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179 Cards in this Set

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where is second hydroxylation of vit D?
proximal tubule
most common UUT cause of hematuria
renal stone
most common LUT cause of hematuria
most common noninf cause LUT hematuria
transitional cell carcinoma
most common cause microscopic hematuria in adult males
benign prostatic hyperplasia
most common Rx causing hematuria
persistent proteinuria usu indicates
intrinsic renal dz
causes functional proteinuria 4
fever, exercise, CHF, orthostatic
patho of overflow proteinuria
amt filtered > reabsorption of LMW proteins
causes overflow proteinuria 3
MM (BJ proteins), Hburia, myoglobinuria
glomerular proteinuria types 2
nephritic 150 mg-3.5g; nephrotic > 3.5h
causes glomerular proteinuria 2
damage to GBM; loss of negative charge (selective for albumin)
tubular proteinuria patho
defect prox tubule reabosrption of LMW proteins
causes tubular proteinuria 3
Heavy metal poisoning; Fanconi syndrome; Hartnup dz
with very high [BUN] serum, loss occurs where
serum levels of BUN depend on
GFR (inverse), protein content in diet (direct), PCT reaborption (direct), urea cycle fxn (direct)
inc in BUN & Cr
BUN/Cr ratio norm indicate which type of azotemia
renal azotemia
BUN/Cr ratio inc indicate which type of azotemia
pre or postrenal
prerenal azotemia caused by
dec CO -> dec GFR (affect BUN > Cr)
postrenal azotemia caused by
obstruction (urea backdiffusion not Cr)
age fx on CCr
age dec CCr (adjust Rx)
status where CCr inc 2
pregnancy, early DM glomerulopathy
gold standard for renal dz eval
black urine after expo to light
smoky-colored urine
acidic urine convert Hb -> hematin; nephritic GN
red/pink urine 5
hematuria, Hburia, Mburia, Rx, prophyria
first sign of renal dz
inc specific gravity
when take UA?
morning (more concentrated)
alkaline pH + smell of ammonia
urease organism (Proteus)
for MM UA, use which test?
lowered renal threshold for glucose 2
norm pregnancy; benign glucosuria
first sign DM nephropathy
ketones detected in UA
acetone, acac (NOT b-OHB)
ketones in urine norm finding in
bilirubinuria 2
viral hepatits, obstructive jaundice
inc UBG + bilirubinuria
inc UBG
extravasc hemolytic anemia
sterile pyuria 4
chlamydia, urethritis, TB, Rx-induced interstitial nephritis
renal tubular cells w/ lipid indicate
nephrotic syndrome
ghost-like cast of proteins
hyaline cast; no significance
RBC cast indicate
nephritic GN
WBC cast indicate 2
acute pyelonephritits; acute tubulointerstitial nephritis
renal tubular cast
acute tubular necrosis
waxy broad cast indicate
chronic renal failure
Ca oxalate crystals (rhomboid) 3
pure vegan diet, ethylene glycol, stone
Uric acid crystals (needle)
Cysteine crystals (hexagonal)
kidney receive how much blood supply
25% of cardiac output; 90% blood supply
renal PGE2 fx
dialtes afferent arteriole
A-II fx on renal
constrictions efferent arteriole
GBM properties that determine protein filtration 2
size, charge
loss of negative charge causes
selective proteinuria for albumin
2 causes GBM thickening
IC deposition; inc collagen IV synth
fusion of podocytes sign of
nephrotic syndrome
what cells make up Bowman's capsule
parietal epithelial cell
what cells make up glomerulus
visceral epithelial cell
primarily responsible for GBM production
visceral epithelial cell
contain podocytes & slit pores
visceral epithelial cell
contracts the glomerulus lumen
mesangial cell
produces matrix of glom
mesangial cell
fenestrated initial segment of filtration
endothelial cell of glom
glom cell that releases cytokines and prolif
mesangial cell
crescentic glom is prolif of
parietal epithelial cell
inc incidence of horsehoe kidney in
Turner's syndrome
most common cystic dz in children
renal dysplasia
b/l cystic kidneys in child
b/l cystic kidneys in adult
ARPKD assoc with what liver defects 2
cysts, congenital hepatic fibrosis
ADPKD also have cysts in 3
liver, panc, spleen
most common cause of death in ADPKD
CVS assoc of ADPKD 4
MVP; HTN -> ruptured berry aneurysm, intracerebral hemorrhage, lacunar infarcts
GI assoc of ADPKD 1
sigmoid diverticulosis
swiss cheese medulla
medullay sponge kidney
most common cause renal dialysis
acquired polycystic kidney dz
most common adult renal cyst
simple retention cysts
only few glomeruli affected
all glomeruli affected
> 100 nuc/affected glom
thickened GBM
only part of single glom affected
parietal proliferation
linear immunoflor for GBM
anti-GBM Ab -> Goodpastures
what type of HSR is Goodpasture's
Type 2
granular immunoflor on GBM
immune complex deposition
what type of HSR is IC deposition
type 3
EM allows you detect what glom changes
where IC deposited, fusion of podocytes, damage to visceral epithelial cells
IC fx on glom
activate complement -> attracts neutrophils
Mnemonic for nephritic Sx
RiCHO: RBC Casts, HTN/Hematuria w/ dysmorphic RBC, Oliguria/orbital puffiness
Mnemonic for nephritic dz
Please I don’t remember: PSGN, IgA, DP GNk, RPCGN
Mnemonic for nephrotic Sx
FART: Fatty casts, Ascites/edema, Reduced IgG/alb, Thrombotic
Mnemonic for nephrotic dz
Don't make me forget: DMG/DMM, MCD, MPGN, FSGS
patho of nephritic syndromes
neutrophilic destruction
patho of nephrotic syndromes
cytokines fuse podocytes & destroy neg charge
most common nephropathy
IgA nephropathy
IgA patho
mesangial IgA deposits -> IC activate complement
IgA fx on glom
focal, proliferative
IgA presentation 2
episodic bouts of hematuria & HTN; assoc w/ Henoch-Schnolein purpura
Tx for IgA
steroids, HTN Rx
Ab in PSGN 2
anti-DNAse B; anti-ASO
Deposits in PSGN
IC subepithelial
PSGN presentation
hematuria 1-3 wk after strep inf
Tx for PSGN
goes away usu; Tx HTN if develops
most common nephropathy of SLE
deposits in DPGN
IC subendothelial
most common cause of death in SLE
DPGN-induced CRF
steroids, cyclophosphamide
worst nephritic syndrome to get
RPGN assoc w/ 3
Goodpastures, microscopic polyarteritis, Wegner's granulomatosis
plasma exchange; renal transplant
MCD patho
fused podocytes
most common nephrotic syndrome in kids
MCD 2o to
Hodgkin's lymphoma
most common nephrotic syndrome in adults
FSGS most commonly seen in 2
worst nephrotic syndrome to get
deposits in DMG
IC subepithelial
spike and dome pattern on silver stain
deposits in MPGN
IC subendothelial
MPGN 1 assoc with
HCV, HBV, cyroglobulinemia
MPGN 2 assoc with
C3 nephritic factor (auto Ab to C3 convertase)
DM glomerulopathy is
Nodular glomerulosclerosis, Kimmelstein-Wilson
most common cause CRF in US
Nodular glomerulosclerosis, Kimmelstein-Wilson
DM glomerulopathy more common in which DM
NGS patho 4
glycosylation of GBM lose neg charge;
efferent hyaline arteriolosclerosis -> hyperfiltration damage -> inc collagen IV
what slows progression of NGS
ACE-I (prevents efferent arteriole constriction)
genetics of Alport's syndrome
Alport's Sx 3
hereditary nephritis, sensorineural deafness, ocular defects
most common cause chronic GN
most common cause ARF
most common type of ATN
ischemic ATN
most common cause of ischemic ATN
prerenal azotemia
key cast of ATN
renal tubular cell
Ischemic ATN patho 3
detachment of tubular cell into lumen -> inc intratubular pressure -> oliguria w/ fluid in interstitium
main sites of ischemic ATN 2
straight segment of prox tubule; medullary segment of TAL
most common cause nephrotoxic ATN
pH disturbance of ATN
inc AG met acidosis (hyperkalemia)
most common cause TIN (tubulointerstitial nephritis)
APN (acute pyelonephritis)
why APN F > M
women have shorter urethras
Sx of APN and not UTI
fever, WBC cast, flank pain
most common cause APN
Vesicourethral reflux esp during micturition
organisms of UTI, PN (if play odds)
E. coli
hematagenous spread to kidneys causing APN
s. aureus
causes of CPN 2
VUR (young F), chronic hydronephrosis from obstruction
reflux type CPN on IVP shows
U-shaped cortical scars overlie blunt calyces
thyroidization of tubules
reflux nephropathy causes what in kids
Rx-induced TIN assoc w/ 4
methicillin, NSAIDs, rifampin, sulfonamides
Rx-induced TIN
patho of analgesic nephropathy
acetaminophen release ROS, aspirin inh PGE2
urate nephropathy may produce
ring defect on IVP
renal papillary necrosis (sloughing papilla)
PCT have nuc acid-fast inclusions
chronic Pb poisoning
casts with foreign body giant cell rxn
BJ proteinuria
first thing to go in renal failure
ability to concentrate urine
end-stage renal dz defined as
GFR < 10
heme fx of CRF 2
normocytic anemia w/ retic < 3%, qualitative plt defect
3 types renal osteodystrophy
osteitis fibrosa cystica, osteomalacia, osteoperosis
CVS fx of CRF 4
HTN, pericarditis, CHF, atherosclerosis
pH disturbance of CRF
inc AG met acidosis (hyperkalemia)
biomarker of kidney fxn
cystatic C
free water clearance in CRF
essential HTN (hyaline arteriolosclerosis)
most common cause renal infarct
Sx renal infarct 2
hematuria, flank pain
sickle trait nephropathy 4
hematuria, loss conc, renal pap necrosis, APN
anuria in preg woman followed by ARF
diffuse cortical necrosis
most common complication of upper UT obstruction
Tx for hypercalcemia-induced stones
staghorn calculus made of
MgNH4 from proteus
i/l colicky flank pain radiating to groin + hematuria
renal stone
harmatoma assoc w/ tuberous sclerosis
yellow tumor w/ renal vein invasion
renal cell carcinoma
most common cause renal cell carcinoma
renal carcinoma triad
hematuria, flank pain, abd mass
paraneoplastic syndrome of renal cell 2
causes transitional cell carcinoma 3
smoking, aniline dyes, cyclophosphamide
child w/ u/l flank mass & HTN
Wilm's tumor