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9 Cards in this Set

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-Parents and Children

-Ethnic Differences

-The Extended Family Today

-Stigma, Secularisation, Expectation, Changes


-Stigma, Secularisation, Expectation, Changes

Reasons for increase in divorce;

- Changes in the LAW Divorce reform act)

- Declining STIGMA (negative label attached)

- SECULARISATION (Decline in influence in religion)


- CHANGES in the position of women

- Marriage, Cohabitation, Same Sex, One Person


- Marriage, Cohabitation, Same Sex, One Person

Marriage - 4 out of 10 marriages were re-marriages, marriage rates are declining.

Cohabitation - 2 million people are cohabiting in Britain.

Chester argues that for most people cohabitation is the first process if getting married.

Partnership -Same sex Couples

Partnership -Same sex Couples

They make up of about 5-7% of population it is impossible to judge whether this is an increase because in the past illegality and stigma made it impossible to be gay.

Weeks believes that increased social acceptance may explain the trend in recent years towards same sex cohabitation.

* Remember Social Policy *

-One Person Households


-One Person Households

in 2006 6.8million households contained only one person. (3 times the figure in 1961) Mainly Pensioners

This is because - Divorce rates have increased

- people are marrying later.

LAT, Duncan and Phillips say some people could not afford to live together.

Parents and Children 
-Child bearing, Lone parent

Parents and Children

-Child bearing, Lone parent

4 in every 10 children are now born outside marriage. (due to; decline in stigma, women are having children later)

Lone Parent - (24% of all families, 90% are female headed) because increase in divorce rates, the majority of these are female headed because women have the "expressive role"

Parents and Children  
Lone parent and step families

Parents and Children

Lone parent and step families

Cashmore, some working class women with less earning power chose to live on welfare benefits without a partner often because they had experienced abuse.

Step Families (10%)

Ethnic Differences
-Black Families 
-Asian Families

Ethnic Differences

-Black Families

-Asian Families

Black families, female headed, lone parent has sometimes been seen as evidence of family of family disorganisation that can be traced back to slavery.

Asian - Bangladeshi,Pakistani and indian households tend to be larger (extended)

The Extended Family
- Willmott and Young
- Nickie Charles

The Extended Family

- Willmott and Young

- Nickie Charles

Charles - the classic three generation family all living together under one roof is "all but extinct."

Willmott and Young, it continues to exist as a 'dispersed extended family', where relatives are geographically separated but maintain frequent contact through visits and phone calls.