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50 Cards in this Set

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Part that contains brain and spinal cord

Central nervous system

Part that contains everything else such as sensory information and all info flowing out of the cns

Peripheral nervous system

PNS is further divided into

sensory and motor division

This division includes nerves that have sensory function and carry impulses to CNS for integration

Sensory/afferent division

This division include nerve fibers that carry impulses away from the CNS

Motor or efferent division

Motor division is divided to two

Somatic nervous system

Autonomic nervous system

Mainly motor nerves to skeletal muscle

Somatic nervous system

Responsible for regulation of involuntary functions

Autonomic nervous system

Responsible for maintaining internal environment of the body (homeostasis)

Autonomic nervous system

Regulates organ system of the body, controls homeostasis

Regulates many of the internal organs through a balance of 2 aspects (PARA AND SYMPA NS)

Autonomic nervous system

Originate from the CNS and synapse at the ganglion

Preganglionic neuron

Its cell body is in the autonomic ganglion

Postganglionic neuron

What are the division of the ANS

Parasympathetic (cholinergic) division

Sympathetic (adrenergic) division

Mediates rest and digest


Mediates fight and flight


These two are more of anatomical division



They are based on the neurotransmitter being secreted are ohysiological divisiin

Cholinergic and adrenergic

Component: path of preganglionic cell

PNS: CN 3,7,9,10


Component: preganglionic fiber length

PNS: long

SNS: short

Component: preganglionic myelination

PNS: myelinated

SNS: myelinated

Component: pre to postganglionic ratio

PNS: one to one (except vagus nerve)

SNS: one to many

Component: preganglionic cell NT

PNS: ach

SNS: ach

Component: postganglionic cell location

PNS: on or near origin

SNS: sympathetic chain next to spinal cord

Component: postganglionic fiber length

PNS: short

SNS: long

Component: postganglionic myelination

PNS: unmyelinated

SNS: unmyelinated

Postganglionic cell NT

PNS: ach


2 major neurochemical transmitters



Major neurotransmitter at the terminals of postg. fibers in junction of sympa division


Postganglionic fibers of norepinephrine

Adrenergic fibers

Transmitter released at peripheral motor portions of the ANS


Fiber of acetylcholine

Cholinergic fibers

Peripheral motor portions of acetylcholine

1. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers

2. Preganglionic sympathetic fibers

3. Postganglionic parasympa. fibers at neuroeffector junction

4. Splanchnic nerve terminal in adrenal medulla

5. Sympathetic postganglionic neurons which innervate sweat glands and blood vessels of skeletal muscles

6. Somatic nerve terminals at neuromuscular junctions

An important component of sympathetic nervous system

Chromaffin cells are present

Adrenal medulla

These cells are considered modified adrenergic nerve cells that contains epinephrine (also norepi)

Chromaffin cells

Supplies the adrenal medulla that causes release of epi. from chromaffin cells

Splanchnic nerve

Receptors are collectively known as

Adrenal receptors

2 types of receptors in the ANS

Cholinergic receptors

Adrenergic receptors

Cholinergic receptors are classified into

Muscarinic and Nicotinic receptors

Stimulated by muscarine

Blocked by atropine

Muscarinic receptors

Poisonous substance from a mushroom


Give effects of muscarine

1. Increase gland secretion

2. Enhanced contraction of smooth muscles

3. Depressed cardiac muscle activity

Stimulated by nicotine

Nicotinic receptor

Give effects of nicotine

1. Overstimulation of parasympathetic and sympathetic postganglionic nerve fibers

2. Increase skeletal muscle contraction

2 subtypes of nicotinic receptors


Neuromuscular junction

Found in the ganglia of both sympa and parasympa divisions


Ganglionic receptors are blocked by


Found in the motor end plate

Strictly not a part of the autonomic nervous system but uses acetylcholine

Neuromuscular junction

Motor end plate is blocked by


Adrenergic receptors are classified as

Alpha 1 and 2 adrenergic receptor

Beta 1 and 2, 3 adrenergic receptor

Gamma dopaminergic receptors

Adrenergic receptors can be stimulated by
