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30 Cards in this Set

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Are generally bacteriostatic, under certain conditions (such as high concentrations) may be bacteriocidal
Sulfas are structural analogs of :
Para amino benzoic acid
Sulfas interfere with bacterial synthesis of ______ from PABA
Folic acid
Sulfas are synergistic with:
Bacteria start with PABA to make folate so we fool it to start with the wrong:
Substrate (sulfa)
There is a delay in the _____ of the bacteria b/c they have a store of folate to use
Once the bacteria have used all of their stored folate, sulfas stop _______ of bacteria
New synthesis
There is _____ interaction between the PABA that the bacteria need to use and the sulfa we give them.
Alterations in enzyme which utilizes PABA so that PABA is a better substrate
Mechanism of sulfa resistance
Increased capacity to destroy or inactivate the drug
Mechanism of sulfa resistance
Alternative metabolic pathway for synthesis of essential metabolites
Mechanism of sulfa resistance
Increased synthesis of PABA (as much as 70 x's greater levels in some strains)
Mechanism of sulfa resistance (main)
Bacteria can ______ the synthesis of the precursor that they need (PABA)
Sulfa can enter the _____ whereas PCN cannot
Sulfa can also enter the ______ or can be used topically for eye infections. Also accumulates in _____.
Aqueous humor; joints
Sulfa is common to use to tx UTI b/c it ______ in the renal tract
Sulfa undergoes hepatic metabolism at the:
N-4 position
Sulfa undergoes protein binding, so it can displace ______ from protein binding sites
Bilirubin that has been displaced can cause :
Toxic effects
Sulfa: principal of independent solubility
Urinary tract crystallization
We either hydrate or _________ the sulfa so urinary tract crystallization does occur
Neutralize the pH
Sulfa can cause _______ rxns
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency leads to ______ in some pts who take sulfa
Hemolytic anemia
Displacement of bilirubin in newborns can cause:
CNS damage
Sulfas can be used for UTIs, systemic infections, topical infections and:
Pulmonary lesions and brain abscesses
Principle of independent solubility states that:
Each sulfa acts like it is alone in aqueous solution
At some concentrations sulfa will crystallize. However the ______ leads us to not be worried about this
Principle of independent solubility
You give _____ of sulfa types to equal the total dose needed to prevent crystallization
Analog of dihydrofolate (intermediate in synthesis of reduced floats)