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47 Cards in this Set

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Behavorism's View of the Science of Personality

Explained in terms of causal influence of environment of the person

Simple System

Contain important features that are same as features of system in which you're interested

Neutral stimulus

Stimulus that doesn't evoke a response

Unconditioned stimulus

Stimulus innately capable of eliciting response

Unconditioned response

Innate reflex response elicited by an unconditioned stimulus

Conditioned stimulus

When neutral stimulus begins to evoke a response after being paired with unconditioned stimulus

Conditioned response

Learned response elicited by conditioned stimulus

Positive reinforcement

Something pleasant is given to make the behavior more likely to happen again

Positive punishment

Giving something to decrease behavior

Negative reinforcement

Something unpleasant is removed to make the behavior more likely to happen again

Negative punishment

Take something away to decrease behavior

Superstitious behavior

Behavior that is repeated to produce reinforcement, even though it is not necessary

Siegal and drugs

The setting where drugs are used is a conditioned stimulus


Tendency to respond to stimuli similar to the conditioned response


The learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus


The initial learning stage in which an association between a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus takes place

Conditioned aversion

Learned dislike or negative emotional response to a stimulus

Systematic desensitization

A type of exposure therapy that associates a pleasant, relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety-triggering stimuli commonly used to treat phobias

Operant conditioning

Learning through rewards and punishments

Little Albert study

Poor child is traumatized by loud noises associated with rat

Baccus, Baldwin, and Parker study on self-esteem and classical conditioning

Classical conditioning increased self-esteem

Token economy

People get tokens for many socially desirable or productive behaviors and give tokens for bad behaviors and to get rewards

Most effective way to reinforce good behavior

Reinforce good behavior immediately after it occurs

Schedules for reinforcement

A rule or plan for determining which responses will be reinforced

Fixed ratio schedule

A set number of correct responses must be made to obtain a reinforcer

Variable ratio schedule

Varied number of correct responses must be made to obtain a reinforcer

Fixed interval

The first correct response made after a certain amount of time has elapsed is reinforced

Variable interval schedule

Reinforcement is given for the first correct response made after a varied amount of time

3 psychological qualities are essential features of persons (Social-Cognitive Theory)

. People can reason about the world using language

. People can think about their past, present, and future

. People reflect on themselves

Competencies and skills

Differences between people may reflect variations in people's skill in executing different types of action

Declarative knowledge

Knowledge we can state in words

Procedural knowledge

Cognitive and behavioral capacities that a person may have without being able to articulate their exact nature

Evaluative standards

Mental criteria for evaluating the goodness or worth of events


What people think the world is like and what it will be like in the future


Beliefs that are directed to the future


People have thoughts about what one wants to achieve in the future

Goal system

Have a hierarchical structure, and are not rigid or fixed

Proximal goals

A goal that involves an aim that is coming up soon

Distal goals

Goals that specify achievements that are far in the future

Perceived self-efficacy

People's perceptions of their own capabilities for action in future situations

Outcome expectations

Beliefs about the rewards and punishments that will occur if one performs a behavior

Delay of gratification

Marshmallow test

Rejection sensitivity

Characterized by anxious expectations of rejection in interpersonal relationship

Hot focus condition

Emotion focused

Cool focus condition

Logic focused


A natural by-product of basic social-cognitive processes

Anderson's Transference Experiment

1. Participants wrote a paragraph about a significant person they knew.

2. Participants later read descriptions of target people.

3. Some had overlapping information with paragraph.

4. Later they had to remember info about target people.

5. Looking for "false positives": "Remembering" info about target that aren't actually about target but about significant other.

6. People haf more false positives when target resembled significant other.

7. Transference influences memory and emotional reactions and desires to be close to new person.

8. After a breakup you get a new relationship with similar person, maybe.