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139 Cards in this Set

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_____ and ____ of atoms provide the theoretical foundation for the periodic classification

Aufbau principle, electronic configuration

The elements in ____ exhibit similar ____ behaviour.

Group, chemical

The similarity arises because the elements have the ______ and ______ of electrons in their outermost orbitals

Same number, same distribution

Helium belongs to ______ block but is positioned in the ______ .

S, p

On what basis hydrogen is similar to alkali metals

Has only one s electron

On what basis hydrogen is similar to group 17 family

To achieve noble gas arrangement can gain an electron

Give the atomic number of rubidium


Give the atomic number of caesium


Give the atomic number of francium


S block elements are all ____ with _____ ionization enthalpy

Reactive metals, low

The reactivity _____ as we go down the group


S block elements are never found in ____ owing to their _____ .

Pure state, high reactivity

S and p block elements together constitute _____ elements or _____ elements

Representative , main group

In p block the non metallic character ____ as we move from left to right across a period


The D Block Elements have general electronic configuration of _____

All D block elements are _____


The lanthanoids starts from _____(____) to ___ ( ____)

Ce(Z=58), Lu(Z= 71)

The actinoids start from _____ ( ___) to ____(___) .

Th(Z=90), Lr( Z= 103)

The electronic configuration of f block elements are

(n-2) f1-14(n-1) d0-1 ns2

The last electron in F block elements added to each element is filled in

F orbital

F block elements are all


The chemistry of _____ is more complicated than the corresponding lanthanoids, due to the large number of oxidation States possible

Early actinoids

Many of the actinoid elements have been made only in _____ quantities or even less by nuclear reactions and their chemistry is _____ fully studied

Nanogram, not

Elements after uranium are called

Trans uranium elements

The electronic configuration of Z =117

(Rn) 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p5

Electronic configuration of Z = 120

(Uuo) 8s2

Metals comprise more than ____ of all known elements and appear on the ____ side of periodic table

78%, left

______ And ____ also have very low melting points

Gallium, caesium

By ____ property metals can be flattened into thin sheets by hammering


By _____ property metals can be drawn into wires


Non metals are usually solids or gases at room temperature with ____ melting and boiling points


Non metals are _____conductors of heat and electricity


Most non metallic solids are ___ and are neither malleable nor ductile


The change from metallic to non metallic character is not ____


Give example of semi metals

Silicon , Germanium , arsenic, antimony , tellurium

Si, Be, Mg, Na, P : Order of metallic character is


In non metals the reactivity ____ down the group


The measurement of the distance between two atoms when they are bound Together by a _____ bond in _____ molecule forms the covalent radius.

Single, covalent

______ Is taken as half the inter nuclear distance separating the cores

Metallic radius

Noble gases are ____ .


Noble gases have ____ radii.

Van der waal

Noble gases have _____ radii

Non bonded

The ionic radii can be estimated by measuring the distance between cations and anions. T/F.


The Ionic radius of fluoride ion is ____ where as the atomic radius of fluorine is only _____ .

136 pm, 64 pm

In the ionic form the radius of the metals or nonmetals generally decreases or increases by a factor of


In isoelectronic Species the radii would be ____


The energy required to remove an electron from an isolated gaseous atom in its ground state is

Ionization enthalpy

Energy is always required to ____ electrons from an atom and hence ionization enthalpy are always _____ .

Remove, positive

In the graph of ionization enthalpy ____ occupy the maxima and _____ occupy the minima

Noble gases, alkali metals

Why alkali metals occupy the minimum position in the ionization enthalpy graph

Due to their low ionization enthalpy

Shielding is effective when the orbitals in the inner shells are ____ .

Completely Filled

Down the group increase in ____ outweighs the increasing _____ so removal of outermost electron requires ______ energy down the group

Shielding, nuclear charge, less

The penetration of ____ electron to the nucleus is more than that of ____ electron.

2s, 2p

In oxygen atom ____:of the four ____ electrons must occupy the same ____ orbital resulting in an increased ___ repulsion

2, 2p, 2p, electron - electron

Due to ______ it is ___ to remove the fourth 2p electron from oxygen in comparison to nitrogen

Electron electron repulsion, easier

Ionization enthalpy _____ across the period


Electron gain enthalpy provides a measure of the ease with which an atom ____ an electron to form _____ .

Adds, anion

For many elements energy is _____ when an electron is added to the atom and the electron gain enthalpy is ______ .

Released, negative

Halogens have ______ electron gain enthalpy because they can attain stable electronic configuration by _____ electron.

High negative, adding one

Noble gases have _____ electron gain enthalpy because the electron has to enter the next higher _____ level leading to very unstable electronic configuration

Large positive, principle Quantum,

The electron gain enthalpies have ________ values toward the upper right of the periodic table preceding the noble gases

Large negative,

As a general rule electron gain enthalpy becomes _____ with increase in atomic number across a period

More negative

Cl has -349 ∆Hege . What does negative sign means

When an electron is added to the atom enthalpy is negative

Cl has -349 ∆Hege. What does the magnitude represent

The high magnitude represents the tendency to gain electron

What is the general rule which can be applied for electron gain enthalpy

Enthalpy is negative when an electron is added

When does an atom has positive electron gain enthalpy

When it does not want to add electron , eg: noble gas

The positive and electron gain enthalpy indicates

The tendency with which an electron is repelled

The high value of electron gain enthalpy indicates

Height of Desire

The effective nuclear charge ____ from left to right across a period


Due to increased effective nuclear charge it will be ____ to add an electron to _____ atom because the added electron on an average would be closer to the positively charged _____

Easier, smaller, nucleus

Electron gain enthalpy becomes _____ as we go down a group

Less negative

The electron gain enthalpy of oxygen or fluorine is ______ than that of the succeeding element because of significant ____ .

Less negative, repulsion

The negative of electron gain enthalpy is defined as

Electron affinity

Electron affinity is defined as

Absolute zero

Give the relation between electron gain enthalpy and electron affinity

Electronegativity is a _____ measure


Electronegativity is a measurable quantity. T/F


Electronegativity is not a measurable quantity

Mulliken-Jaffe scale is applicable to _____


Allred - Rochow scale is related to


Why does the magnitude of electron gain enthalpy decreases down the group

Because down the group the size of the atom increase and the added electrons would be farther from the nucleus

The magnitude of electron gain enthalpy ______ down the group


The electronegativity of any given element is _____ .

Not constant

Electronegativity depends on the ____ to which it is bound


Elements have constant electronegativity


Electronegativity is a measurable quantity


Electronegativity is not a _____ quantity


_____ provides a mean of predicting the nature of force that holds a pair of atoms together


The electronegativity of any given element is


Electronegativity generally increases across a period from

Left to right

Electronegativity value _____ with the increase in atomic radii down a group.


The trend of electronegativity is similar to

Ionization enthalpy

Electronegativity is directly related to _____ property of the element

Non metallic

Electronegativity is ______ related to the metallic properties of elements


Increase in electronegativities across a period is accompanied by _______ in non metallic properties


Decrease in electronegativities down a group is accompanied by

Increase in metallic properties

Give the electronegativity of

Give the electronegativity of

Give electronegativity of

Give electronegativity of

The _____ is the most characteristic property of the element


In OF2 molecule oxygen ____ two electrons with fluorine atoms


Oxidation state is defined as the charge acquired by its atom on the basis of _____ consideration from other atoms in the molecule


Give the number of valence electron

Give the valence of

There are many elements which exhibit variable valence. This is particularly characteristic of _____ elements and _____ .

Transition, actinoides

Lithium shows diagonal relationship with


Beryllium shows diagonal relationship with


The maximum covalency of the first member of each group is


The first member of p block elements displays greater ability to form _______ multiple bonds to itself and to the other ___ period elements.

Pπ-pπ, second

Give the order of metallic radius of Lithium and magnesium


Give the order of Ionic radius of Lithium and magnesium ion


The chemical reactivity at the two _____ is highest and the lowest in the _____ .

Extremes, centre

The metallic character ___ while the non metallic characters ____ while moving from left to right across the period

Decreases, increases

Oxides of elements in the centre are ____ or ____

Amphoteric , neutral

As2O3 is _____ in nature


Give example of neutral oxides




Give the nature of N2O


Transition metals are _____ electropositive than first and second group metals


Who was the first to consider the idea of trends among properties of elements

Johann dobereiner

Give the group one triad of Dobereiner's triad

Li Na K

Give the group two triad of Dobereiner's triad

Ca Sr Ba

Give the group 17 triad of Dobereiner's triad

Cl Br I

What comment did the dobereiner passed on the triads

Properties of the middle element was in between those of the other two members

Who arranged the then known elements in order of increasing atomic weights


Who made a cylindrical table of elements to display the periodic reference of properties


Law of triods was given in

Early 1800s(1829)

Law of octaves was given in


Who gave law of octaves


Law of octaves seemed to be true only for elements up to


Who was awarded the davy medal in 1887


Dimitri mendeleev

1834 to 1907

Lothar Meyer

1830- 1895

Who is generally credited with the development of modern periodic table

Dimitri mendeleev

Who plotted various physical properties against atomic weight to obtain a periodically repeated pattern
