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29 Cards in this Set

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Ionization Energy

Required to remove an electron from a gaseous atom

Group trend

Goes Down the periodic table

Ionization energy decreases down a group due to valence electrons being further from the nucleus.

Period trend

Goes across the periodic table

Ionization energy increases as you move across a period due to an increased effective nuclear charge

It requires more energy to…

Remove a second or third electron because they are more attracted to a positive ion than a neutral atom

First ionization energy

Energy required to remove the 1st electron

2nd ionization energy

Energy required to remove the 2nd electron

3rd ionization energy

Energy required to remove the 3rd electron

There is a large increase of ionization energy whenever an electron is removed from an atom/ion that is..

Isoelectronic with a noble gas

Because the electron being removed is a core electron

Cations are always..

Smaller than the neutral atom from which they are made

Anions are always..

Bigger than the neutral atom from which they are made

Decreased distance=

More attraction

The more electrons lost

The smaller the ion becomes

The more electrons gained

The bigger the atom becomes

The more electron repulsions (space between the electrons)..

Results in less attractive force between the nucleus and energy levels


Tendency for an element to attract electrons when chemically combined with another element

What is Flurorine’s electronegativity?

4.0 (The highest)

Group trend

Electronegativity decreases moving down

Electrons are less attracted to the nucleus when…

There are more energy levels

Period trend

Electronegativity increases moving left to right across a period

A vertical column in the periodic table:

A group

The periodic table was first arranged by the scientist..


The elements in the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing

Atomic number

Group one is also known as

Alkaline metals

The two rows on the bottom of the periodic table are also known as

F block

D block elements are also known as

Transition elements

As you move across a period from left to right the size of an atom Will


As you move down a group the size of the atoms will


Ionization energy will increase as you move


Ionization energy will decrease as you move
