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32 Cards in this Set

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Whats pathophys of ARDS?
Pro inflammatory cytokines leading to increased alveolar capillary permeability
What’s left atrial pressure in ARDS?
Normal; (? PCWP < 20)
What ratio of PaO2/FiO2 defines ARDS vs AlI?
Ratio < 300 in ALI
Ratio < 200 in ARDS
What are lung protective strategies w/ ventilation wen dealing w/ ARDS
Low tidal voluems: 6 ml/kg
Plateau insp pressure < 30 cm H20 that improve outcomes
What does xray of ARDS show?
Pulmonary edema/effusions, diffuse b/l alveolar opacity
What’s pulm artery wedge in ARDS or ALI?
< 18
Whats pathophys of ards in alveolar damage?
Interstitial and alveolar fluid – filled w/ protein, blood; from increased permeailtiy of alveolar-capillary barrier w endothelial and alveolar epithelial injry; hyaline membranes form
How does epithelial injury occur?
Epithelial injury impedes removal of alveolar fliud via decreased activity of epithelial sodium channes (ENaC) and disruption of surfactant productiona\ dn turnover; also get influx of acute inflammatory cells (neutrophils)
Whats ARDS hallmark?
Type II cell heyperplasai: repair mechanism**
what pro-inflamm cytokines are increased/released in ARDS?
Activated macrophages and TNF, IL1, 6,8, macrophage inhib factor
What anti-inflamm cytokines are balanced w/ pro-inflam cytokines?
Soluble TNF recptor; IL-receptor antag; IL-8 autoab; IL 10, IL 11
Theres a change in what cell surface adhesion molecules on?
endothelium (E-selectins); leukoctyes (L-selectings; and plateltes (P-selectins)
Which molecules tell neutrophils where to stop?
ARDS can occur in what kind of patients?
Neutropenic pts
During ARDS what do neutrophils release?
Ocidants, proteases, leukotrines, platelet activating factor (PAF
What leads to infactiviation of surfactant?
Influx of protein ricH edema fliud into alveolus
When does ARDS present?
Within 72 hours of acute injury but may be up to 1 wk
What does PEEP do in ARDS?
Improves oxygenation by alveolar recruitment and raised mean airway pressure; improves lung compliance and airway resistance by shifting up FRC AND decreases pulm vasc resistance
How does fresh water drowning affect lung?
Disrupts surfactant system w/ alveolar instaibllity and atelectasis
How does salt water drowning affect lung?
Hypertonicity draws water into alveoli w/ dilution of surfact;
How does drowning affect lugns?
Pulmonary dysfx: injury to alveolar-capillary barrier w/ prtoeinaceous non hydrostatic pulmonary edema ;may lead to ARDS
Whats best treatment in drowning?
Early PEEP to reverse hypoxemia
What’s poor prognosis for near drowning?
CPR > 25 in; CPR at hospital; fixed, dilated pupuils; sz; flaccid; GCS < 5
What kind of injury causes total respiratory muscle paralysis?
Above C-3
What is diaphragm innerved by ?
C 3,4,5 (keep diaphragm alive)
Nerves to diaphra and scalen muscles are from what ? and involved in inspiration
Nerves to expiraotyr muscles are where?
Below C8
What increases oxygenation in ards w/o decreasing total lung water content?
What are causes of ARDS?
Sepsis, aspiration, pna, severe trauma; massive transfusion
Patient w/ rapidly developing tacky, hypoxemia w/ cyanosis, inspiratory crackels; hazy cxr has what?
Most likely ARDS
What are 3 main mechanisms that prevent alveolar edema?
Intravascular proteins; interstitial lymphatics (return large volume of fluids to lymphatics); and tight jxn (b/w alveolar cells) which prevent leakage
What inflamm mediators are released w/ alveolar damage?
TNF alpha; IL 1, 6,8