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73 Cards in this Set

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Broadrange of fibrillary proteins that stain pink on HE and green on Congo Red.

Beta-2Microglobulin: often the culprit protein

Causes; Infection, RA, MM, Genetic types, CRF.


CTS, Bone cyst, Pathological #, Arthritis, Renal calculi, Tendinous deposits.

AVN / Osteonecrosis


Stages; Necrosis, Inflamation, Repair (creeping substitution).

Creeping substitution.

  • Dead bone resorbed byosteoclasts, New bone laid down on surface ofdead trabeculae by osteoblasts.
  • Sclerosis on XR, when # / Collapse occurs.

Location of AVN FH and HH.

Anterosuperolateral femoral head

Central dome of humeral head

Double line AVN on T2

  • Outer low-signal line 2° thickened trabeculae –represents the vascular / avascular bone interface
  • Inner high-signal line related to hypervasculargranulation tissue


- Initialmottling

- Sclerotic line at junction of deadbone 2nd to:o

1 Ca++ of dead marrow

2 Surrounding Osteopenia

3 Creeping substitution

4 Collapse of dead trabeculae

5 Subchondral fracture

Dystrophic Calcification

Nserum calcium

Occurs in damagedtissues - Dead or degenerative

Depositsamorphous & non-crystalline

Hydroxyapatite crystals may form:Mayprogress to Ossification

Fat Necrosis, Infarcts, Thrombi

CPPD, Chondrocalcinosis, Atherosclerosis

Metastatic Calcification

Occursin N tissue whenever there is hyperCa++.

Mechanism unknown.


High bone turnover o


1° HyperPTHo

Renalfailure c 3° hyperPTH

MilkAlkali Syndrome


Calcinosis, Reynauds, Esophageal Dysmotility, Sclerodactyly and telangiectasis

Tumoural calcinosis

Formation of large, painless, juxta-articularmasses often at pressure points.

HAdeposition disease

May have increased ­Pi, ­1,25-Vit D

Larger crystals in deposits, with more perfectstructure than normal bone

Charcot joints aetiology


Spina Bifida


DM - No 1 cause

Tabesdorsalis - Syringomyelia (UL)

Leprosy (UL)

Cong Indifferenceto pain

Peripheralnerve lesions: drugs, etoh, vit b12 deficiency

Charcot joints Defn.

Chronicprogressive degenerative arthropathy of vertebral and appendicular joints as aresult of disturbance of normal sensory innervation

Charcot joints Stages.


I: Dissolution = hyperaemia, demineralisation

NWB, castwhen swelling decreases.

II: Coalescence = Fragmentation of bone.


III – Consolidation = healing, mayulcerate,



Haemophilia– X-linked, factor VIII, different severities.

Rx give factors VIII.

Haematoma ensure Factor VIII 30%

Haemarthrosis + ST surgery FactorVIII 50%

Haemarthrosis + Bone Surgery, Need Factor VIII levels 100% for 1/52 post op

Haemophilic joint XR

Widening of distal femur

Squaring of femoral condyles



Christmas dis

Christmas dis – X-linked, Factor IX. Clinically identical to Haemophillia, APTT increased, PT normal. Give factor IX.

Von Willebrand

platelets can’t stick to endothelium, prolonged bleeding time, platelets OK.

Rx ç Cryoprecipitate or DDAVP

Hyperparathyroidism + Brown’s Tumours

disorder of metabolism secondary to increasd


Increased PTH lead to increas Ca, decre PO4 & increased bone turnover.

Stones, Bones, Abdominal Groans, Psychic Moans

increased Overall ­­Bone Turnover

OsteitisFibrosa Cystica

Middle age, old women.


  • Generalisedosteopenia
  • Brown’s tumours
  • Lateral 1/3 clavicle erosion
  • Chondrocalcinosis

Hyperparathyroidism causes

Primary, Excessive secretion PTH by Parathyroid. (usually adenoma)

Secondary, Hypocalcaemia leads to incre level PTH leads to hypertrophy parathyroids, HPT.

Tertiary, CRF, and Vit D deficiency.

Investigations Hyperparathyroidism

Increase ­Ca

decrease Pi

increase ­PTH

increase AlkPhos

increase Urate

XR 10% Have Skeletal Manifestations

Boney erosions Hyperparathyroidism

Outer 1cmof clavicle 
Prox humerus
Pubic symphysis 
Salt + Pepper Skull
Radial sided Phalangeal Erosions
Codfish Vertebrae: Biconcave vertebraedue to compression #s      


Outer 1cmof clavicle

Prox humerus

Pubic symphysis


Salt + Pepper Skull

Radial sided Phalangeal Erosions

Codfish Vertebrae: Biconcave vertebraedue to compression #s


Brown’s Tumours

Brownishtumour like-masses in bone

Highly Vascular

May be seen in renal disease +2nd ­PTH

Composed of:

  • Granulation Tissue
  • Inflammatory cells
  • Haemorrhage+ Giant Cells
  • Little bone


Autosomal Recessive

Subperiostealbone formation: loss of corticomedullary differentiation

Due toloss of OPG genes à ­RANKLactivity + Osteoclastic activity

present<2yrs old

Multiple #s


Rx Anti-resorptive, Recombinant OPG

Bowed/Widened long bonesà disfiguring


Inbornerror of purine metabolism characterised by hyperuricaemia and recurrentattacks of acute arthritis.

Dx confirmed by Monosodium Urate in the neutrophils in the synovial fluid

Other features:

  • Tophi
  • Urate renal stones

Negatively birefringent under polarised light

Gout pathology

Prerequisiteis Hyperuricaemia at some stage

Oxidation of Purine bases Via Xanthine Oxidase in to Uric acid.

Excreted in Urine and GIT.

Primary Gout

  • Over produces
  • Under excretors.
Secondary causes, condit of high cell death.

Develop Monosodium Urate in synovial and released into joint. Precipitates. crystals cause inflamm.

Gout XR

Punched out lytic appearance   
Sub-articulartypically medial side 1st MT   
Overhanging sclerotic margin
Periarticular erosions at site of capsular attachments

Punched out lytic appearance

Sub-articulartypically medial side 1st MT

Overhanging sclerotic margin

Periarticular erosions at site of capsular attachments

Gout Mx

Cochicine. Inhibits Neutro migration. 1mg initially then 0.5mg q2h Max (6mg)

Indomethacin 50mg q6h.



LOW, hydration, precipitant avoidance, Probenecid, Allopurinol ( XanthineOxidase Inhibitor),


Pseudogout is an inflammatory arthritis caused by Ca++Pyrophosphate Dihydrate crystals in the joint.

PARTIALLYPOSITIVE PURPLE” rhomboidal crystals, weakly +vely birefringent.

Deposited in, Joint capsule, Articular Cartilage, Fibrocartilage (Menisci)

Causes CPPD


Wilson’s disease

Hypothyroidism, Haemochromatosis, Hyperparathyroidism,Hypophosphatasia, Hypomagnesia

Idiopathic (familial)




Gout – joint traumatised.



Rx Rest, treat cause, NSAID, Colchicine (sev)

Pseudogout = acute synovitis, usually large joints

ChronicCPPD Arthropathy = chronic, degenerative. pseudo OA, polyarticular disease.

Reiter’s Syndrome

Reactivearthritis with classic history of sacroiliitis, iritis and urethritis

Affects men. 20-40

usually follows episode of non-gonococcal urethritis, maybe dysentery.

HLA-B27 pos in 80%.

Polyarthritisis asymmetrical and involves LL.

Enthesopathy (TA/PF)

pustulardermatitis of the feet.

Cardiac problems with AV block

Treatment of the inciting infection.


Can go on for some time.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Chronic, systemic, autoimmune inflammatory disease of unknown Aetiology

RhF –heterogenous mainly IgM (80% +ve)

Synovitis, T cell in origin, but synovial fluid rich in Neutrophils

RF positive in 80%

HLADR4 - 70 % positive in RA

Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnostic criteria

Dx Crtieria 1987 AmCollege of Rheumatology Need 4/7 MAX RANS

1. MorningStiffness

2. Arthritisof 3 areas > 6/52

3. X-raychanges

4. Rh factor

5. Arthritisof Hand > 6/52

6. Nodules

7. SymmetricArthritis > 6/52

RA pathology

Triggernot identified

Exogenous agent alters Fc part of IgG to become antigenic

Helper T cells activate B Cellsto become plasma cells PlasmaCells produce RF's (IgM) directed against IgG.

Synovium acts as lymphoid organ

AB-Antigen complexes formed

2° destructive inflam cascade(Lymphokines, IL-1)


Inborn error ofmetabolism

AR- Enzyme deficiency.

Accumulate - Methionine - Homocystine

Marfanoid habitus.

Inferior lens dislocation

Tight joint


Thromboembolic, Retard

Bowing tibia

Erlenmeyer flask

Heterotopic Ossification

Extra-Skeletal bone formation in periarticulartissues

Brooker classification. 1 - 4.

RF; hip, male,CNS, previous HO, DISH ,AS, #, Haematoma, Infection, hypertrophic OA.

Mesenchymalcells diff in o'blasts, Osteoid, mineralisation.

Rx Early Resection = Recurrence. Wait 18mths. Until fully mature, no progression cold on BS.


MyositisOssificans Traumatica (Circumscripta)

PathologicalBone formation in soft tissues.

Occurs proximally.

Usually single or multiple traumatic event.

Difficult to differenate from sarcoma. Ossification from peripherally.

Avoid OT. Lesion can spontaneously regress.

OT if NV issue, decrease ROM.

Myositis Ossificans Progressiva


UsuallyAffects Muscles and Ligs of Back and Major joints



Die from restrictive lung disease.


PrimaryOA: Idiopathic

Secondary OA: Traumatic, Inflammatory, Metabolic, endocrine, Neuropathic, developmental.

Change in Cartilage OA

Loss of cell height, cellularity,

decrease hydration lead to increasedstiffness. Telomeres Shorten

Increase Chondroitin + decrease Collagen.


  1. Swelling
  2. Cellular response
  3. Progressive cartilage loss


Sclerosis, fragmentation ofossification at time of greatest growth, looks like AVN.

Occurs at time of greatest growth.

Crushing= Kohler’s (Navicular), Freiberg, Panner

Pulling= Osgood Schlatters

Splitting = OCD Knee/Ankle/Hip

Features on XR

  • Sclerosis
  • Fragmentation
  • Decrease in size ofossification centre

Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Heterogenous group of genetic disorders which result in increased bonefragility.

90%genetic mutation COL 1 Gene Ch 17

encode for type 1 pro-collagen.

Unable to form helix and cross link.

OI Type I: quantitative defect in AMOUNTof collagen

OI Type II – IV: qualitative defectin collagen.

Bone thin cortices, little lamellar bone, usually woven, poor H system.

Abnormal Endochondral and Intramembranous

OI Classification


bad2 are AR & mild 2 are AD

Mnemonic:Mike's Little Squashed Mate

Type 1 : Mild/Tarda – 70%

Type 2: Leathal 2%

Type 3: Severe/Classic 20%

Type 4: Moderate

OI clinical features

Triangular face

Brownish translucent teeth

Blue sclerae

Genu Valgum

Grossly Osteopenic

Narrowdiaphyses +Broadened Metaphysis

Trefoil shape

Coxa Vara

Protrusio Acetabuli



Pectus Carinatum/Excavatum

Ligamentouslaxity (Type 1 collagen)

OI treatment

Rx Mutli D team (paeds, endocrine, genetic).

Bisphosphonates decrease # and pain.

Manage # and prevent deformity.

#, ambulate and WB!

If treat use IMN.


Lossof bone around the prosthesis due to wear debris stimulation of macrophages orinfection.

Wear leads to particulate debris.

Macrophages phagocytose wear particles and activate osteoclast.

Prosthesis micromotion leads to increased wear

Increased hydrostatic presure leads to increased effective joint space.

Harris signs loosening


Mantle #

Line > 1mm

Particle effect

Local (UHMWPE)

  • Lysis
  • Loosening
Systemic (Metallic)

  • MEtabolic
  • ?Neoplastic
  • Immunology ? type 4 hypersensitivity.

Biological effects of particles

Small enough phagocytized <10um

Ti is less irritative than CoCrMo

Butis worse bc macrophages don’t die whereas CoCr is toxic to the macrophages andthey die so CoCr has less osteolysis effects

Engh classification Uncemented THR

I stable bony ingrowth: canhave ‘spot welds’

II stable fibrous ingrowth

III unstable fibrous ingrowth


A metabolic bone disease where defectivemineralization results in a large amount or unmineralized osteoid.

  • qualitative defect
  • rickets and osteomalacia aremanifestations of the same pathologic process

malaise +fatigable

bone pain+ tenderness

Proximalmuscle weakness

Osteomalacia Risk factors

vitamin-D deficient diets

malabsorption e.g. celiac disease, IBD

renal osteodystrophy (Phosphate leaks)



tumors (tumor-induced osteomalacia, see below)


VitaminD Dependent Rickets

5 Major Categories

  1. Not getting enough
  2. Not Absorbing
  3. Not Metabolising
  4. Lose
  5. Not acting

Osteomalacia Bloods

Low or low-N Ca++

Low PO4-

Ca++ /PO4 index low

Ca++ x PO4 < 2.4 (N> 3) --> diagnostic

High ALP – high turnover

PTH N or high

Low [25-D3]

Osteomalacia xr

Changes less evident.

indistinct trabeculae (ground glass), bowing, #.

Bone resorption rad border middle finger.

Three characteristic features

  1. Looser’s Lines
  2. Codfish Vertebrae
  3. Trefoil Pelvis (Bi -lateral indentation of acetabulum)

Codfish Vertebrae

Looser line


Osteoporosis is ischaracterized by a decrease in the apparent density of the normally mineralizedmatrix

Definition: BMD<2.5 x STD deviations below that of young adult reference population


age, genetics, Environmental, Chronic disease, hormones.

Osteoporosis Classifications


  • post menopause
  • senile

  • Diet - low Ca, prot, vitamin C
  • Drugs - alcohol, methotrexate
  • Disuse
  • Chronic illness - RA, Sarcoid, cirrho, renal
  • Tumour (Blood based)
  • Endocrine - HPT, DM, hyperthyroid, Hypogonadism, adrenal cortex excess, ovary, testis
  • Idiopathic
  • Genetic - OI, homocystinuria

Osteoporosis Ix

Bloods normal - primary OP


FBE& diff


ALP(increased turnover)

Protein,Albumin (malnutrition)

Ca (lowlevels may be stripping bone), PO4- Creat(Renal failure)

Glucose –diabetes

25-hydroxyvitamin D, 1,25(OH)2 vit D (deficiencies)

thyroid fxn tests (Hyperthyroid)

sex steroids (menopause)


Bence Jones protein

Osteoporosis Rx

HRT increases BMD by 4-7%

Bisphosponates increases BMD by 4-9%

Exercise 1-3%

Ca 1500mg/day

Vit D 400 Int units/d~ Active

Paget’s Disease

Idiopathic focaldisorder of skeletal remodelling

AD, viral inclusion bodies in nuclei and cytoplasmof giant cells

? caused by Paramyxovirus

Polyostotic or monostotic

Abnormalosteoclasts make large holes

Osteoblastshave normal response, new bone laid (WOVEN)

Pagets Histology

Pagets phases


  1. Early osteolytic. Osteoclast activity, Starts at end of long bone
  2. Intermediate. Osteoblast activity, produce woven
  3. Late Osteosclerotic. Sclerotic ivory-hard bone produced.


Bone deformity persists, turnover returns to normals.

Bone is enlarged, brittle, sclerotic, deformed.

Pagets - Orthopaedic deformity

- Coxa vara

- Protrusioacetabuli

- Femoralbowing

- Increasesize & abN shape of bones

o Thicker cortex

o Bow along stress lines

o Femora bow ant & lat

o Tibia bow ant = Saber Shin

- Skull enlargement Hats don't fit

- ThoracicKyphosis


Pagets complications

CVS - High-outputcardiac failure

Malignant change - OS or Chondrosarcomaor MFH


CNS - Neural impingement.

Fractures on convex side.

THR in Paget’s

Pro op

Want ALP < 700

Airway issues with neck ext. CVS issue with High output failure

Intra op

Bleed a lot

correct deformity

seating and reaming difficult due to bone

Cement implants (helps with stasis)

Protrusio cages + offset liners

Post op

Higherrate of loosening

Higher HO rate 23-50% use indocid

Causes of periosteal reaction

- Trauma

- Tumour (including lung)

- Infection

- Infarction

Peripheral Neuropathy


Developmental - HSMN, Freidrich

Inflam - RA, SLE, Guillain Barre

Neoplastic - Pareneo, sarcoid

Traumatic - compression neuropathies

Metabolic - Alco, DM, Amyloid, B12 folate.

Infective - Polio, leprosy, herpes, HIV

Iatrogenic - Drugs, Cipro, Chemo.

Renal Osteodystrophy

Rickets/Osteomalaciaand 2°Hyperparathyroidism due to chronic glomerular failure.

Decrease filtration leads to increase phosphate Plus

Decreased tubular mass laeds to decrease 1,25 vit D synthesis, decreased Ca absorbed from filtered urine, lead t odecrease Ca2+ and secondary hyperparathyroidism.

Renal Osteodystrophy features

Osteomalacia etc.


Patchy osteosclerosis

Periosteal bone formation in MT and pelvis.

Rugger jersey spine.

Browns tumours

Ectopic calcifications.


defect in mineralization of osteoid matrixcaused by inadequate Ca + P.

Brittle bones with physeal widening and cupping.

Long bone bowing

Rachitic rosary, costal cartilage enlargement.

Looser zones

Rickets causes

Nutritional - decreased Vit D.

Vit D resistant rickets (familial / X linked)

Vit D Dependant rickets. type 1 and 2.

Drug induced.

Fanconi syndrome.


Young patients.

Non caseating granuloma.

5% have bone involvement

Typically small bones of hands/feet: permeative/lytic lesions withcystic appearance

Synovial Chondromatosis

Proliferativesynovial disease that is associated with cartilaginous METAPLASIA resulting inmultiple intra-articular loose bodies.


Knee most common. Hip, elbow, ankle.

Synovectomyand loose body resection