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22 Cards in this Set

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List two contraindications to live virus immunization.
immunocompromised child or in a household with an immunocompromised individual.
List three classic sign of measles.
Photophobia, confluent rash that begins on the face and spread downward, and koplik spots on the buccal mucosa.
List the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency.
Anemia: pale conjunctiva; pale skin color; atrophy of papillae on tongue; brittle, ridged, or spoonshaped nails; and thyroid edema.
Identify food sources of Vit A.
Liver, sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, peaches, and apricots.
What disease occurs with Vit C deficiency.
Scurvy ( sunken eyes, loss of teeth, pale skin)
What measurements reflect present nutritional status?
Weight, skinfold thickness, and arm circumference.
List the signs and symptoms of dehydration in an infant.
Poor skin turgor, absence of tears, dry mucous membranes, weight loss, depressed fontanel, and decreased urinary output.
List the laboratory findings that can be expected that can be expected in a dehydrated child.
loss of bicarbonate/decreased serum ph, loss of Sodium, loss of potassium, elevated hematocrit, and elevated BUN.
How should burns in children be assessed?
By using lund browder chart. This takes into account the changing proportions of the child's body.
How can the nurse best evaluate the adequacy of fluid replacement in children?
By monitoring urine output.
How should a parent be instructed to child proof a house?
By being taught to lock all cabinets, to safely store all toxic household items in locked cabinets, and to examine the house from the child's point of view.
What interventions should the nurse perform first in caring for a child who has ingested a poison?
Assessment of the child's respiratory, cardiac, and neurologic status.
Describe the purpose of bronchodilators.
To reverse bronchospasm.
What are the physical assessment findings for a child with asthma?
Expiratory wheezing, rales, right cough, and signs of altered blood gases.
What nutritional support should be provided for a child with cystic fibrosis?
Pancreatic enzyme replacement, fat-soluble vitamins, and a moderate to low carbohydrate, high protein, moderate to high fat diet.
Why is genetic counseling important for the family of a child with cystic fibrosis?
Because the disease is autosomal recessive in its genetic pattern.
List seven signs of respiratory distress in a pediatric client.
Restlessness, tachycardia, tachypnea, diaphoresis, flaming nostrils, retractions, and grunting.
Describe the care of a child in midst tent.
Monitor child's temperature; keep tent edges tucked in; keep clothing dry; assess respiratory status; look at child inside tent.
What position does a child with epiglottitis assume?
Upright, sitting, with chin out and toungue protruding (tripod position)
Why are IV fluids important for a child with an increased respiratory rate?
The child is at risk for dehydration and acid base balance.
Children with chronic otitis media are at risk for developing what problem?
Hearing loss/ conductive hearing
What is the most common postoperative complication following a tonsillectomy?
Describe the signs and symptoms of this complication.
Hemorrhage; frequent swallowing. vomiting fresh blood, and clearing throat