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77 Cards in this Set

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Human diversity
defined as the differences among people
What are some examples of characteristics of diversity
mental ability
physical ability
What are the three age generations in order
baby boomers
generation X
generation Y
Define ethnocentrism
when people view their own culture and values as the only correct ones
ability to hold onto ones owns culture and learn to line in another
What is autonomy?
allow patient to make decisions about self
What is solidarity?
society must support the freedom of all individuals.
This provides legal protection for person with mental or physical disabilities?
Americans with disabilities act of 1990
What are the six areas of diversity related to healthcare?
space- eye contact, touching
Time- some cultures don't like change, or preventative measures, only want to take care of current problem
environment- health vs illness, alternative medical practices
Biologic- skin color, genetics, heredity, nutritional preference.
Social- Elders vs children making decisions
What are the three kinds of touch?
palpation - for landmarks
Emotional Support - pat on shoulder
Emphasis- turn for lat
What is Gerontology
The study of aging and diseases
Primary aging
inevitable process of aging
Secondary aging
aging process accelerated by disease, abuse, or neglect
What are Maslows Hierarchy of needs


Private Sluts leave Sluty Soars
Safety and Security
Love and Belonging
Self Esteem and Respect
Self Actualization
basic needs
Safety and Security
make sure side rails are up when leaving a room
bell for nurse is available
Love and belonging
honor patient requests for company when you can.
Self Esteem-
Patient image of self
Self actualization
reaching ones full potential having goals
What are the Kubler Ross Stages


Damn angry birds die already
Denial/ isolation
Most hospital fires are traceable to what four possible causes
spontaneous combustion
open flame
cigarette smoke
What is a spontaneous combustion
chemical reaction near a flammable material causes fire
What are open flames
usually occurs in kitchen or lab
potential source of fire, especially in radiology department because of all the electrical equipment
What causes fire
Class A
solid combustibles, wood, paper,
Class B fires
flammable liquids of gases
Class C fires
electrical equipment or wiring
occupational health and safety administration - federal agency governing safety in the workplace
material safety data sheet
every chemical as well as the hazards for all
study of the human body relative to the working environment, like what we come across in terms of body mechanics.
What are the most common injuries reported by health care workers
musculoskeletal disorders
What are RMI's
repetitive motion injuries
What are RSI 's
repetitive strain injuries
What are CTD's
cumulative trauma disorders
what is the normal curvature of the cervical spine?
What is the normal curvature of the thoracic spine?
What is the normal curvature of the lumbar spine
What does emesis mean?
to vomit
What is orthostatic hypotension
when a person blood pressure doesn't rise fast enough when they stand
What are decuditus ulcers
ulcerations of the skin due to laying down for too long, thsi can be a site for staph infections...the skin breaks down into sores
What is Kyphosis
this is when the kyphotic curve is exaggerated
What is Lordosis
when the lordotic curve is exaggerated
What are microorganisms
living things that cannot be seen without a microscope. may cause disease, may be helpful to humans...such as certain bacteria found in the colon
What are pathogens
Micoorganisms that cause disease
What are micoorganisms?
may or may not be pathogens, they are classified by their shape, and their are three classification
What are the three distinct shapes of bacteria
spherical- cocci
Rod- bacilli
Spiral - spirilla
oval shaped - bacilli
What causes TB
bacillus bacteria
Which shape does staphylococci take
Why is staph infection in hospitals hard to treat?
because they have already been exposed to so many types of antibiotics that they have built on a resistance to them.
Which are bigger, viruses or bacteria
Can viruses be treated with antibiotics?
What is MRSA
Methycillin resistant staphyloccus aureus
What causes the common cold
Can antibiotics cure the common cold?
no because its a virus
What is PCP
pneumocystis carini pnrumonia
Why is PCP significant?
Because in a normal person with a healthy immune system PCP should eb harmless, but for someone who is HIV possible it can be deadly
What are protozoa?
complex single celled organisms that resemble animal cells, Malaria and trichomoniasis are infections called by protozoans.
What are the six things required for an infection to occur?
Pathogenic organism
Reservoir of infection
portal of exit
means of transmission
Portal of entry
Who is the WHO
world health organization
How are hepatitis A and E transmitted?
infected food and water
How are Hepatitis B C and D transmitted
through blood
Which types of Hepatitis are transmitted through fecal matter?
A and E
Which Hepatitis is the number one reason patients need liver transplants?
Hep C
Which Hepatitis is usually transmitted through broken skin
Hep B
Which kind of therapy do you recieve after a needle stick?
PEP post exposure prophylaxis
When were universal precautions released by the CDC
What does BSP stand for
body substance precautions
Medical Asepsis
reducing the probability of infectious organisms being transmitted to a susceptiable individual
What is process of reducing the total number of organisms
microbial dilution
What is the first level of asepsis?
simple cleaniness
second level of asepsis
third level of asepsis?
sterilization with heat, gas and chemicals
Which mixture of bleach should be used in sterilization?
1:10 solution
what are droplet precautions?
reduce contact with large particle droplets( greater than 5 microns)