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338 Cards in this Set

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1. What four systems does the hypothalamus regulate?
1. Homeostatic mechanisms controlling hunger, thirst, sexual desire, sleep-wake cycles
2. Endocrine control, via pituitary
3. Autonomic control
4. Limbic mechanisms

pneumonic: HEAL
2. Where is the anterior pituitary derived from?

What is it composed of?
The anterior pituitary is formed by a thickened area of ectodermal cells on the roof of the developing pharynx that invaginate, forming Rathke's pouch.

It contains glandular cells that secrete a variety of hormones into the circulation. The posterior wall of Rathke's ouch forms a small region called the intermediate lobe of the pituitary, which has less prominent endocrine functions in humans.
3. Where is the posterior pituitary derived from?

What is it composed of?
The posterior pituiratry, or neurohypophysis, forms from an evagination of the floor of the developing ventricular system.

It does not contain glandular cells. Instead, it contains axons and terminals of neurons whose cell bodies are located in the hypothalamus.
4. Hypothalamus - where is it located, and what are the borders?
The hypothalamus is part of the diencephalon, and it is named for its location underneath the thalamus. The hypothalamus forms the walls and floor of the inferior portion of the third ventricle.

The hypothalamus is separated form the thalamus by a shallow groove on the wall of the third ventricle called the hypothalamic sulcus.
5. Tuber cinereum
Means "gray protuberance", and is a bulge located between the optic chiasm and the mammillary bodies.
6. What are the mammillary bodies?
The mammillary bodies are paired structures that form the posterior portion of the hypothalamus.
7. What is the infundibulum?

What is the anterior portion called?
The infundibulum, meaning "funnel", arises from the tuber cinereum and continues inferiorly as the pituitary stalk.

The anterior portion is slightly elevated and is called the median eminence.
8. Median eminence
The median eminence is the region where hypothalamic neurons release regulating factors that are carried by portal vessels to the anterior pituitary.
9. Where is the pituitary gland located?
The pituitary lies within the pituitary fossa, which is bounded by the anterior and posterior clinoid processes, which together form the sella turcica.

Just beneath the floor of the sella turcica is the sphenoid sinus,.

The pituitary fossa is bounded laterally on both sides by the cavernous sinus.
10. Tumors in the pituitary fossa region can...
Compress the optic chiasm causing visual problems, including bitemporal hemianopia.
11. Where do the fibers of the fornix pass?
The fibers of the fornix pass through the hypothalamus on the way to the mammillary body, dividing the hypothalamus into a medial hypothalamic area and a lateral hypothalamic area.
12. Lateral hypothalamic area
Consists of the lateral hypothalamic nucleus and the lateral preoptic nucleus.
13. What is the medial forebrain bundle?
The medial forebrain bundle is a diffuse group of fibers running rostrocaudally through the lateral hypothalamic area, which carries many connections to and from the hypothalamus, and between other regions.
14. Where is the periventricular nucleus located?
Most medially, the periventricular nucleus is a thin layer of cells that lies closest to the third ventricle.
15. Where does the preoptic area come from?
The preoptic area is derived emryologically from the telencephalon, while the hypothalamus is derived from the diencephalon.

Nevertheless, the preoptic area is functionally part of the hypothalamus.
16. Neurons in both the supraoptic and the paraventricular nuclei contain what hormones?
Oxytocin and vasopression and then projects to the posterior pituitary.
17. What is the importance of the suprachiasmatic nucleus?
It is the master clock for circadian rhythms. It receives inputs from retinal ganglion cells conveying information about day-night cycles.
18. What three things are in the middle hypothalamic region?
1. Arcuate nucleus
-this is one of the hypothalamic nucleui projecting to the median eminence to control the anterior pituitary.
2. Ventromedial nucleus
3. Dorsomedial nucleus
19. What four things are in the posterior hypothalamic region?
1. Medial mammillary nucleus
2. Intermediate mammillary nucleus
3. Lateral mammillary nucleus
4. Posterior hypothalamic nucleus
20. Where do the descending autonomic fibers originate from in the hypothalamus?
Descending autonomic fiber originate mainly from the paraventricular nucleus, but also from the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus and from the lateral and posterior hypothalamus.
21. Where do the descending autonomic fibers go next? Where do they synapse?
The descending autonomic fibers initially travel in the medial forebrain bundle, and then in the dorsolateral brainstem and periaqueductal gray matter.

Ultimately they synapse on pregangioloic parasympathetic nuclei in the brainstem and intermediate zone of the sacral spinal cord, and onto preganglionic sympathetic neurons in the IML cell column of the spinal cord.
22. Aside from the descending autonomic pathways from the hypothalamus, where are the other descending autonomic pathways?
Several brainstem nuclei, including the nucleus solitarius, noradrenergic nuclei, raphe nucleus, and pontomedullary reticular formation. Many of these nuclei also receive inputs form the hypothalamus.
23. Inputs to the hypothalamus

What is one important source of input to the hypothalamus?
Inputs to the hypothalamus that regulate autonomic function come from numerous synaptic and humoral sources.

One important source of input is the amygdala and certain regions of the limbic cortex, including the orbital frontal, insular, anterior cingulate, and temporal cortices.
24. Where does the hippocampal formation project to the hypothalamus?
The subiculum of the hippocampal formation, a limbic structure, projects to the mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus via the FORNIX.
25. Where do the mammillary bodies project?
The mammillary bodies project via the mammillothalamic tract to eh anterior thalamic nucleus, which in turn projects to limb cortex in the cingulate gyrus.
26. Amgydala pathways - two of them
The amgydala, another important limbic structure, has reciprocal connections w/the hypothalamus via two pathways:
1. Stria terminalis
2. Ventral amygdalofugal pathway
27. What is the importance of the limbic-hypothalamic interconnections?
May be an imortant mechanism for emotional influences on autonomic pathways (sweating, upset stomach when anxious), and on homeostatic pathways, including the immune system.

In addition, connections from the hypothalamus to limbic pathways may enable complex motivational and emotional programs to be activated in the service of homeostatic and reproductive functions.
28. In addition to its roles in endocrine, autonomic, and limbic function, what else is the hypothalamus important in?
Important in regulating a variety of appetitive, homeostatic, and other behaviors that are often essential to survival of the organism.
29. What type of neurons in the VLPO contribute to nonREM sleep, and how?
GABAergic neurons in the ventral lateral preoptic area contribute to nonREM sleep by inhibiting the histaminergic neurons in the tuberomammillary nucleus.
30. Lateral hypothalamus is important in...?
Appetite, and lesions in the lateral hypothalamus cause a decrease in body weight.
31. Medial hypothalamus is important in...?
Medial hypothalamus, especially the ventromedial nucleus, appears to be important in inhibiting appetite, and medial hypothalamic lesions can cause obesity.
32. Where does leptin bind?
Leptin, a hormone that is produced by adipose tissue, binds to receptors in the hypothalamus called Ob receptors, and plays an important role in feedback regulation of food intake and obesity.
33. Where does thirst come from?
Thirst appears to result form the activation of osmoreceptors in the anterior regions of the hypothalamus.

Hypovolemia or elevated body temp can also activate thirst.

Lesions of the lateral hypothalamus decrease water intake.
34. Role of the anterior hypothalamus?
The anterior hypothalamus appears to detect increased body temp and activates mechanisms of heat dissipation.

Anterior hypothalamic lesions can cause hyperthermia.
35. Role of the posterior hypothalamus?
The posterior hypothalamus functions to conserve heat.

Bilateral lesions of the posterior hypothalamus usually cause poikilothermia, in which the body temp varies with the environment b/c these lesions destroy both heat conservation mechanisms of the posterior hypothalamus and descending pathways for heat dissipation arising from the anterior hypothalamus.
36. What are the six anterior pituitary hormones?
1. Andrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
2. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
3. Growth hormone (GH)
4. Prolactin
5. Lutenizing hormone (LH)
6. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
37. What does the intermediate lobe of the pituitary produce?
Produces pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and melanocyte-stimulating hormone, and has little known clinical significance.
38. What are the two hormones released in the posterior pituitary?
1. Oxytocin
2. Vasopressin (ADH)
39. What controls the release of the anterior pituitary hormones?
Release by glandular cells in anterior pituitary is controlled by neurons in the hypothalamus through the hypophysial portal system.
40. From where does the pituitary receive arterial blood?

Where does the first capillary plexus of the portal system occur?
The pituitary receives arterial blood from the inferior and superior hypophysial arteries, which are both branches of the internal carotid artery.

The first capillary plexus of the portal system occurs in the median eminence. Neurons lying adjacent to the third ventricle in several hypothalamic nuclei project to the median eminence,w here they secrete inhibitory and releasing factors.
41. What nuclei project to the median eminence?
1. Arcuate nucleus
2. Periventricular nucleus
3. Medial preoptic nucleus
4. Meidal parvocellular portions of the paraventricular nucleus
42. What is the importance of the hypophysial portal veins?
Inhibitory and releasing factors enter the capillary plexus of the median eminence and are carried by the hypophysial portal veins to the anterior pituitary.

Most of these factors are peptides, except for prolactin release-inhibiting factor, which is dopamine.

Hormones picked up by the secondary capillary plexus of the portal system and are carried by draining veins to the cavernous sinus, which ultimately reach the internal jugular vein.
43. Does the posterior pituitary have a capillary plexus?
Yes, it also has one that picks up oxytocin and vasopressin and carries these hormones into the systemic circulation.
44. What is the importance of ACTH?
ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce corticosteroid hormones, especially the glucocorticoid cortisol, and to a lesser extent the mineralocorticoid aldosterone.

These steroid hormones are important for maintaining blood pressure, controlling electrolyte balance, promoting glucose mobilization into the bloodstream, and a variety of other functions.
45. What is the importance of TSH?
TSH stimulates the thyroid to produce thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

These hormones promote cellular metabolism.
46. What is the importance of GH?

Growth hormone causes the liver, kidneys, and other organs to produce somatomedins or insulin-like-growth factors, which promote increased growth of the long bones and other tissues.

Prolactin causes the mammillary glands to produce milk
47. Roles of FSH and LH?
FSH and LH regulate ovarian hormones responsible for the menstrual cycle and oogenesis in females, and they regulate testicular hormones and spermatogenesis in males.
48. Role of oxytocin?
Oxytocin causes contractions of smooth muscle in the breast for milk let-down, and contractions of the uterus during labor.
49. Role of ADH?
ADH participates in osmotic regulation by promoting water retention by the kidneys, allowing concentration of the urine.
50. HPA axis regulation
Release of hormones in the HPA axis is regulated by multiple neuroendocrine feedback loops.

For example, release of CRH by the hypothalamus and release of ACTH by the anterior pituitary both receive feedback inhibition from circulating cortisol int eh bloodstream.

Chronic administration of exogenous steroids can suppress ACTH production to the point that the adrenals atrophy and are unable to provide sufficient cortisol to support life if the exogenous steroids are abruptly discontinued.
51. What is a pituitary adenoma?
A pituitary adenoma is a slow growing histologically benign tumor arising from glandular epithelial cells in the anterior pituitary.

It is a fairly common tumor, accounting for about 5% of all intracranial neoplasms in adults. Mean age of Dx is 40 years.
52. Where do pituitary adenomas come from?
Pituitary adenomas can arise from any of the cell types in the anterior pituitary, and 85% secrete one or more pituitary hormones.

Hormone secretion by pituitary adenomas is often in excess of normal levels and is not under normal hypothalamic control, resulting in several endocrinological syndromes.
53. What are non-functional (silent) adenomas?

Frequency of headaches in pituitary adenomas?
Silent adenomas often grown larger before causing symptoms.

Headache may be present even in small pituitary adenomas b/c of irritation of pain fibers in the adjacent cavernous region; however, headache is more common in large pituitary tumors.
54. What causes bitemporal hemianopia?
Compression of the optic chiasm by large pituitary adenomas can cause visual disturbances, including a characteristic bitemporal hemianopia.

If left untreated, large pituitary adenomas can eventually cause hydrocephalus and brainstem compression.
55. What is the most commonly secreted hormone in pituitary adenomas?
Prolactin is the most commonly secreted hormone in pituitary adenomas, accounting for about 50% of all pituitary adenomas.

The next most common is GH, followed by ACTH.

Nonfunctioning tumors account for about 15% of pituitary adenomas.
56. What are the treatment options of pituitary adenomas?
Medication, surgery, and radiotherapy.

Prolactin secreting tumors often show a good response to treatment with dopaminergic agonists such as bromocriptine or cabergoline, which inhibit prolactin release and shrink tumors.

Recently, good results have also been obtained in treating GH secreting tumors with the somatostatin analogue octreotide, which inhibits GH release and shrinks tumors. Treatment of nonprolactin-secreting or GH secreting tumors w/medication has been disappointing.
57. What is the transsphenoidal approach used in surgery to resect pituitary adenomas?
Under general anesthesia, the floor of the pituitary fossa is entered through the roof of the sphenoid sinus, with instruments inserted through the nose.

With suprasella pituitary tumors (extending above the sella turcica), an intracranial approach is often necessary to attain adequate tumor removal.
58. Clinical features of prolactin-secreting adenomas
Typically cause amenorrhea in women, hypogonadism in men, and glactorrhea, infertility, hair loss, decreased libido, and weight gain in both sexes.

Some of these effects of elevated prolactin are mediated by inhibition of hypothalamic LHRH, which in turn leads to decreased LH and RSH levels.

In normal women this effect of prolactin in LH and FSH delays the resumption of menses during lactation. Also, headache and visual symptoms can also occur.
59. Dx of prolactin-secreting adenomas
Elevated prolactin levels can have many causes, but very high levels in nonpregnant patients are virtually diagnostic of pituitary adenoma.
60. What are the features of growth hormone secreting adenomas?

How are they diagnosed?
GH secreting adenomas cause acromegaly, a lowly progressive overgrowth of bones and soft tissues. Acromegaly is characterized by enlarged hands and feet, coarsened facial features, and a protuberant jaw.

Gigantism occurs if the GH excess begins before epiphyseal closure in adolescence. Other common problems in patients with GH excess include carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, infertility, hypertension, and diabetes.

Dx is by typical clinical features, elevated GH levels of greater than 2 micrograms per liter even after glucose administration and MRI.
61. ACTH secreting adenoma clinical features
ACTH-secreting adenomas cause Cushing's disease. Cushing's disease is an important cause of Cushing's syndrome, and means specifically that the syndrome is caused by an ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma.
62. How often does Cushing's syndrome caused by primary adrenal adenomas or adenocarcinomas?
In only about 15% of cases.

The remaining 85% are caused by ACTH oversecretion by pituitary adenomas (70%) or by nonpituitary tumors that secrete ACTH, such as bronchial carcinoma (15%), referred to as "ectopic" ACTH production.
63. What is the dexamethasone suppression test used for?
The dexamethasone suppression test is done to localize the cause of endogenous cortisol excess.

It works on the principle that administration of a dose of dexamethasone at midnight normally acts through negative feedback like cortisol to suppress cortisol levels or urine cortisol metabolite measure the next morning.

If cortisol production is not suppressed w/the low dose test, the high dose dexamethasone suppression test is then helpful b/c ACTH-secreting pituitary tumors are usually suppressible w/this dose, while ectopic ACTH-secreting tumors and adrenal tumors are not.
64. When dexamethasone suppression test results are equivocal, how is petrosal sinus sampling used?
Petrosal sinus sampling can be helpful in distinguishing pituitary from nonpituitary ACTH overproduction. In addition, petrosal sinus sampling can often correctly localize the side of a microadenoma not visible on MRI.

In ACTH secreting pituitary adenomas, ACTH levels in at least one petrosal sinus should be more than two times the ACTH levels in a peripheral vein. An IV dose of CRH is then given, and ACTH levels are taken from each petrosal sinus every five minutes.

A 3x increase in ACTH is diagnostic of a pituitary adenoma. In addition, the ACTH rise is usually 2-20x higher on the side of the tumor than on the contralateral side.
65. TSH secreting adenomas
TSH secreting adenomas are a rare cause of hyperthyroidism.

Thyroid ophthalmopathy can occur, in which there is inflammatory involvement of the orbital tissues, leading to proptosis, and ultimately extraocular muscle fibrosis, which can mimic brainstem or cranial nerve disorders. Other important neurologic manifestations of hyperthyroidism include proximal muscle weakness, tremor, dyskinesias, and dementia*.

*Particularly in the elderly, many of the other manifestations may be absent, and hyperthyroidism can mimic dementia.
66. TSH levels in hyperthyroidism caused by primary thyroid disorders vs TSH secreting pituitary adenomas
In hyperthyroidism caused by primary thyroid disorders, TSH levels are completely suppressed.

In TSH secreting pituitary adenomas, TSH levels are elevated.
67. What are the usual causes of hypothyroidism?
Hypothyroidism is usually caused by primary thyroid disorders such as autoimmune thyroid disease, iodine deficiency, or previous ablative treatment for hyperthyroidism, and is rarely caused by pituitary or hypothalamic insufficiency.

However, when lesions of the hypothalamus or pituitary are present, including medium to large pituitary adenomas of any type, it is relatively common for TSH production to be impaired, resulting in hypothyroidism.
68. What are some important symptoms resulting from hypothyroidism?
Lethargy, weight gain, cold intolerance, smooth dry skin, hair loss, depression, and constipation.

Evutually, myxedema coma and cardiac involvement can occur.

Other important neurologic manifestations include neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, myalgias, ataxia, and dementia.

Can also present in the elderly with a dementia or depression-like picture.
69. LH or FSH-secreting adenomas
LH or FSH secreting adenomas often cause hypogonadism and infertility, although tumors can reach a large size before being detected.

These tumors may produce either high or low testosterone and estradiol levels; regardless, patients in either situation have clinical hypogonadism.
70. Besides pituitary adenomas, what other lesions in this region can cause endocrine disturbances or compress the optic chiasm?
1. Adenomas (most common)
2. Craniopharyngioma
3. Aneurysms
4. Meningioma
5. Optic glioma
6. Hypothalamic glioma
7. Chordoma
8. Teratoma
9. Dermoid
10. Rathke's pouch cysts
11. Empty sella syndrome
12. Sarcoidosis
13. Lymphoma
14. Metastases
71. Are the neurons in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei able to release vasopressin in locations other than the posterior pituitary?
Yes, lesions in the posterior pituitary do not cause diabetes insipidus unless there is a lesion high enough in the pituitary stalk - which results in retrograde degeneration of hypothalamic neurons in the suproptic and paraventricular nuclei.
72. What else can cause hyponatremia with elevated urine osmolarity?
Not always caused by SIADH; can also be seen in hypovolemia or in edematous states such as heart failure or cirrhosis.
73. Central pontine myelinolysis
In severe cases of hyponatremia, infusions of hypertonic saline are sometimes infused too rapidly, causing central pontine myelinolysis.
74. What is the triphasic response following surgery in the pituitary region?
1. Diabetes insipidus shortly after surgery
2. Followed by SIADH
3. Finally, diabetes insipidus again, which may then gradually improve.
75. What are the causes of panhypopituitarism?
Lesions in this region include large nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas, hypothalamic tumors, metastases, and other infiltrative processes, including sarcoidosis, infections, and autoimmune disorders.

Other causes include head trauma, surgery, radiation therapy, pituitary infarct, and congenital abnormalities.
76. What is pituitary apoplexy?
On rare occasions, pituitary tumors can undergo spontaneous hemorrhage resulting in pituitary apoplexy.

Patients w/pituitary apoplexy often present w/sudden headache, meningeal signs, unilateral or bilateral cavernous sinus syndrome, visual loss, hypotension, and depressed level of consciousness.

Panhypopituitarism is a common sequela of pituitary apoplexy.
77. Anterior pituitary origin
The anterior pituitary comes from Rathke's pouch, which is an embryonic invagination of the pharyngeal epithelium.

The origin of the anterior pituitary from the pharyngeal epithelium explains the epitheliod nature of its cells.
78. Posterior pituitary origin
The posterior pituitary is a neural tissue outgrowth from the hypothalamus.

The origin of the posterior pituitary from neural tissue explains the presence of large numbers of glial-type cells in this gland.
79. What are the six anterior pituitary hormones (again)?
1. GH
3. TSH
4. Prolactin
5. FSH
6. LH
80. What are the five different types of cells that can be differentiated in the anterior pituitary?
1. Somatotropes
2. Corticotropes
3. Thyrotropes
4. Gonadotropes
5. Lactotropes
81. What do each of the cell types in the anterior pituitary secrete?
About 30-40% of the anterior pituitary cells are somatotropes that secrete GH and about 20% are corticotropes that secrete ACTH.

Each of the other cell types accounts for only 3-5% of the total.
82. Somatotropes stain w/what type of dye?
Somatotropes stain strongly w/acid dyes and are therefore called acidophils.

Thus, pituitary tumors that secrete large quantities of HGH are called acidophilic tumors.
83. Where are the posterior pituitary hormones synthesized?
In cell bodies in the hypothalamus.

The bodies of the cells that secrete the posterior pituitary hormones are not located in the pituitary gland itself but are large neurons, called magnocellular neurons, located in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus.
84.Control of the posterior pituitary
Secretion from the posterior pituitary is controlled by nerve signals that originate int he hypothalamus and terminate in the posterior pituitary.
85. Control of the anterior pituitary
Secretion of the anterior pituitary is controlled by hormones called hypothalamic releasing and hypothalamic inhibitory hormones secreted within the hypothalamus itself and then conducted to the anterior pituitary through minute blood vessels called hypothalamic hypophysial portal vessels.

In the anterior pituitary, these releasing and inhibitory hormones act on the glandular cells to control their secretion.
86. Strong olfactory stimuli
Olfactory stimuli denoting pleasant or unpleasant smells transmit strong signal components directly and through the amygdaloid nuclei into the hypothalamus.
87. Flow of blood in the anterior pituitary gland
The anterior pituitary is a highly vascular gland w/extensive capillary sinuses among the glandular cells.

Almost all the blood that enters these sinuses passes first through another capillary bed in the lower hypothalamus. The blood then flows through small hypothalamic-hypophysial portal blood vessels into the anterior pituitary sinuses.

Small arteries penetrate into the substance of the median eminence and then additional small vessels return to its surface, coalescing to form the hypothalamic-hypophysial portal blood vessels.

These pass downward along the pituitary stalk to supply blood to the anterior pituitary sinuses.
88. Where are hypothalamic releasing and inhibitory hormones secreted?
Into the median eminence.

The neurons in the median eminence come from various parts of the hypothalamus and send their nerve fibers to the median eminence and tuber cinereum, an extension of hypothalamic tissue into the pituitary stalk.
89. How are the nerve endings in the median eminence different from most endings in the CNS?
Their function is not to transmit signals from one neurons to another but rather to secrete the hypothalamic releasing and inhibitory hormones into the tissue fluids.

These hormones are immediately absorbed into the hypothalamic-hypophysial portal system and carried directly to the sinuses of the anterior pituitary gland.
90. What is the function of the releasing and inhibitory hormones?
To control secretion of the anterior pituitary hormones.

For most of the anterior pituitary hormones, it is the releasing hormones that are important, but for prolactin, a hypothalamic inhibitory hormone probably exerts more control.

Specific areas in the hypothalamus control secretion of specific hypothalamic releasing and inhibitory hormones.
91. What is special about growth hormone?
Growth hormone does not function through a target gland but exerts its effects directly on all or almost all tissues of the body.
92. Growth hormone
Somatotropic hormone that causes growth of almost all tissues of the body that are capable of growing. It promotes increased sizes of the cells and increased mitosis, with development of greater numbers of cells and specific differentiation of certain types of cells such as bone growth cells and early muscle cells.
93. Comparison of growth in childhood and adulthood with GH
In the early stages of development, all organs increase proportionately in size; after adulthood, most of the bones stopped lengthening, but many of the soft tissues continue to grow.

This results from the fact that once the epiphyses of the long bones have united w/the shafts, further lengthening of bone cannot occur, even through most other tissues of the body can continue to grow throughout life.
94. What are three specific metabolic effects of growth hormone?
1. Increased rate of protein synthesis in most cells of the body
2. Increased mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue, increased free fatty acids in the blood, and increased use of fatty acids for energy
3. Decreased rate of glucose utilization through he body.

Thus, in effect, GH enhances body protein, uses up fat stores, and conserves carbohydrates.
95. GH and protein deposition
GH enhances almost all facets of AA uptake and protein synthesis by cells, while at the same time reducing the breakdown of proteins.

It does this by:
1. Enhancing AA transport through the cell membranes
2. Enhancing RNA translation to cause protein synthesis by the ribosomes
3. Increasing nuclear transcription of DNA to form RNA
4. Decreased catabolism of protein and AAs.
96. How does GH enhance fat utilization?

How does the rate of fat utilization compare to the rate of protein synthesis?
1. It has a specific effect in causing the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue
2. GH enhances the conversion of fatty acids to acertyl-CoA

Mobilization of fat by growth hormone requires several hours to occur, whereas enhancement of protein synthesis can begin in minutes under the influence of GH.
97. What is the ketogenic effect of GH?
Fat mobilization due to excessive amts of GH can become so great that large quantities of acetoacetic acid are formed by the liver and released into the body fluids, thus causing ketosis.

This excessive mobilization of fat from the adipose tissue also frequently causes a fatty liver.
98. What are the three effects GH has on carbohydrate metabolism?

What is responsible for these changes?
1. Decreased glucose uptake in tissues such as skeletal muscle and fat
2. Increased glucose production by the liver
3. Increased insulin secretion

Each of these changes results from GH induced insulin resistance' this leads to increased blood glucose concentration and a compensatory increase in insulin secretion.

For these reasons, GH effects are called diabetogenic and are similar to type II diabetes.
99. What is necessary for the growth promoting action of GH?
Insulin and carbohydrates.

Growth hormone fails to cause growth in an animal that lacks a pancreas or if carbs are excluded from the diet.

Especially important is insulin's ability to enhance the transport of some AAs into cells, in the same way that it stimulates glucose transport.
100. What are the three effects of growth hormone on bone?
1. Increased deposition of protein by the chondrocytic and osteogenic cells that cause bone growth
2. Increased rate of reproduction of these cells
3. A specific effect of converting chondrocytes into osteogenic cells, thus causing deposition of new bone
101. What are the two principal mechanisms of bone growth in response to GH?
1. The long bones grow in length at the epiphyseal cartilages. This growth first causes deposition of new cartilage, followed by its conversion into new bone. At the same time, the epiphyseal cartilage is progressively used up so that by late adolescence, no addition cartilage remains for bone growth and fusion occurs.

2. Osteoblasts in the bone periosteum and in some bone cavities deposit new bone on the surfaces of older bone. Growth hormone strongly stimulates osteoblasts. For instance, the jaw bones can be stimulated to grow even after adolescence and the same with the bones of the skull.
102. What is the importance of somatomedins?
It has been found that somatomedins have the potent effect of increasing all aspects of bone growth.

Many of the somatomedin effects on growth are similar to the effects of insulin on growth. Therefore, the somatomedins are also called insulin-like growth factors.
103. Pygmies of Africa
The pygmies of Africa have a congenital inability to synthesize significant amounts of somatmedin C.

Therefore, even though their plasma concentration of GH is either normal or high, they have diminished amts of somatomedin C in the plasma; this apprently accounts for the small statue of these people.

Some other dwarfs (i.e. the Levi-Lorain dwarf) also have this problem.
104. Duration of action of GH vs. somatomedin C
GH attaches only weakly to the plasma proteins in the blood. Therefore, it is released form the blood in less than 20 min.

By contrast, somatomedin C attaches strongly to a carrier product in the blood. As a result, somatomedin C is released only slowly from the blood to the tissues, w/a half time of about 20 hours. This greatly prolongs the growth-promoting effects of the bursts of GH secretion.
105. What is the nature of GH secretion?

What five things stimulate GH secretion?
GH is secreted in a pulsatile pattern, increasing and decreasing.

GH secretion is stimulated by:
1. Starvation, especially w/severe protein deficiency
2. Hypoglycemia or low concentration of fatty acids in the blood
3. Exercise
4. Excitement
5. Trauma.

GH also increases during the first 2 hours of deep sleep.
106. Under acute conditions, what is a potent stimulate of GH secretion?
Hypoglycemia is a far more potent stimulator of GH secretion than is an acute decrease in protein intake.
107. Under chronic conditions, what is a potent stimulant of GH secretion?
In chronic conditions, GH secretion seems to correlate more w/the degree of cellular protein depletion than with the degree of glucose insufficiency.

Under severe conditions of protein malnutrition, adequate calories alone are not sufficient to correct the excess production of GH. The protein deficiency must also be corrected before the GH concentration will return to normal.
108. What part of the hypothalamus causes secretion of GHRH?

The ventromedial nucleus; this is the same area of the hypothalamus that is sensitive to blood glucose concentration, causing satiety in hyperglycemic states and hunger in hypoglycemic states.

Somatostatin is controlled by other nearby areas of the hypothalamus. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that some of the same signals that modify a persons behavioral feeding instincts also alter the rate of growth hormone secretion.
109. Most of the control of growth hormone secretion is mediated through...?
Through GHRH instead through the inhibitory hormone somatostatin.
110. How does GHRH stimulate GH secretion?

Short term and long term effects?
It attaches to specific cell membrane receptors on the outer surfaces of the growth hormone cells in the pituitary gland.

The receptors active the adenylyl cyclase system inside the cell membrane, increasing the intracellular level of cAMP.

This has a short term and a long term effect; short term is to increase the calcium ion transport into the cell, which causes fusion of the growth hormone secretory vesicles w/the cell membrane and release of the hormone into the blood.

The long term effect is to increase transcription in the nucleus by the genes to stimulate the synthesis of new GH.
111. What happens when GH is administered directly into the blood of an animal over a period of hours?
The rate of endogenous growth hormone secretion decreases.

This demonstrates that growth hormone secretion is subject to typical negative feedback control, as is true for essentially all hormones.
112. Dwarfism

Does a person w/panhypopituitary dwarfism pass through puberty?
Most instances o dwarfism result from generalized deficiency of anterior pituitary secretion (panhypopituitarism) during childhood.

In general, all the physical parts of the body develop in appropriate proportion to one another, but the rate of development is greatly decreased.

A person w/panhypopituitary dwarfism does not pass through puberty and never secretes sufficient quantities of gonadotropic hormones to develop adult sexual functions. In 1/3rd of dwarfs, however, only GH is deficient; these person do mature sexually and occasionally reproduce.
113. Treatment w/HGH
GH from different species of animal are sufficiently different from one another that they will cause growth only in the one species or at most closely related species. Thus, human growth hormone is only effective in humans.

Recombinant DNA technology using E. Coli as a vector allows synthetic human GH to be produced.
114. What are the three causes of panhypopituitarism in the adult?
1. Craniopharyngiomas
2. Chromophobe tumors
3. Thrombosis of the pituitary blood vessels - this occurs when a new mother develops circulatory shock after the birth of her new baby.
115. What are three general effects that result from panhypopituitarism?
1. Hypothyroidism
2. Depressed production of glucocorticoids by the adrenals
3. Suppressed secretion of the gonadotropic hormones so that sexual functions are lost
116. Gigantism
Occasionally, the acidophilic, GH-producing cells of the anterior pituitary become excessively active, and sometimes even acidophilic tumors occur in the gland.

As a result, large quantities of GH are produced. All body tissues grow rapidly, including the bones. If the condition occurs before adolescence, before the epiphyses of the long bones have become fused w/the shafts, height increases so that the person becomes a giant.
117. What are some complications of gigantism?
1. Hyperglycemia, and the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas are prone to degenerate b/c the become overactive owing to the hyperglycemia. Full blown DM can develop
2. Panhypopituitarism eventually develops if they remain untreated, b/c the gigantism is usually caused by a tumor of the pituitary gland that grows until the gland itself is destroyed.
118. Acromegaly
If an acidophilic tumor occurs after adolescence, that is, after the epiphyses of the long bones have fused, the person cannot grow taller, but the bones can become thicker and the soft tissues can continue to grow.

Enlargement is especially marked int eh bones of the hands and feet and in the membranous bones, including the cranium, nose, bosses on the forehead, supraorbital ridges, lower jawbone, and portions of the vertebrae, b/c their growth does not cease at adolescence.

Organs also become enlarged.
119. What is the role of decreased GH secretion in aging?
The aged appearance in old people seems to result from decreased protein deposition in most tissues in the body and increased fat deposition in its place.

The physical and physiological effects are increased wrinkling of the skin, diminished rates of function of some of the organs, and diminished muscle mass and strength.

As one ages, the average plasma concentration of GH in an otherwise normal person decreases.
120. What hormones does the posterior pituitary secrete?
ADH and oxytocin
121. Where is ADH formed?

ADH is formed primarily in the supraoptic nuclei

Oxytocin is formed primarily in the paraventricular nuclei
122. Chemical structures of ADH and oxytocin
Both ADH and oxytocin are polypeptides, each containing nine amino acids. These two hormones are almost identical except that in ADH, phenylalanine and arginine replace isoleucine and leucine of the oxytocin molecule.
123. What happens when ADH acts on a cell?
It first combines w/membrane receptors that activate adenylyl cyclase and cause the formation of cAMP inside the tubular cell cytoplasm. This causes phosphorylation of elements in the special vesicles, which then causes the vesicles to insert into the apical cell membranes, thus providing many areas of high water permeability. All this occurs within 5-10 minutes.
124. High concentrations of ADH
High concentrations of ADH have a potent effect of constricting the arterioles throughout the body and therefore increasing the arterial pressure.

One of the stimuli for causing intense ADH secretion is decreased blood volume.
125. What are the two major hormones secreted by the thyroid?

What is the function of these hormones?
Thyroxine (T₄)

Triiodothyronine (T₃)

Both of these hormones profoundly increase the basal metabolic rate of the body.
126. What controls the thyroid secretion?

What else does the thyroid secrete?
Thyroid secretion is controlled primarily by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) secreted by the anterior pituitary gland.

The thyroid also secretes calcitonin.
127. How much of the thyroid hormone secretion is T₄ or T₃?

Which one is more potent?
About 92% of the metabolically active hormones secreted by the thyroid gland is thyroxine (T₄), and 7% is triiodothyronine (T₃).

However, almost all the thyroxine is eventually converted to triiodothyronine in the tissues, so that both are functionally important.

The functions of these two hormones are the same, but they differ in rapidity and intensity of action.

T₃ is about 4x as potent as T₄, but it is present in the blood in much smaller quantities and persists for much shorter time than does T₄.
128. Composition of the thyroid gland
The thyroid is composed of a large number of closed follicles filled w/a secretory substance called colloid and lined w/cuboidal epithelial cells that secrete into the interior of the follicles.

The major constituent of colloid is the large glycoprotein thyroglobulin, which contains the thyroid hormones within its molecule.

The thyroid has a blood flow about 5x the weight of the gland each minute.
129. What is required for formation of thyroxine?

To form normal quantities of thyroxine, about 50 mg of ingested iodine in the form of iodides are required each year.
130. What happens to the ingested iodides?
Iodides ingested orally are absorbed from the GI tract into the blood in about the same manner as chlorides.

Normally, most of the iodides are rapidly excreted by the kidneys, but only after about 1/5th are selectively removed from the circulating blood by the cells of the thyroid and used for synthesis of the thyroid hormones.
131. What is the first stage in the formation of thyroid hormones?

What is iodide trapping?
The first stage in the formation of thyroid hormones is transport of iodides from the blood into the thyroid glandular cells and follicles.

The basal membrane of the thyroid cell has the specific ability to pump the iodide actively to the interior of the cell. This is called iodide trapping.
132. What is the function of the iodide pump?

What is the most important factor in influences the rate of iodide trapping?
In a normal gland, the iodide pump concentrates the iodide to about 30x its concentration in the blood.

When the thyroid becomes maximally active, this concentration ratio can rise to as high as 250x.

The rate of iodide trapping by the thyroid is influenced by several factors, the most important being the concentration of TSH.
133. Composition of thyroid cells
The tyroid cells are typical protein-secreting glandular cells. The ER and Golgi apparatus synthesize and secrete into the follicles a large glycoprotein molecule called thyroglobulin.
134. What is thyroglobulin?
Each molecule of thyroglobulin contains about 70 tyrosine AAs, and they are the major substrates that combine w/iodine to form the thyroid hormones.

Thus, the thyroid hormones form within the thyroglobulin molecule. That is, the thyroxine and triiodothyronine hormones formed from the tyrosine AAs remain part of the thyroglobulin molecule during synthesis of the thyroid hormones and even afterward as stored hormones in the follicular colloid.
135. What is the first essential step in the formation of thyroid hormones?

What enzyme catalyzes this step?
The first step is conversion of the iodide ions to an oxidized form of iodine, either nascent iodine (I⁰) or I₃₋, that is then capable of combining directly w/the AA tyrosine.

This oxidation of iodine is promoted by the enzyme peroxidase and its accompanying hydrogen peroxide, which provide a potent system capable of oxidizing iodides.
136. Where is the peroxidase located?
The peroxidase is either located in the apical membrane of the cell or attached to it, thus providing the oxidized iodine at exactly the point in the cell where the thyroglobulin molecule issues forth from the Golgi apparatus and through the cell membrane into the stored thyroid gland colloid.

When the peroxidase system is blocked or when it is hereditarily absent from the cells, the rate of formation of thyroid hormones falls to zero.
137. What is organification?
The binding of iodine with the thyroglobulin molecule is called organification of the thyroglobulin.

Oxidized iodine even in the molecular form will bind directly but very slowly with the AA tyrosine. In the thyroid cells, however, the oxidized iodine is associated w/an iodinase enzyme that causes the process to occur within seconds or minutes.

Therefore, almost as rapidly as the thyroglobulin molecule is released from the Golgi or as it is secreted through the apical cell membrane into the follicle, the iodine binds with about 1/6 of the tyrosine AAs within the thyroglobulin molecule.
138. How do the thyroid hormones form from tyrosine?
Tyrosine is first iodized to monoiodotyrosine and then to diiodotyrosine. Then, during the next few minutes, hours, and even days, more and more of the iodotyrosine residues become coupled w/one another.

The major hormonal product of the coupling reaction is the molecule thyroxine that remains part of the thyroglobulin molecule. Or, one molecule of monoiodotyrosine couples w/one molecule of diiodotyrosine to form triiodothyronine, which represents about 1/15th of the final hormones.
139. Where is the thyroglobulin stored?
The thyroid is unusual among endocrine glands in its ability to store large amounts of hormone.

Each thyroglobulin molecule contains up to 30 thyroxine molecules and a few triiodothyronine molecules. In this form, the thyroid hormones are stored in the follicles in an amount sufficient to supply the body w/its normal requirements of thyroid hormones for 2-3 months. Therefore, when synthesis of thyroid hormone ceases, the physiologic effects of deficiency are not observed for several months.
140. How are the thyroid hormones released?
Thyroglobulin itself is not released into the circulating blood in measurable amounts; instead, thyroxine and triiodothyronine must first be cleaved from the thyroglobulin molecule, and then these free hormones are released.
141. What are the steps by which thyroid hormones are released?

Four steps:
1. The apical surface of the thyroid cells sends out pseudopod extensions that close around small portions of the colloid to form pinocytic vesicles that enter the apex of the thyroid cell.
2. Then lysosomes in the cell cytoplasm immediately fuse with these vesicles to form digestive vesciles containing digestive enzymes from the lysosomes mixed with the colloid.
3. Multiple proteases among the enzymes digest the thyroglobulin molecules are release thyroxine and triiodothyronine in free form.
4. These then diffuse through the base of the thyroid cell into the surrounding capillaries, and into the body.
142. What happens to 75% of the iodinated tyrosine in the thyroglobulin molecules?
About 3/4s of the iodinated tyrosine never becomes thyroid hormones but remains monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine.

During the digestion of the thyroglobulin molecule to cause release of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, these iodinated tyrosines are also freed from the thyroglobulin molecules.

However, they are not secreted into the blood. Instead, their iodine is cleaved from them by a deiodinase enzyme that makes virtually all this iodine available again for recycling withing the gland for forming additional thyroid hormones.
143. Daily rate of secretion of thyroxine and triiodothyronine
About 93% of the thyroid hormone released is normally thyroxine and only 7% is triiodothyronine.

However, during the ensuring few days, about one half of the thyroxine is slowly deiodinated to form additional triiodothyronine.

Therefore, the hormone finally delivered to and used by the tissues is mainly triiodothyronine, a total of about 35 micrograms per day.
144. What immediately happens to the secreted thyroid hormones?
On entering the blood, over 99% of the thyroxine and triiodothyronine combines immediately with several of the plasma proteins, all of which are synthesized by the liver.

They combine mainly with thyroxine binding globulin and much less so with thyroxine-binding prealbumin and albumin.
145. Why are thyroid hormones released to the tissues slowly?
B/c of high affinity of the plasma binding proteins for the thyroid hormones, these substances, in particular, thyroxine, are released to the tissue cells slowly. Half the thyroxine in the blood is released to the tissue cells about every 6 days, whereas half the triiodothyronine, b/c of its lower affinity, is released to the cells in about 1 day.

On entering the tissue cells, both thyroxine and triiodothyronine again bind w/intracellular proteins, the thyroxine binding more strongly than the triiodothyronine.
146. Onset and duration of action of thyroxine
After injection of a large amt of thyroid hormones, no effect on the metabolic rate can be discerned for 2-3 days, thereby demonstrating that there is a long latent period before thyroxine activity begins.

Once activity does begin, it increases progressively and reaches a max in 10 to 12 days. Thereafter, it decreases w/a half life of about 15 days.
147. Onset and duration of action of triiodothyronine
The actions of triiodothyronine occur about 4x as rapidly as those of thyroxine, with a latent period as short as 6-12 hours and maximal cellular activity occurring w/in 2-3 days.
148. What is the general effect of thyroid hormones?
To activate nuclear transcription of large numbers of genes.

Therefore, in virtually all cells of the body, great numbers of protein enzymes, structural proteins, transport proteins, and other substances are synthesized. The net result is generalized increase in functional activity throughout the body.
149. Before acting on the genes to increase genetic transcription, what happens to the thyroxine?
One iodide is removed from almost all the thyroxine, thus forming triiodothyronine.

Intracellular thyroid hormone receptors have a very high affinity of triiodothyronine. Consequently, more than 90% of the thyroid hormoen molecules that bind with the receptors is triiodothyronine.
150. Thyroid hormones and nuclear receptors
The thyroid hormones are either attached to the DNA genetic strands or located in proximity to them. The thyroid hormone receptor usually forms a heterodimer with retinoid X receptor (RXR) at specific thyroid hormone response elements on the DNA.

On binding w/thyroid hormone, the receptors become activated and initiate the transcription process.

Then large numbers of different types of mRNA are formed, followed within another few minutes or hours by RNA translation on the cytoplasmic ribosomes to form hundreds of new intracellular proteins.
151. Thyroid hormones and metabolic activity
The thyroid hormones increase the metabolic activities of almost all the tissues of the body. The basal metabolic rate can increase to 60-100% above normal when large quantities of the hormones are secreted.

Although the rate of protein synthesis is increased, at the same time the rate of protein catabolism is also increased.

The growth rate of young people is accelerated, the mental processes are excited, and the activities of most of the other endocrine glands are increased.
152. Thyroid hormones and mitochondria
Thyroid hormones increase the number and activity of mitochondria.

Not only do the mitochondria increase in size and number, but the total membrane surface area of the mitochondria increases almost directly in proportion to the increased metabolic rate of the whole animal.

Therefore, one of the principal functions of thyroxine might simply be to increase the number and activity of mitochondria, which in turn increases the rate of formation of ATP of energize cellular function.
153. How to thyroid hormones affect ion transport?
Thyroid hormones increase active transport of ions through cell membranes.

One of the enzymes that increases its activity in response to thyroid hormone in the Na-K-ATPase.

This in turn increases the rate of transport of both sodium and potassium ions through the cell membranes of some tissues.

B/c this process uses energy and increases the amt of heat produced in the body, it has been suggested that this might be one of the mechanisms by which thyroid hormones increases the body's metabolic rate.

In fact, thyroid hormone also causes the cell membranes of most cells to become leaky to sodium ions, which further activates the sodium pump and further increases heat production.
154. What is the effect of thyroid hormone on growth?
Thyroid hormone mainly effects growing children with growth.

In those who are hypothyroid, the rate of growth is greatly retarded. In those who are hyperthyroid, excessive skeletal growth often occurs, causing the child to become considerably taller at an earlier age. However, the bones also mature more rapidly and the epiphyses close at an early age, so that the duration of growth and the eventual height of the adult may actually be shortened.
155. Thyroid hormones and fetal growth
An important effect of thyroid hromoen is to promote growth and development of the brain during fetal life and for the the first few years fo postnatal life.

If the fetus does not secrete sufficient quantities of thyroid hormones, growth and maturation of the brain remains smaller than normal.
156. Thyroid hormones and carb metabolism
Thyroid hormone stimulates almost all aspects of carb metabolism, including rapid uptake of glucose by the cells, enhanced glycolysis, enhanced gluconeogenesis, increased rate of absorption from the GI tract, and even increased insulin secretion with its resultant secondary effects of carb metabolism.
157. Thyroid hormones and fat metabolism
Essentially all aspects of fat metabolism are also enhanced under the influence of thyroid hormone.

In particular, lipids are mobilized rapidly from the fat tissue, which decreases the fat stores of the body to a greater extent than almost any other tissue element. This also increases the free fatty acid concentration in the plasma and greatly accelerates the oxidation of free fatty acids by the cells.
158. Thyroid hormones and plasma fats
Increased thyroid homrone decreases the concentrations of cholesterol, phospholipids, and TAGs in the plasma, even though it increases the free fatty acids.

Conversely, decreased thyroid secretion greatly increases the plasma concnetrations of cholesterol, phospholipids, and TAGs and almost always causes excessive deposition of fat in the liver as well.
159. Thyroid hormones and liver fats
One of the mechanisms by which thyroid hormone decreases the plasma cholesterol concentration is to increase significantly the rate of cholesterol secretion in the bile and consequent loss in the feces.

A possible mechanism for the increased cholesterol secretion is that thyroid hormone induces increased numbers of LDL receptors on the liver cells, leading to rapid removal of LDLs form the plasma by the liver and subsequent secretion of cholesterol in these lipoproteins by the liver cells.
160. Vitamin requirements and thyroid hormones
B/c thyroid hormones increase the quantities of many bodily enzymes and because vitamins are essential parts of some of the enzymes or coenzymes, thyroid hormone causes increased need for vitamins.
161. Thyroid hormone and basal metabolic rate, body weight
Thyroid hormone increases metabolism in almost all cells of the body.

Greatly increased thyroid hormone almost always decreases the body weight, and greatly decreased hormone almost always increases the body weight; these effects do not always occur, b/c thyroid hormone also increases the appetite, and this may counterbalance the change in the metabolic rate.
162. Effect of thyroid hormones on cardiac output and blood flow
Increased metabolism in the tissues causes more rapid utilization of oxygen than normal and release of greater than normal quantities of metabolic end products from the tissues. These effects cause vasodilation in most body tissues, thus increasing blood flow.

As a consequence of increased blood flow, CO also increases.
163. Thyroid hormones and heart rate
The HR increases considerably more under the influence of thyroid hormone than would be expected from the increase in CO.

Therefore, thyroid hormoen seems to have a direct effect on the excitability of the heart, which in turn increases the heart rate.

This effect is of particular importance b/c the heart rate is one of the sensitive physical signs that the clinician uses in determining whether a patient has excessive or diminished thyroid production.
164. Thyroid hormones and heart strength
The increased enzymatic activity caused by increased thyroid hormone production apparently increases the strength of the heart. This is analogous to the increase in heart strength that occurs in mild fevers and during exercise.

However, when thyroid hormone is increased markedly, the heart muscle strength becomes depressed b/c of long-term excessive protein catabolism.
165. Arterial pressure and thyroid hormones

The mean arterial pressure usually remains about normal after administration of thyroid hormone. B/c of increased blood flow through the tissues between heartbeats, the pulse pressure is often increased, w/the systolic pressure elevated in hyperthyroidism and the diastolic pressure reduced.

The increased rate of metabolism increases the utilization of oxygen and formation of carbon dioxide. These effects activate all the mechanisms that increase the rate and depth of respiration.
166. Thyroid hormones and GI motility
In addition to increased appetite and food intake, thyroid homrone increases both the rates of secretion fo the digestive juices and the motility of the GI tract.

Hyperthyroidism often results in diarrhea. Lack of thyroid hormone can cause constipation.
167. Thyroid hormones and effect of CNS
In general, thyroid hormone increases the rapidity of cerebration but also often dissociates this; conversely, lack of thyroid hormone decreases this function.

The hyperthyroid individual is likely to have extreme nervousness and many psychoneurotic tendencies, such as anxiety complexes, extreme worry, and paranoia.
168. Effect of thyroid hormone on muscles
Slight increase in thyroid hormone usually makes the muscles react with vigor, but when the quantity of hormone becomes excessive, the muscles become weakened b/c of excess protein catabolism.

Conversely, lack of thyroid hormone causes the muscles to become sluggish, and they relax slowly after a contraction.
169. Muscle tremors and thyroid hormones
One of the most characteristic signs of hyperthyroidism is a fine muscle tremor.

It occurs at the rapid frequency of 10-15 times per second. This tremor is believed to be caused by increased reactivity of the neuronal synapses in the areas of the spinal cord that control muscle tone. The tremor is an important means for assessing the degree of thyroid hormone effect on the CNS.
170. Thyroid levels and sleep function
B/c of the exhausting effect of thyroid hromoen on the musculature and on teh CNS, the hyperthyroid subject often has a feeling of constant tiredness, but b/c of the excitable effects of thyroid hormone on the synapses, it is difficult to sleep.

Conversely, extreme sleepiness is characteristic of hypothyroidism, with sleep sometimes lasting 12-14 hours a day.
171. How does thyroid hormone affect other endocrine glands?
Increased thyroid hormone increases the rates of secretion of most other endocrine glands, but it also increases the need of the tissues for the hormones.

For instance, increased thyroxine secretion increases the rate of glucose metabolism everywhere in the body and therefore causes a corresponding need for increased insulin secretion by the pancreas.

Also, thyroid hormone increases many metabolic activities related to bone formation and, as a consequence, increases the need for PTH.

Thyroid hormone also increase the rate at which adrenal glucocorticoids are inactivated by the liver. This leads to feedback increase in adrenocorticotropic hormone production by the anterior pituitary, and therefore increased rate of glucocorticoid secretion by the adrenal glands.
172. Thyroid and sexual functioning
Thyroid levels to to be normal for normal sexual function.

In men, lack of them causes loss of libido; great excess of the hormone, however, sometimes causes impotence.

In women, lack of thyroid levels cause menorrhagia and polymenorrhea - that is, excessive and frequent menstrual bleeding, respectively.

A hypothyroid woman, like a man, is likely to have greatly decreased libido. Further, the hyperthyroid woman has oligomenorrhea, which means greatly reduced bleeding, is common, and occasionally amenorrhea results.
173. What is the role of TSH?
TSH, AKA thyrotropin, is an anterior pituitary hormone. This hormone increases the secretion of thyroxine and triiodothyronine by the thyroid gland.
174. What are five specific effects that TSH has on the thyroid?
1. Increased proteolysis of thyroglobulin
2. Increased activity of the iodide pump
3. Increased iodination of tyrosine to form the thyroid hormones
4. Increased size and increased secretory activity of the thyroid cells
5. Increased number of thyroid cells plus a change from cuboidal to columnar cells and much infolding of the thyroid epithelium into the follicles.
175. What is the most important early effect after administration of TSH?
The initiation of proteolysis of thyroglobulin, which causes release of thyroxine and triiodothyronine into the blood within 30 min. The other effects require hours or even days and weeks to develop fully.
176. What mediates the stimulatory effect of TSH?
Most of the effects of TSH on the thyroid cell result form activation of the cAMP system.

The first event in this activation is binding of TSH with specific TSH receptors on the basal membrane surfaces of the thyroid cell. This then activates adenylyl cyclase in the membrane, which increases the formation of cAMP inside the cell.

Finally, the cAMP acts as a second messenger to activate protein kinase which causes multiple phosphorylations throughout the cell. The result is both an immediate increase in secretion of thyroid hormones and prolonged growth of the thyroid glandular tissue itself.
177. What regulates the anterior pituitary secretion of TSH?
TRH, or thyrotropin releasing hormone, which is secreted by nerve endings in the median eminence of the hypothalamus. From the median eminence, the TRH is then transported to the anterior pituitary by way of the hypophysial portal system.
178. How does TRH cause its effects?
TRH first binds with TRH receptors in the pituitary cell membrane.

This in turn activates the phospholipase second messenger system inside the pituitary cells to produce large amounts of phospholipase C, followed by a cascade of other second messenger, including calcium ions and diacyl glycerol, which eventually leads to TSH release.
179. What are the effect of cold and other neurogenic stimuli on TRH and TSH secretion?
One of the best known stimuli for increasing the rate of TRH secretion by the hypothalamus, and therefore TSH secretion by the anterior pituitary gland, is exposure of an animal to cold.

Various emotional reactions can also affect the output of TRH and TSH and therefore indirectly affect the secretion of thyroid hormones.

Excitement and anxiety - conditions that greatly stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, cause and acute decrease in secretion of TSH, perhaps b/c these states increase the metabolic rate and body heat and therefore exert and inverse effect on the heat control center.
180. What is the feedback effect of thyroid hormone?
Increased thyroid hormone in the body fluids decreases secretion of TSH by the anterior pituitary.

Almost all this feedback depressant effect occurs even when the anterior pituitary has been separated from the hypothalamus. Therefore, it is probable that increased thyroid hormone inhibits anterior pituitary secretion of TSH mainly by a direct effect on the anterior pituitary gland itself.

Regardless of the mechanism of feedback, its effect is to maintain an almost constant concentration of free thyroid hormones in the circulating body fluids.
181. What are the antithyroid drugs?
These drugs suppress thyroid secretion.

The best known are thiocyanate, propylthiouracil, and high concentrations of inorganic iodides.
182. How does thiocyanate work?
Thiocyanate ions decrease iodide trapping.

The same iodide pump can also pump thiocyanate ions. Therefore, administration of thiocyante in high enough concentration can cause competitive inhibition of iodide transport into the cell, that is, inhibition of the iodide trapping mechanism.

The decreased availability of iodide in the glandular cells does not stop the formation of thyroglobulin; it merely prevents the thyroglobulin that is formed from becoming iodinated and therefore from forming the thyroid hormones. This deficiency leads to increased secretion of TSH, which causes overgrowth of the thyroid. Therefore, thiocyanate can cause goiter.
183. How does propylthiouracil work?
Propylthiouracil decreases thyroid hormone formation from iodides and tyrosine.

The mechanism of this is partly to block the peroxidase enzyme that is required for iodination of tyrosine and partly to block the coupling of two iodinated tyrosines to form thyroxine or triiodothyronine.

Propylthiouracil does not prevent formation of thyroglobulin. The absence of thyroxine and triiodothyronine can also cause goiter.
184. How do iodides in high concentrations work?
When iodides are present in the blood in high concentration, most activities of the thyroid are decreased, but only for a few weeks.

The effect is to reduce the rate of iodide trapping, so that the rate of iodination of tyrosine to form thyroid hormones is also decreased. Even more important, the normal endocytosis of colloid from the follicles by the thyroid glandular cells is paralyzed by the high iodide concentrations. B/c this is the first step in release of thyroid hormones from the storage colloid, there is almost immediate shutdown of thyroid hormone secretion into the blood.

High concentration of iodides can also help shrink the thyroid prior to surgery.
185. What are the causes of hyperthyroidism?
The changes in the thyroid in most instances are similar to those caused by excessive TSH. However, plasma TSH concentrations of lower than normal. Thus, other substance that have actions similar to those of TSH are found in the blood of almost all these patients. These substances are immunoglobulin antibodies that bind with the same membrane receptors that bind TSH.

They induce continual activation of the cAMP system of the cells, w/resultant development of hyperthyroidism.
186. What happens to the thyroid gland in hyperthyroidism?
In most patients w/hyperthyroidism, the thyroid is increased to 2-3x normal, w/tremendous hyperplasia and infolding of the follicular cell lining into the follicles. Also, each cell increases its rate of secretion severalfold.
187. What are the antibodies that cause hyperthyroidism?
These antibodies are called thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin and are designated TSI. They have a prolonged stimulating effect on the thyroid gland, lasting for as long as 12 hours, longer than TSH.

The high level of thyroid hormone secretion caused by TSI in turn suppresses anterior pituitary formation of TSH.

The antibodies that cause hyperthyroidism almost certainly occur as the result of autoimmunity that has developed against thyroid tissue.
188. Thyroid adenomas
Hyperthyroidism occasionally results from a localized adenoma (a tumor) that develops in the thyroid tissue and secretes large quantities of thyroid hormone. This is not associated w/an autoimmune response.

As long as the adenoma continues to secrete large quantities of thyroid hormone, secretory function in the remainder of the thyroid gland is almost totally inhibited b/c the thyroid hormone from the adenoma depresses the production of TSH by the pituitary gland.
189. What are the 9 symptoms of hyperthyroidism?
1. A high state of excitability
2. Intolerance to heat
3. Increased sweating
4. Mild to extreme weight loss
5. Varying degrees of diarrhea
6. Muscle weakness
7. Nervousness or other psychic disorders
8. Extreme fatigue but inability to sleep
9. Tremor of the hands
190. What is exopthalmos?
Most peopel w/hyperthyroidism have some degree of protrusion of the eyeballs. It can sometimes be so severe that it stretches the optic nerve.

More often, the eyes are damaged b/c the lids can't close all the way to lubricate the eye.

The cause of the protruding eyes is edematous swelling of the retro-orbital tissues and degenerative changes in the extraocular muscles.

In most patients, immunoglobulins can be found in the blood that react w/the eye muscles. Furthermore, the concentration of these immunoglobulins is usually highest in patients who have high concentrations of TSIs.
191. What are the diagnostic tests for hyperthyroidism?
Most accurate test is direct measurement of the concentration fo free thyroxine in the plasma, using radioimmunoassay.

Other tests are:
1. Basal metabolic rate is usually increased to +30 to +60 in severe hyperthyroidism
2. The concentration of TSH in the plasam is measured by radioimmunoassay (look for no plasma TSH)
3. The concentration of TSI is measured by radioimmunoassay. This is usually high in thyrotoxicosis but low in thyroid adenoma.
192. What is the treatment for a hyperplastic thyroid gland?
Radioactive iodine. 80-90% of an injected dose of iodide is absorbed by the hyperplastic, toxic thyroid gland within 1 day after injection.
193. Endemic colloid goiter caused by dietary iodide deficiency
In certain areas of the world, insufficient iodine in diets leads to endemic goiters.

Lack of iodine prevents production of thyroid hormones. As a result, no hormone is available to inhibit production of TSH by the anterior pituitary; this causes the pituitary to secrete excessively large quantities of TSH. The TSH then stimulates the thyroid cells to secrete tremendous amounts of thyroglobulin colloid into the follicles, and the gland grows larger and larger.

The follicles become tremendous in size and the thyroid enlargers 10-20x normal.
194. Idiopathic nontoxic colloid goiter
Can occur in people who do not have iodine deficiency. The exact cause of the enlarged gland is unknown but most patients show signs of mild thyroiditis; therefore, it has been suggested that the thyroiditis causes slight hypothyroidism, which then leads to increased TSH secretion and progressive growth of the noninflamed portions of the gland.
195. What are the four thyroid gland abnormalities in those with nontoxic colloid goiter?
1. Deficient iodide-trapping mechanism
2. Deficient peroxidase system
3. Deficient coupling of iodinated tyrosines in the thyroglobulin molecule
4. Deficiency of the deiodinase enzyme
196. What are the physiologic characteristics of hypothyroidism?
Includes fatigue and extreme somnolence w/sleeping up to 12-14 hours a day, extreme muscular sluggishness, slowed heart rate, decreased CO, decreased blood volume, sometimes increased body weight, constipation, mental sluggishness, failure of many trophic function in the body evidenced by depressed growth of hair and scaliness of the skin, development of a froglike husky voice, and in severe cases, development of an edematous appearance throughout the body called myxedema.
197. What is myxedema?
Myxedema develops in the patient with almost total lack of thyroid hormone function.

In this condition, greatly increased quantities of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate bound w/protein form excessive tissue gel in the interstitial spaces, and this causes the total quantity of interstitial fluid to increase.

This type of edema is nonpitting type.
198. What is cretinism?
Cretinism is caused by extreme hypothyroidism during fetal life, infancy, or childhood. This condition is characterized especially by failure of body growth and by mental retardation. It results from congenital lack of a thyroid gland, from a failure of the thyroid to produce thyroid hormone b/c of a genetic defect of the gland, or from iodine lack in the diet.

Skeletal growth in the child w/cretinism is characteristically more inhibited than is soft tissue growth. As a result of this disproportionate rate of growth, the soft tissues are likely to enlarge excessively, giving the child w/cretinism an obese, stocky, and short appearance.
199. What are the physiologic effects of insulin?
Insulin stimulates the storage of glycogen in liver and muscle and the synthesis of fatty acids and TAGs and their storage in adipose tissue. In addition, insulin stimulates the synthesis in various tissues of >50 proteins, some of which contribute to the growth of the organism.

Finally, insulin has paracrine actions within the pancreatic islet cells. When insulin is release from the beta cells, it suppresses glucagon release from the alpha cells.
200. What is glucagon and what are the related peptides?
Glucagon is one of several contrainsular hormones. It is synthesized as part of a large precursor protein called proglucagon which is produced in the alpha cells of the pancreas and the L cells of the intestine.

It contains a number of peptides: glicentin-related peptide, glucagon, glucagon-related peptide 1 (GLP-1), and glucagon-related peptide 2 (GLP-2).

Glucagon is cleaved from proglucagon in the pancreas and the other cleavage products of proglucagon are released from the pancreas and the intestine.
201. What are the physiologic effects of glucagon?
Pancreatic glucagon has a half life of 3-6 minutes and is removed mainly by the liver and kidney.

Glucagon promotes glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, and ketogenesis by stimulating the generation of cAMP in target cells. The liver is the major target organ for glucagon.

Finally, glucagon stimulates insulin release from the beta cells of the pancreas.
202. How do the α-cells and β-cells interact w/one another in the pancreatic islet cells?
The pattern of blood flow in the pancreatic islet cells is believed to bathe the β-cells first and then the α-cells.

Therefore, the β-cells may influence α-cell function by an endocrine mechanism, whereas the influence of α-cell hormone on β-cell function is more likely to be paracrine.
203. How is somatostatin formed?
Preprosomatostatin is encoded by a gene located on the long arm of chromosome 3. Somatostatin (SS-14) is a cyclic peptide that is produced from the 14 AAs at the C-terminus of the precursor.

Somatostatin is secreted from the D-cells of the pancreatic islets, many areas of the CNS outside of the hypothalamus, and gastric and duodenal mucosal cells.
204. Where do the different somatostatin analogues exist in the body?
SS-14 predominates in the CNS and is the sole form secreted by the δ-cells of the pancreas.

In the gut, however, prosomatostatin (SS-28), which has 14 additional AAs, makes up 70-75% of the immunoreactivity.

The prohormone SS-28 is 7-10x more potent in inhibiting the release of GH and insulin than is SS-14.
205. What substances stimulate somatostatin secretion?
The metabolites that increase somatostatin release include glucose, arginine, and leucine.

The hormones that stimulate somatostatin secretion include glucagon, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), and cholescystokinin (CCK).

Insulin, however, does not influence somatostatin secretion directly.
206. What are the physiologic effects of somatostatin?
Somatostatin binds to its plasma membrane receptors on target cells. These activated receptors interact w/inhibitory G-proteins of adenylate cycles, and as a result, the production of cAMP is inhibited and protein kinase A is not activated.

This inhibitory effect suppresses secretion of GH and TSH from the anterior pituitary as well as the secretion of insulin and glucagon from the pancreatic islets.

In other words "somatostatin inhibits the secretion of many other hormones"
207. What are some other effects of somatostatin on the body?
Somatostatin also reduces nutrient absorption from the gut by prolonging gastric emptying time, by diminishing pancreatic exocrine secretions, and by decreasing visceral blood flow.
208. What is the therapeutic benefit of somatostatin and its synthetic analogues?
They are used to treat a variety of secretory neoplasms such as GH secreting tumors of the pituitary.
209. What is growth hormone?
GH is a polypeptide that stimulates growth. Many of its effects are mediated by insulinlike growth factors (IGFs) that are produced by the cells in response to the binding of GH to its cell membrane receptors.
210. Synthesis and secretion of GH
The gene for GH is located on chromosome 17. It is secreted by the somatotroph cells in the lateral areas of the anterior pituitary.

GH is structurally related to human prolactin and to human chorionic somatomammotropin from the placenta.

GH is the most abundant trophic hormone in the anterior pituitary.
211. What are the IGF-1 independent actions of GH?

(What proteins does GH produce)
These IGF independent actions are exerted primarily in hepatocytes. GH admin is followed by an early increase in the synthesis of 8-10 proteins, among which are IGF-1, alpha2-macroglobulin, and the serine protease inhibitors Spi 2.1 and Spi 2.3.

Expression of the gene for ornithine decarboxylase is also significantly increased by GH.
212. Muscle and adipocyte cell membranes and GH
Muscle and adipocyte cell membranes contain GH receptors that mediate direct, rapid metabolic effects on glucose and AA transport as well as on lipolysis.

These receptors use associated cytoplasmic tryosine kinases for signal transduction.
213. GH effects on adipose tissue
In adipose tissue, GH has acute insulin like effects followed by increased lipolysis, inhibition of lipoprotein lipase, stimulation of hormone sensitive lipase, decreased glucose transport, and decreased lipogenesis.
214. GH effects on muscle
In muscle, GH causes increased AA transport, increased nitrogen retention, increased fat-free (lean) tissue, and increased energy expenditure.
215. What is the relationship between GH receptors and IGF-1?
GH receptors are present on a variety of tissues in which GH increases IGF-1 gene expression.

The subsequent rise in IGF-1 levels contributes to cell multiplication and differentiation by autocrine or paracrine mechanisms, which in turn lead to increased growth.

These actions are accompanied by a direct anabolic influence of GH on protein metabolism w/a diversion of AAs from oxidation to protein synthesis and a shift to a positive nitrogen balance.
216. Stimulation of GH secretion
The major influence is hormonal. The pulsatile pattern of GH secretion is due to two hypothalamic regulatory peptides (GHRH, and somatostatin).

Release is stimulated by GHRH, which is produced exclusively in the cells of the arcuate nucleus.

GHRH interacts w/specific receptors on the plasma membranes of the somatotrophs. The intracellular signaling mechanisms that result in GH synthesis and release appear to be multiple, as cAMP and calcium-calmodulin both stimulate GH release.
217. What causes suppression of GH secretion?

In addition, IGF-1, produced primarily in the liver in response to the action of GH on hepatocytes, feeds back negatively on the somatotrophs to limit GH secretion.
218. What other things affect GH secretion?
GH release is modulated by plasma levels of metabolic fuels, etc...

A rising level of glucose normally suppresses GH release, whereas hypoglycemia increases GH secretion.

AAs, such as arginine, stimulate GH.

Rising levels of fatty acids may blunt the GH response to arginine or a rapidly dropping blood sugar level.

However, prolonged fasting, in which fatty acids are mobilized in an effort to spare protein, is associated w/a rise in GH secretion.
219. What are GH's effects on energy metabolism?
GH affects the uptake and oxidation of fuels in adipose tissue, muscle, and liver and indirectly influences energy metabolism through its actions on the islet cells of the pancreas.

In sum, GH increases the availability of fatty acids, which are oxidized for energy.

This and other effects of GH spare glucose and proteins; that is, GH indirectly decreases the oxidation of glucose and AAs.
220. What are the effects of GH on adipose tissue?
GH increases the sensitivity of the adipocyte to the lipolytic action of insulin. This results in the release of free FAs and glycerol into the blood.

GH also decreases esterification of FAs, thereby reducing TAG synthesis.

GH may impair glucose uptake by both fat and muscle cells by a post-receptor inhibition of insulin action.
221. What are the effects of GH on muscle?
The lypolytic effects of GH increase free FA levels in the blood that bathes muscle.

These fatty acids are used preferentially as fuel, indirectly suppressing glucose uptake by muscle cells, and thus the rate of glycolysis is reduced.

GH increases the transport of AAs into muscle cells, providing substrate for protein synthesis. It also increases the synthesis of DNA and RNA.
222. What are the effects of GH on the liver?
When plasma insulin levels are low, GH enhances fatty acid oxidation to acetyl CoA, which enhances ketogenesis, and thus gluconeogenesis is enhanced. Hepatic glycogen synthesis is also stimulated.

A major effect of GH on liver to stimulate production and release of IGFs.
223. What are the IGFs and what do they do?
AKA somatomedins. The two somatomedins in humans are similar to insulin, hence IGF.

IFG-1 is a single chain basic peptide, whereas IGF-2 is slightly acidic.

In most instances, IGF-1 causes increased thymidine uptake and initiates cell propagation, but to a lesser extent than insulin and at a smaller concentration.

Thus, the IGFs are more potent than insulin in their growth promoting actions.
224. How do IGFs work?
They exert their effects through either an endocrine or a paracrine/autocrine mechanism.

IGF-1 appears to stimulate cell propagation and growth by binding to specific IGF-1 receptors on the plasma membrane of target cells, rather than binding to GH receptors.
225. What is the composition of the intracellular membrane receptor for IGFs?
The intracellular portion of the plasma membrane receptor for IGF-1 (but not IGF-2) has intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity, which suggests that tyrosine phsophorlation initiates cell replication and growth.

Subsequently, a chain of kinases is activated, which include a number of proto-oncogene products.
226. Where are IGFs located in the body?

What regulates their synthesis?
Most cells of the body have mRNA for IGF, but the liver has the greatest concentration of these messengers, followed by the kidney and heart.

The synthesis of IGF-1 is regulated by GH, whereas hepatic production of IGF-2 is independent of GH levels in the blood.
227. What are the catecholamines?
They are bioamines and are secretory products of the sympathoadrenal system. They are required for the body to adapt to great variety of acute and chronic stresses.

Epinephrine is synthesized primarily in the cells of the adrenal medulla, whereas norepinephrine is synthesized there as well as in various areas of the CNS.

They all come from the precursor tyrosine.
228. What stimulates the secretion of catecholamines?
Secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla is stimulated by stresses such as pain, hemorrhage, exercise, hypoglycemia, and hypoxia.

Release is mediated by stress induced transmission of nerve impulses emanating from adrenergic nuclei in the hypothalamus.

These impulses cause depolarization fo the plasma membranes which allow the rapid entry of calcium into the cytosol which stimulates the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine form the chromaffin granules into the extracellular space by exocytosis.
229. What are the physiologic effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine?
They act on two major types of receptors, α-adrenergic and the β-adrenergic receptors.

These catecholamines are counterregulatory hormones that have metabolic effects directed toward mobilization of fuels from their storage sites for oxidation by cells to meet increased energy needs. They simultaneously suppress insulin secretion.

They have a relatively low affinity for both α- and β-receptors. After binding, they dissociate from the receptor, causing the duration of biologic response to be brief.
230. Norepinephrine
Works as a neurotransmitter that affects the sympathetic nervous system in the heart, lungs, blood vessels, bladder, gut, and other organs.

These effects of catecholamines on the heart and blood vessels increase cardiac output and systemic blood pressure, hemodynamic changes that facilitate the delivery of blood borne fuels to metabolically active tissues.
231. Epinephrine
Epinephrine has a short half life in the blood, and to be effective pharmacologically, it must be administered parenterally. It may be used clinically to support the beating of the heart, to dilate inflamed bronchial muscles, and even to decrease bleeding from organs during surgery.

Epinephrine also inhibits insulin release while stimulating glucagon release from the pancreas.
232. What are the glucocorticoids?
Cortisol is the major glucocorticoid in humans. They raise blood glucose levels and protect the body from insulin induced hypoglycemia.
233. How are glucocorticoids secreted?
Via a cascade of neural and endocrine signals linked in tandem w/the HPA axis.

Stresses elicit the production of monoamines (ACh and serotonin) in the cell bodies of neurons of the midbrain. These neurotransmitters then induce the production of CRH by neurons originating in the paraventricular nucleus, which release CRH into the hypophysial portal system.

CRH is then delivered to the receptors on the anterior pituitary which cause it to release ACTH.

ACTH is then released and goes to the adrenal cortex, which causes cortisol synthesis and release.
234. How does ACTH directly influence cortisol synthesis?
The major trophic effect of ACTH on cortisol synthesis is at the level of the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone, from which the adrenal steroid hormones are derived.
235. What are the effects of glucocorticoids?
They stimulate lipolysis in adipose tissue and the release of AAs from muscle protein.

In the liver, glucocorticoids stimulate gluconeogenesis and the synthesis of glycogen.

When GCs are elevated, glucose uptake by the cells of many tissues in inhibited, lypolysis occurs in fat, and proteolysis occurs in skin, lymphoid cells, and muscle.

The fatty acids that are released are oxidized by the liver for energy.
236. What is the mechanism by which GCs exert their effects on the body?
Involves binding of the steroid to intracellular receptors, interaction of the steroid-receptor complex w/GC response elements on DNA, transcription of genes, and synthesis of specific proteins.
237. What are the effects of thyroid hormone on the liver?
Thyroid hormone increases glycolysis and cholesterol synthesis and increases the conversion of cholesterol to bile salts.

It also increases hepatic TAG synthesis. The concurrent increase in the flow of glycerol to the liver (as a result of increased lipolysis) further enhances hepatic gluconeogenesis.
238. What are the effects of thyroid hormone on adipocytes?

What is the major determinant of the rate of lipogenesis?
Thyroid hormones have an amplifying or facilitatory effect on the lipolytic action of epinephrine on fat cells. Yet thyroid hormone has a bipolar effect on lipid storage, b/c it increases the availability of glucose to the fat cell, which serves as a precursor for fatty acid and glycerol 3-phosphate synthesis.

The major determinant of the rate of lipogenesis, however, is not thyroid hormone, but rather the amt of glucose and insulin available to the adipocyte for TAG synthesis.
239. Effect of thyroid hormone on muscle
It increases glucose uptake by muscle cells. It also stimulates protein synthesis and muscle growth through its stimulatory actions on gene expression.

It also sensitizes the muscle cell to the glycogenolytic actions of epinephrine. Glycolysis in muscle is increased as a result.
240. What are the effects of thyroid hormone on the pancreas?
Thyroid hormone increases the sensitivity of the β-cells of the pancreas to those stimuli that normally promote insulin release and is required for optimal insulin secretion.
241. Norepinephrine and brown fat
Thyroid hormoen stimulates the sympathetic nervous ststem by increasing the release of norepinephrine.

Norepinephrine stimulates the uncoupling protein thermogenin in brown adipose tissue which increases heat production.

It also increases the permeability of brown fat and skeletal muscle to sodium, which increases the basal metabolic rate due to increase activity of Na-K-ATPase.
242. Gastrin, Motilin, Pancreatic polypeptide, Peptide YY, and Secretin
Gastrin induces gastric acid secretion , which ultimately affects nutrient absorption and metabolism.

Motilin stimulates gastric and pancreatic enzyme secretion.

Pancreatic polypeptide from the pancreatic islets reduces gastric emptying and slows upper intestinal motility.

Peptide YY from the alpha cells in the islets inhibits gastric acid secretion.

Secretin produced by the endocrine S cells in the proximal small bowel regulates pancreatic enzyme secretion and inhibits gastrin release and secretion of gastric acid.
243. What are GLP-1 and GIP?
They are gastrointestinal peptides; glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and gastric inhibitory polypeptic (GIP).

They do not act as direct insulin secretagogues when blood glucose levels are normal but do so after a meal large enough to cause an increase in the blood glucose concentration. THey may be responsible for the modest postprandial increase in serum glucose.

Likewise, this effect (certain factors potentiating insulin release), known as the incretin effect could account for the greater β-cell response seen after an oral glucose load compared to that seen after the administration of glucose intravenously.
244. What are the actions of GLP-1 and GIP?
Both GLP-1 and GIP enhance the synthesis and release of insulin as well as exerting a positive influence on the survival of pancreatic islet cells.

In addition, GLP-1 contributes to the regulation of glucose homeostasis by inhibiting the secretion of glucagon from the alpha cells of the pancreas as well as by slowing the rate of gastric emptying.

GIP, but not GLP-1, interacts w/GIP receptors on adipocytes, an interaction that is coupled to energy storage.
245. What is the clinical significance of the incretins?
The recent introduction of incretin-related agents indicated for the treatment of type 2 DM has shown promising results.

Exanatide is an agonist of the GLP-1 receptor and must be administered subcutaneously.

Sitagliptin is an orally administered inhibitor of DPP4. Through its action, sitagliptin slows the rate of catalytic cleavage of GIP and GLP-1 by DPP4 and therefore prolongs their half lives in the blood.
246. How do neural factors control secretion of insulin and counterregulatory hormone?
Although stimulation of both the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems increases glucagon secretion, insulin secretion is increased by vagus nerve fibers and suppressed by sympathetic fibers via the alpha-adrenoreceptors.

Evidence also suggests that the sympathetic nervous system regulates pancreatic β-cell function indirectly, though stimulation or suppression of the secretion of somatostatin, β₂-adrenergic receptor number, and the neuropeptides, neuropeptide Y and galanin.
247. What are the functions of the endocannabinoid system? (CB1 only)
The CB1 receptor is expressed in many tissues, including adipose tissue, muscle, liver, the GI tract, the pancreas, and the CNS. The functions of the ECS in the brain influence energy metabolism.
248. What are the two mechanisms by which the ECS influences energy metabolism?
1. The ability of the cannabinoids to modulate signaling from hypthalamic nuclei to most of the trophic hormone-producing cells of the anterior pituitary gland. CB1 receptors have also be found in the thyroid and adrenals.

2. CB1 receptor activation induces hyperphagia, particularly for highly palatable foods even in satiated animals.
249. What is tolbutamide?
Tolbutamide is a sulfonylurea drug that increases insulin secretion, and also increases the secretion of pancreatic somatostatin.
250. What is the major limitation in the clinical use of native somatostatin?
It has short half life of less than 2 minutes in the circulation.

Analogs of native somatostatin, however, are resistant to degradation, and therefore, have a longer half life, such as octreotide.
251. Oral glucose load tests and acromegaly
Patients are given 100 g glucose syrup. This does would suppress serum GH levels to <2 ng/mL in normal subjects, but not in patients with acromegaly who have an autonomously secreting pituitary tumor making GH.
252. GH excess and peripheral effects
GH stimulates IGF-1 gene expression not only in the liver but in a number of extrahepatic tissues as well.

In acromegalics, rising levels of IGF-1 cause a gradual generalized increase in skeletal, muscular, and visceral growth.

As a consequence, a diffuse increase occurs in the bulk of all tissues, especially in the peripheral tissues.
253. What is an important consequence of excess GH?
254. High levels of IGF-1 have been linked to...?
The development of breast, prostate, colon, and lung CA.

Additionally, experimental modulation of IGF-1 receptor activity can alter the growth of different types of tumor cells.
255. What is pheochromocytoma?
A patient who has consistently elevated levels in the blood or urine should be considered to have a pheochromocytoma, particularly if the patient has signs and symptoms of catecholamine excess, such as excessive sweating, palpitations, tremulousness, and hypertension.
256. Why would pheochromocytoma lead to impaired glucose tolerance?
The catecholamines are counterregulatory hormones tha tmobilize fuels from their storage sites for oxidation in target cells to meet the increased energy requirements that occur during acute or chronic stress.

These actions provide the liver with increased levels of substrate needed for gluconeogenesis. This increases the glucose levels in the blood.

In addition, the catecholamines suppress insulin secretion to ensure that fuels will continues to flow in the direction of utilization rather than storage under these circumstances.
257. If a patient has Cushings disease from a neoplasm of the adrenal cortex, what would the levels of blood ACTH and cortisol be?
If the problem is due to a primary hypersecretion of cortisol by a neoplasm the blood cortisol levels would be elevated. The increased cortisol levels would have decreased the ACTH levels in the blood.

However, if both cortisol and ACTH levels are elevated, then the tumor is most likely in the pituitary gland or ectopic ACTH tumors.
258. What is Refetoff disorder?
In Refetoff disorder, a mutation in the portion of the gene that encodes the ligand binding domain of the beta-subunit of the thyroid hormone receptor protein causes a relative resistance to the suppressive action of thyroid hormone on the secretion of TSH by the thyrotrophs of the anterior pituitary gland.

Therefore, the gland releases more TSH than normal into the blood. The elevated level of TSH causes goiter as well as an increase in the secretion of thyroid hormones into the blood.

If the compensatory increase in the secretion of thyroid hormones is inadequate, the patient may develop the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism.
259. What is metathyroid diabetes mellitus?
In hypothyroid patients, insulin release may be suboptimal, although glucose intolerance on this basis alone is uncommon.

In hyperthyroidism, the degradation and the clearance of insulin are increased. These effects may lead to varying degrees of glucose intolerance, called metathyroid diabetes mellitus.
260. What are the names of the growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor replacements?
1. Somatotropin
2. Somatrem (GH)
3. Sermorelin (GHRH)
4. Hexarelin
5. Ghrelin
6. Mecasermin
261. Somatropin and somatrem
MOA: Replacement recombinant HGH; somatrem is chemically identical apart from an additional N-terminus methionine.

PURPOSE: Growth failure in children w/GH deficiency, Turners, Prader-Willi, and chronic kidney disease; idiopathic short stature; replacement of endogenous GH in adults w/GH deficiency; AIDS wasting or cachexia.

ADVERSE: Leukemia, increased ICP, pancreatitis, rapid growth of melanocytic lesions; hyperglycemia, peripheral edema, injection site reaction, arthralgia, headache

CONTRA: Patients w/closed epiphyses, active underlying intracranial lesions, active malignancy, proliferative diabetic retinopathy

NOTES: Caution in diabetes and in children whose GH deficiencies results from an intracranial lesion; available as depot injection; glucocorticoids inhibit growth promoting effect of somatropin.
262. Sermorelin
MOA: Synthetic GHRH

PURPOSE: Diagnostic eval of decreased plasma GH; treatment of GH deficiency; GH therapy in children w/tertiary (hypothalamic) deficiency

ADVERSE: Transient flushing, chest tightness, injection site reaction, antibody development

CONTRA: Do not use w/another drug that affects pituitary gland

NOTES: Caution in children whose GH deficiency results from an intracranial lesion.
263. Hexarelin and Ghrelin
MOA: Promotes somatotroph secretion of GH by stimulating the GH secretagogue receptor

PURPOSE: Investigational

ADVERSE: Flushing, weight gain, drowsiness

NOTES: Experimental agents that bind to GH secretagogue receptors; Hexarelin formulations available for intranasal use
264. Mecasermin
MOA: Recombinant IGF-1

PURPOSE: Laron dwarfism, GH deficiency w/neutralizing antibodies

ADVERSE: Hypoglycemia, slipped upper femoral epiphysis, raised ICP, seizure, tonsillar hypertrophy, injection site reaction

CONTRA: Growth promotion in patients w/closed epiphyses, suspected or active neoplasm

NOTES: Available as a twice-daily and one-daily injection
265. What are the three agents that decrease GH secretion or actions?
1. Octreotide
2. Somatostatin
3. Pegvisomant
266. Octreotide
MOA: Inhibits GHRH release by acting as an analogue of somatostatin

PURPOSE: Acromegaly, flushing and diarrhea from carcinoid tumors, carcinoid crisis, diarrhea from vasoactive intestinal peptide-secreting tumors

ADVERSE: Arrhythmias, bradycardia, hypoglycemia, gallstone formation, abdominal pain, consitpation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity to octreotide

NOTES: Also used to control GI bleeding and to reduce secretory diarrhea; octreotide also available in depot formulation; decreases cyclosporine levels, Lanreotide is similar agent in UK
267. Somatostatin
MOA: Inhibits GHRH release

PURPOSE: VIPomas, carcinoid tumors, enterocutaneous and pancreatic fistulas, short-bowel syndrome

ADVERSE: Arrhythmias, erythroderma, life-threatening water retention, glucose intolerance

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity to somatostatin

NOTES: Upon discontinuation, may experience rebound hormonal hypersecretion; reduces analgesic effects of morphine
268. Pegvisomant
MOA: Competitive antagonist of GH receptors; decreases serum IGF-1 levels.

PURPOSE: Acromegaly

ADVERSE: Increased pituitary adenoma size, elevated LFTS, hypertension, peripheral edema, paresthesias, dizziness

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity to pegvisomant

NOTES: Patients should have yearly MRI to exclude enlarging adenoma
269. What are the four agents that decrease prolactin levels?
1. Bromocriptine
2. Pergolide
3. Quinoglide
4. Cabergoline
270. Bromocriptine (MOA, PURPOSE, and ADVERSE)
MOA: A synthetic dopamine receptor agonist that inhibits lactotroph cells growth (decreases prolactin levels)

PURPOSE: Amenorrhea and galactorrhea from hyperprolactinemia, acromegaly, Parkinson's disease, premenstrual syndrome, Cushing syndrome, hepatic encepaholopathy, neuroleptic malignant syndrome related to neuroleptic drug therapy

ADVERSE: Cerebral vascular accident, seizure, acute myocardial infarction, dizziness, hypotension, abdominal cramps, nausea
271. Bromocripitine (CONTRA and NOTES)

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity to ergot derivatives, uncontrolled hypertension, toxemia of pregnancy

1. Ergot alkaloid; dose 2x/day
2. Intravaginal administration may reduce GI side effects
3. Alcohol intolerance may occur
4. First dose phenomenon occurs in 1% of patients and may result in syncope
5. Coadministration w/amitriptyline, butryophenones, imipramine, methyldopa, phenothiazines, or reserpine causes increased prolactin levels
6. Coadministration w/antihypertensives potentiates hypotension
272. Pergolide, quinoglide, cabergoline
MOA: Also dopamine receptor agonists that decrease prolactin levels

PURPOSE: Parkinson's disease (pergolide and cabergoline), hyperprolactinemia

ADVERSE: Arrhythmias, MI, heart failure, pulmonary fibrosis and pleural effusion (cabergoline), nausea, dizziness, dyskinesia, dystonia, hallucinations, somnolence, orthostatic hypotension, rhinitis

CONTRA: Hypersensitivity to ergot derivatives and uncontrolled hypertension

1. Use cautiously in patients prone to arrhythmias and underlying psychiatric disorders
2. Use cautiously in patients w/history of pleuritis, pleural effusion, pleural fibrosis, pericarditis, cardiac valvulopathy, or retroperitoneal fibrosis
3. CNS depressants have additive effects
4. Quinoglide and cabergoline are nonergots
5. *Cabergoline produces less nausea than bromocriptine or pergolide
273. What are the agents that test thyroid function?
1. Protirelin (TRH)
2. Thyrotropin (TSH)
274. Protirelin
MOA: TRH stimulates TSH release from pituitary

PURPOSE: Diagnosis of thyroid function

ADVERSE: Seizure, amaurosis fugax (transient monocular visual loss) in patients w/pituitary tumors, anxiety, diaphoresis, hyper- and hypotension

CONTRA: none

NOTES: Transient changes in BP can occur immediately following administration; Cyproheptadine and thioridazine decrease protirelin-mediated TSH response
275. Thyrotropin
MOA: TSH stimulates thyroid gland

PURPOSE: Diagnosis of malignant tumor of thyroid gland

ADVERSE: Anaphylactoid reaction w/repeated administration; nausea, vomiting, asthenia, headache

CONTRA: Adrenal insufficiency, coronary thrombosis
276. What are the agents that test adrenal function?
Corticotripin (ACTH) and Cosyntropin (ACTH 1-24)
277. Corticotropin (ACTH) and Cosyntropin (ACTH 1-24)

MOA: Stimulates adrenal cortisol and androgen production

PURPOSE: Dx of adrenocortical function, exacerbation of MS, severe allergic reactions, collagen disorder, dermatologic disorders, inflammation, infantile spasms

ADVERSE: Increased ICP w/papilledema, pseudotumor cerebri, seizures, heart failure, necrotizing vasculitis, shock, pancreatitis, peptic ulceration w/perforation, hypokalemic alkalosis, induction of latent DM, bronchospasm; dizziness
278. Corticotropin (ACTH) and Cosyntropin (ACTH 1-24)

Corticotropin (ACTH) and Cosyntropin (ACTH 1-24)

CONTRA: Patients w/peptic ulcer, scleroderma, osteoporosis, systemic fungal infections, ocular herpes simplex, heart failure, hypertension, sensitivity to pork, recent surgery, adrenocortical hyperfunction or primary insufficiency, or Cushing's syndrome

1. Cosyntropin (contains first 24 AA residues of ACTH) is less antigenic and less likely to cause allergic reactions than corticotropin (contains all 39 AA residues of ACTH)
2. Patients w/suspected sensitivity to porcine proteins should undergo skin testing
3. Observe neonates of corticotropin treated women for signs of hypoadrenalism
4. Counteract edema by low-sodium, high potassium intake
5. Coadministration w/NSAIDs increases risk of GI bleeding
6. Corticotropin increases plasma levels of digoxin
279. What are the agents that alter gonadatropin expression?
1. Gonadorelin
2. Goserelin
3. Histrelin
4. Leuprolide
5. Nafarelin
6. Follitropin (rFSH)
7. Urofollitropin (FSH)
8. Ganirelix
9. Cetrorelix
10. Abarelix
280. Gonadorelin
MOA: GnRH receptor agonists; Continuous: inhibit LH and FSH release; Pulsatile: stimulate LH and FSH release

PURPOSE: Dx of hypogonadism, stimulate ovulation

ADVERSE: Anaphylaxis w/multiple administrations, lightheadedness, flushing, headache


NOTES: Normal response to gonadorelin testing indicates the presence of functional pituitary gonadotropes; pulsatile form for stimulation of ovulation
281. Gosereline, histrelin, leuprolide, nafarelin
MOA: GnRH receptor agonists; Continuous: inhibit LH and FSH release; Pulsatile: stimulate LH and FSH release

PURPOSE: all four agents are used in breast and prostate CA's, endometriosis, precocious puberty, acute intermittent porphyia

ADVERSE: Deep venous thrombosis (goserelin, leuprolide), pituitary apoplexy (leuprolide); hot flashes, gynecomastia, osteoporosis, transient pain, sexual dysfunction

CONTRA: hypersensitivity to LHRH or LHRH analogues, pregnancy

NOTES: Depot formulations that result in gonadotropin suppression and consequent decreased gonadal steroids;
*Can initially increase testosterone and estrogen levels
282. Follitropin (rFSH) and Urofollitropin (FSH)
MOA: GnRH receptor agonists; stimulate ovulation

PURPOSE: Ovulation induction, male hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

ADVERSE: embolism and thrombosis, ARDS, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome; ovarian cysts and hypertrophy, upper respiratory infection

CONTRA: Any endocrine disorder other than anovulation: abnormal uterine bleeding, primary gonadal failure, pituitary tumor, ovarian cyst or enlargement of unknown origin, pregnancy, sex-hormone dependent tumors, thyroid or adrenal dysfunction

NOTES: May result in multiple fetuses.
283. Ganirelix, cetrorelix, and abarelix
MOA: GnRH receptor antagonists

PURPOSE: Ovulation induction (ganirelix and cetrorelix); prostate CA (abarelix)

ADVERSE: QT interval prolongation (abarelix), ectopic pregnancy, thrombotic disorder, spontaneous abortion (ganirelix), anaphylaxis (cetrorelix), ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

CONTRA: Pregnancy, lactation, ovarian cysts, or enlargement not due to polycystic ovarian syndrome, primary ovarian failure, sex-hormone dependent tumors, thyroid or adrenal dysfunction, vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology
284. What are the names of the vasopressin antagonists?
Conivaptan and tolvaptan
285. Conivaptan and tolvaptan
MOA: Mixed V1/V2 receptor antagonists

PURPOSE: Euvolemic hyponatremia and heart failure (investigational)

ADVERSE: hypertension, orthostatic hypotension, injection site reaction, hypokalemia, increased thirst, polyuria

CONTRA: Concurrent use of potent P450 3A4 inhibitors, hypovolemic hyponatremia

NOTES: B/c conivaptan is a P450 3A4 substrate, it is contraindicated to use this drug concurrently w/P450 3A4 inhibitors such as ketokconazole, itraconazole, ritonavir, clarithromycin, and indinavir; tolvaptan is an investigational agent specific for V2 receptors
286. What are the manifestations of anterior pituitary disease?

Posterior pituitary disease?
1. Hyperpituitarism
2. Hypopituitarism
3. Local mass effects

Often come to clinical attention b/c of increased or decreased secretion of one of its products, ADH.
287. What is the most common cause of hyperpituitarism?
An adenoma arising in the anterior lobe.

Les common causes include hyperplasia and carcinomas of the anterior pituitary, secretion of hormones by some extrapituitary tumors, and certain hypothalamic disorders.
288. Functional vs. silent adenomas
Pituitary adenomas can be function (i.e. associated w/hormone excess and clinical manifestations thereof) or silent (i.e. immunohistochemical and or ultrastructural demonstration of hormone production at the tissue level only, w/o clinical symptoms of hormone excess).

Both functional and silent adenomas are usually composed of a single cell type and produce a single predominant hormone.
289. How are pituitary adenomas classified?
On the basis of hormone(s) produced by the neoplastic cells detected by immunohistochemical stains performed on tissue section.
290. Microadenomas vs. macroadenomas
Pituitary adenomas are designated microadenomas if they are less than 1 cm in diameter and macroadenomas if they exceed 1 cm in diameter.
291. Monoclonal origin of pituitary adenomas
The great majority of pituitary adenomas are monoclonal in origin, even those that are plurihormonal, suggesting that most arise from a single somatic cell.

Some plurihormonal tumors may arise from clonal expansion of primitive stem cells, which then differentiate in several directions simultaneously.
292. What are the best characterized molecular abnormalities in pituitary adenomas?
G-protein mutations

A mutation in the α-subunit that interferes w/its intrinsic GTPase activity will therefore result in constitutive activation of Gsα, persistent generation of cAMP, and unchecked cellular proliferation.
293. What encodes the α-subunit on the Gs-protein?
Gs is a stimulatory G-protein that has a pivotal role in signal transduction in several endocrine organs, including the pituitary.

The α-subunit of Gs is encoded by the GNAS1 gene, located on chromosome 20q13.
294. GNAS1 mutations
Appprox 40% of somatotroph cell adenomas bear GNAS1 mutations that abrogate (cancel) the GTPase activity of Gsα.

The mutant form of GNAS1 is also known as the gsp oncogene b/c of its effects on tumorigenesis.
295. GNAS1 mutations are associated with what type of adenomas?
GNAS1 mutations have also been described in a minority of corticotroph adenomas;

In contrast, GNAS1 mutations are absent in thyrotroph, lactotroph, and gonadotroph adenomas, since their respective hypothalamic release hormones do not mediate their action via cAMP-dependent pathways.
296. MEN-1
A subtype of MEN syndrome, MEN-1 is caused by germ line mutations of the gene MEN1, on chromosome 11q13.

While MEN1 mutations are, by definition, present in pituitary adenomas arising in context of the MEN-1 syndrome, they are uncommon in sporadic pituitary adenomas.
297. What molecular abnormalities are present in aggressive or advanced pituitary adenomas?
Activating mutations of the RAS oncogene and overexpression of the c-MYC oncogene, suggesting that these genetic events are linked to disease progression.
298. What is the morphology of pituitary adenomas?
The common pituitary adenoma is a soft, well-circumscribed lesion that may be confined to the sella turcica.

Histologically, pituitary adenomas are composed of relatively uniform, polygonal cells arrayed in sheets or cords.

Supporting connective tissue, or reticulin, is sparse, accounting for the soft, gelatinous consistency of may of these lesions. The nuclei of the neoplastic cells may be uniform or pleomorphic. Mitotic activity is usually modest.

The cytoplasm of the constituent cells may be acidophilic, basophilic, or chromophobic.
299. Location of large pituitary adenomas
Larger lesions typically extend superiorly through the diaphragm sella into the suprasellar region, where they often compress the optic chiasm and some of the cranial nerves.
300. What distinguishes pituitary adenomas from non-neoplastic anterior pituitary parenchyma?
Cellular monomorphism and the absence of a significant reticular network distinguish pituitary adenomas from non-neoplastic anterior pituitary parenchyma.
301. What are the most frequent type of hyperfunctioning pituitary adenomas?
Prolactinomas (lactotroph adenomas) are the most frequent, accounting for about 30% of all clinically recognized pituitary adenomas.
302. Prolactinomas
Most are macroadenomas, composed of sparsely granulated acidophilic or chromophobic cells.

Prolactinomas have a propensity to undergo dystrophic calcification, ranging from isolated psamoma bodies to extensive calcification of virtually the entire tumor mass (pituitary stone).
303. Prolactinomas and Prl (prolactin)
Immunostaining for Prl is required to demonstrate the secretory product in histologic sections.

Prl secretion by these adenomas is characterized by its efficiency - even microadenomas secrete sufficient Prl to cause hyperprolactineumia, and by it proportionality - serum Prl concentrations tend to correlate w/the size of the adenoma.
304. Increased levels of prolactin cause...?
1. Amenorrhea
2. Galactorrhea
3. Loss of libido
4. Infertility

The Dx of an adenoma is made more readily in women than in men, presumably b/c of the sensitivity of menses to disruption by hyperprolactinemia.
305. What other things can cause hyperprolactinemia?
Physiologic hyperprolactinemia occurs in pregnancy. Prolactin levels are also elevated by nipple stimulation, and as a response to many types of stress.

Pathologic hyperprolactinemia can also result form lactotroph hyperplasia, such as when there is interference w/normal dopamine inhibition of prolactin secretion. This can be due to damage of the dopaminergic neurons of the hypothalamus, pituitary stalk section, or drugs, or due to mass effect (the "stalk effect")

Therefore, a mild elevation in serum prolactin does not necessarily indicate a prolactin secreting tumor.
306. GH (somatotroph cell) adenomas
GH secreting tumors are the second most common type of functioning pituitary adenoma.

Histologically, GH containing adenomas are also classified into two subtypes; densely granulated and sparsely granulated.
307. Densely granulated vs sparsely granulated GH adenomas
Densely granulated adenomas are composed of cells that are monomorphic and acidophilic in routine sections, retain strong cytoplasmic GH reactivity on immunohistochemistry, and demonstrate cytokeratin staining in a perinuclear distribution.

In contrast, the sparsely granulated adenomas are composed of chromophobe cells w/considerable nuclear and cytologic pleomorphism, and retain focal and weak GH reactivity.
308. What are bihormonal mammosomatotroph adenomas?
These adenomas are reactive for both GH and prolactin and are being increasingly recognized; morphologically, most bihormonal adenomas resemble the densely granulate pure somatotroph adenomas.
309. What causes the clinical manifestations in GH adenomas?
Persistent hypersecretion of GH stimulates the hepatic secretion of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1 or somatomedin C), which causes many of the clinical manifestations.
310. What is necessary for a Dx of pituitary GH excess?
Relies on documentation of elevated serum GH and IGF-1 levels.

In addition, failure to suppress GH production in response to an oral load of glucose is one of the most sensitive tests for acromegaly.
311. Corticotroph adenomas
Corticotroph adenomas are usually small microadenomas at the time of Dx.

These tumors are most often basophilic (densely granulated) and occasionally chromophobic (sparsely granulated).

Both variants stain positively w/PAS b/c of the presence of carbs in pre-opiomlanocorticotropin, (POMC), the ACTH precursor molecule. In addition, they demonstrate variable immunoreactivity for POMC and its derivatives, including ACTH and beta-endorphin.
312. What does excess production of ACTH by the corticotroph adenoma lead to?
Leads to adrenal hypersecretion of cortisol and the development of hypercortisolism (AKA Cushing syndrome).

When the hypercotisolism is due to excessive production of ACTH by the pituitary, the process is designated Cushing disease.
313. What is Nelson syndrome?

What do patients present with?
Large destructive adenomas can develop in patients after surgical removal of the adrenal glands for treatment of Cushing syndrome.

This condition, known as Nelson syndrome, occurs most often b/c of a loss of the inhibitory effect of adrenal corticosteroids on a pre-existing corticotroph microadenoma.

B/c the adrenals are absent in patients w/this disorder, hypercortisolism does not develop. In contrast, patients present w/mass effects of the pituitary tumor.

In addition, there can be hyperpigmentation b/c of the stimulatory effect of other products of the ACTH precursor molecule on melanocytes.
314. Gonadotroph adenomas (LH and FSH producing)
Can be difficult to recognize b/c they secrete hormones inefficiently and variably, and the secretory products usually do not cause a recognizable clinical syndrome.

Most freq found in middle aged men and women when they become large enough to cause neurologic symptoms.

Pituitary hormone deficiencies can also be found, most commonly impaired secretion of LH. This causes decreased energy and libido in men and amenorrhea in women.

Thus, gonadotroph adenomas are paradoxically associated w/secondary gonadal hypofunction.
315. What is the morphology of gonadotroph adenomas?
Most gonadotroph adenomas are large and composed of chromophobic cells.

The neoplastic cells usually demonstrate immunoreactivity for the common gonadotropin α-subunit and the specific β-FSH and β-LH subunits.

FSH is usually the predominant secreted hormone.
316. Thyrotroph (TSH-producing) adenomas
Thyrotroph adenomas are rare, accounting for approx 1% of all pituitary adenomas.

They are chromophobic or basophilic and are a rare cause of hyperthyroidism.
317. Nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas
Comprise of both clinically silent counterparts of the function adenomas and true hormone-negative adenomas.

Nonfunctioning adenomas constitute about 25% of all pituitary tumors.

In the past, they were classified as "null cell adenomas" b/c of the inability to demonstrate markers of differentiation.
318. Do true hormone-negative adenomas really exist?
It is now known that most null cell adenomas have biochemical and ultrastructural features that allow their characterization as silent tumors of gonadotrophic lineage. True hormone-negative adenomas are therefore unusual.
319. Clinical presentation of nonfunctioning adenomas
The typical presentation of nonfunctioning adenomas is mass effects.

The lesions may also compromise the residual anterior pituitary sufficiently to cause hypopituitarism. This may occur as a result of gradual enlargement of the adenoma or after abrupt enlargement of the tumor b/c of acute hemorrhage (pituitary apoplexy).
320. Pituitary carcinomas

What does the Dx require?
These tumors are quite rare, and most are not functional.

The diagnosis of carcinoma requires the demonstration of metastasis, usually to lymph nodes, bone, liver, and sometimes elsewhere.
321. Hypofunction of the anterior pituitary
Occurs when approx 75% of the parenchyma is lost or absent.

This may be congenital or the result of a variety of acquired abnormalities that are intrinsic to the pituitary.
322. Hypopituitarism linked to diabetes insipidus comes from where?

Where do most cases of hypofunction arise from?
Hypopituitarism accompanied by evidence of posterior pituitary dysfunction in the form of diabetes insipidus is almost always of hypothalamic origin.

However, most cases of hypofunction arise from destructive processes directly involving the anterior pituitary, although other mechanisms have been identified.
323. Pituitary apoplexy
This is a sudden hemorrhage into the pituitary gland, often occurring into a pituitary adenoma.

In its most dramatic presentation, apoplexy causes the sudden onset of excruciating headache, diplopia owing to pressure on the oculomotor nerves, and hypopituitarism.

In severe cases, it can cause cardiovascular collapse, loss of consciousness, and even sudden death. *It is a true neurosurgical emergency.
324. Ischemic necrosis of the anterior pituitary

What is the most common form?
Is an important cause of pituitary insufficiency. The ischemic area is resorbed and replaced by a nubbin of fibrous tissue attached to the wall of an empty sella.

*Sheehan syndrome, or postpartum necrosis of the anterior pituitary, is the most common form of clinically significant ischemic necrosis of the anterior pituitary.
325. What causes Sheehan syndrome?

Why is the posterior pituitary not affected?
During pregnancy, the anterior pituitary enlarges to almost 2x its normal size.

This physiologic expansion of the gland is not accompanied by an increase in blood supply from the low-pressure venous system; hence, there is relative anoxia of the pituitary.

Further reduction in blood supply caused by obstetric hemorrhage or shock may precipitate infarction of the anterior lobe.

The posterior pituitary, b/c it receives its blood directly from arterial branches, is much less susceptible to ischemic injury.
326. Rathke cleft cysts
These cysts, lined by ciliated cuboidal epithelium w/occasional goblet cells and anterior pituitary cells, can accumulate proteinaceous fluid and expand, compromising the normal gland.
327. Empty sella syndrome
Any condition that destroys part or all of the pituitary gland, such as ablation of the pituitary by surgery or radiation, can result in an empty sella.

The empty sella syndrome refers to the presence of an enlarged, empty sella turcica that is not filled w/pituitary tissue.

There are two types, primary, and secondary.
328. Primary empty sella
There is a defect in the diaphragma sella that allows the arachnoid mater and CSF to herniate into the sella, resulting in expansion of the sella and compression of the pituitary.

Classically, affected patients are obese women w/a history of multiple pregnancies.

Can be associated w/visual field defects and occasionally w/endocrine anomalies, such as hyperprolactinemia, owing to interruption of inhibitory hypothalamic effects. Loss of functioning parenchyma can be severe enough to result in hypopituitarism.
329. Secondary empty sella
A mass, such as a pituitary adenoma, enlarges the sella, but then it is either surgically removed or undergoes spontaneous necrosis, leading to loss of pituitary function.

Hypopituitarism can result from the treatment or spontaneous infarction.
330. What genetic defects lead to hypopituitarism?
Mutations in pit-1, a pituitary transcription factor, results in combined deficiency of GH, prolactin, and TSH.
331. What are the two most clinically relevant posterior pituitary syndromes?
Diabetes insipidus and SIADH
332. ADH deficiency
ADH deficiency causes diabetes insipidus, characterized by excessive urination, excessive thirst, and hypernatremia.
333. SIADH
ADH excess causes resorption of excessive amounts of water, resulting in hyponatremia.

The most freq causes of SIADH include the secretion of ectopic ADH by malignant neoplasms (particularly small cell carcinomas of the lung), and local injury to the hypothalamus or posterior pituitary (or both).

The clinical manifestations of SIADH are dominated by hyponatremia, cerebral edema, and resultant neurologic dysfunction.

Although total body water is increased, blood volume remains normal, and peripheral edema does not develop.
334. What are the most commonly implicated lesions in hypothalamic suprasellar tumors?
The most common are gliomas and craniopharyngiomas.

These slow growing tumors account for 1-5% of intracranial tumors; a small minority of these lesions arise within the sella, but most are suprasellar.

There is a bimodal age distribution, with one peak in childhood, and a second peak in adults in the sixth decade or older.
335. Morphology of craniopharyngiomas

What are the two types?
Craniopharyngiomas arise from vestigial remnants of Rathke pouch.

They avg 3-4 cm in diameter; they may be encapsulated and solid, but more commonly, they are cystic and sometimes multiloculated.

They often encroach on the optic chiasm or cranial nerves, and can bulge into the floor of the third ventricle and base of brain.

Two types:
1. Adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma
2. Papillary craniopharyngioma
336. Morphology of adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas
Frequently contains radiologically demonstrable calcifications.

Consists of nests or cords of stratified squamous epithelium embedded in a spongy "reticulum" that becomes more prominent in the internal layers.

Peripherally, the nests of squamous cells gradually merge into a layer of columnar cells, forming a palisade resting on a basement membrane.
337. What are three diagnostic features of adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas?
1. Compact, lamellar keratin formation ("wet keratin") is a diagnostic feature
2. Dystrophic calcification
3. Cysts often contain a cholesterol-rich, thick brownish yellow fluid that has been compared to "machinery oil"
338. Morphology of papillary craniopharyngiomas
Rarely calcified. Contain both solid sheets and papillae lined by well-differentiated squamous epithelium.

These tumors usually lack keratin, calcification, and cysts.

The squamous cells of the solid sections of the tumor DO NOT have the peripheral palisading and DO NOT typically generate a spongy reticulum in the internal layers.