in frotal lobe

Where is taste?

What insula?

What in temporal lobe?

What's in pariental love and occipital love?

What's on left hemisphere

On right?

What do eyes see effect loves?

Hint: science vs arts

Writing, speach, visual understand, general association.

Steps of readings a word and hearing a word?

Broken wernikcs area vs broken broccas area

Simple , complex and special resecptor neurons

Read and make question .

4 parts of brain stem and fuction

Convergence .. large vs small receptor feilds

Benefits if both

What anotiny different in septors

Role of primary and secondary neurons

Most pathways go through what before brain

Which one skips that?

Eye, noose, toinge, sound, somatic sensors , equalibrium go to what?

Moderate vs long and strong stimulus

Tonic vs phasic receptors

5 type of taste receptors

Sweet , umami (nutrition), bitter, sour, salt?

Salt is a type 1 support cell.

Which taste use ATP and which one do seritoni? What type is receptor cells if sensors? How do they use atp?

Ca signals release seritoni

Bitter and posion?


Olfactory pathway

Caniao nerve for smell anatony and how it connects to ethmoid bone?

How long do olfsctort epitheliul live

2 mounts

Type of neuron is olfsctiry


How do we smell?




How taste is sences. Both ATP and seritonion way.

How is referred pain done?

Reffered and ohanton pain

What does mirical bery do?

It binds to the sweet receptors and makes sour taste sweet



Refered pain


Small intestine



Ureterd refered pain

Porportiom of somatosensorry represented by body ?

2 most?


Point of convergence!

Save space

Fine touch, propriception, vibration

Primary sensoy


Synsoes with

Tertiary sensory



Coarse touch

Primary sensoySecond Synsoes with Tertiary sensory

Path of sensons from spinal to brain

Which ones go where ? Midline or medulla ?

How do sound travel through ear?

High low frequency?

Round window used for?


Ear sound path

What sences the sound?

Membrane were sound heard?

How cochlear nerve involved

Organ of codi

Organ of Corti


How tectprial membrane moves to pass on sounds.

Stereocilia hair cells at rest?


Exitation and inhibition ? What causes this to do?

Wave freq of at rest and ecxit and inhibition

Shape of hair cells and why?

Frequency detection in cells ?

Loud and quiet sounds?


How sound traveld from cochlesr to auditory cortexes? Sure if travel?

How we determine where sound direction ?

What let's us detective body position ?

Vestibular apparatus.

What let's us detective body position ?

Vestibular apparatus.

3 parts of vestibular apparatus

And what each detect?

Semicircular canals

What moves in each canal to give signal ? And how? What area called?

Movement of the what (fliud) pushes on what to do what? In ear / position?

Utricle and saccule

U- horizontal movement/ head tilt at rest

S- vertical forces of body

How does endolymph play a role in hearing ?


Open and closing sends signals

One direction is active is one way

Other d is close is other way

Nasolacrimal duct do?

Iris do?

Left eye feild and right eye feild?

Which side if brain?

Structures of travel from light bulb to visual cortex

What is optic disk?

Fovea region contain? Important?

Pupil controls?

Lebds do?



Accommodation ?

Fovea is 100% cons

Macula feild is close to 100% cons

Accommodation - bend light to get direct ficus on fovea/ macula.

Layers that contain photoreceptors


Cranial nerve controls pupal constriction ?

Light travel to brain.

Eye, optic nerve, chiasm, tract, thalamus/ lateral geniculate in midbrain, visual cortex.