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12 Cards in this Set

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Greek;pharmakon- remedy and logos meaning knowledge of drugs.


Rate of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME

Brand name

Manufacturer trademark name first letter of brand name always capitalized

Generic name

Approved by the United States adopted name council (USAN)

Pure Food and Drug Act 1906

Focus on purity not safety

Federal food,Drug and Cosmetic Act 1938

(FFDCA)- drug labeling to include directions for use, warning and safety concerns

Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970

Control substance act.

Requires registration, record keeping and rules regarding dispensing a controlled drugs

Poison prevention Packaging Act of 1970

(PPPA)- consumer product safety commission (CPSC) child safety/safety caps

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 1990

(OBRA)- counseling obligations and review

(OBRA) (ProDur)- prospective drug utilization

(HIPAA) 1996

Health insurance probability and accountability act -protect the patient information

Durham-Humphrey Amendment, 1951

Legend drug- stops dispense to a patient without prescription

Kefauver-Harris Amendment, 1963

To stop birth defects (Teratogenic drugs) FDA supervised