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49 Cards in this Set

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Insufficiency or incompetency or regurgitation is what?
Valves fail to close completely
Stenosis of valves
Fibrosis of valves, valves fail to open completely
Valves that are stenotic are almost always insufficient
-If a valve fails to open completely, it most likely can't close completely
What is the equation for work?
Work = Flow X Pressure
Murmurs are caused by
Jet flow leads to
Pseudo valves or plaques (due to impact from blood flowing through a narrow orifice)
What is the most common cause of right ventricular failure?
Left ventricular failure
Complications of artificial valves (5)
1- Infection
2- Obstruction
3- Thromboembolism
4- Structural deterioration
5- Intravascular hemolysis
Major criteria for diagnosing Rheumatic Fever (5)
1- Carditis
2- Arthritis
3- Subcutaneous nodules
4- Erythema marginatum
5- Chorea
Increased Antistreptokinase (ASK) or Antistreptolysin 'O' (ASO) are indicative of
Rheumatic Fever because of group A B-hemolytic streptococcal infection
What is the most serious problem in acute RF?
Myocarditis may cause what (5)
1- Cardiac failure
2- Arrhythmia
3- Sudden death
4- Embolism
5- Valve ring dilatation causing incompetence
Age for RF
5-15 years old
RF is what type of hypersensitivity reactions?
Type 2 and 4
What is cause of RF?
Abs against Group A streptococcal M proteins (S pyogenes)
Most common cause of death RF
Anitschkow cells and Aschoff bodies
Most common initial presentation of RF
Migratory polyarthritis
RF clinical (7)

Fever, Erythema marginatum, Valvular damage (vegetation and fibrosis), ESR incrase, Red hot joints (migratory polyarthritis), Subcutaneous nodules (Aschoff bodies), Sydenham's Chorea

2- Fibrinous pericarditis
3- Myocarditis
4- Endocarditis
Sydenham's chorea
Late manifestation of RF
Reversible, rapid, involuntary movements affecting all muscles
What is Jones criteria for acute RF?
1 major and 2 minor if supported by evidence of prior group A streptococcal pharyngitis
Major criteria of Jones (5)
1- Carditis
2- Migratory polyarthritis
3- Chorea
4- Erythema marginatum
5- Subcutaneous nodules
Jones Minor criteria (5)
1- Previous RF
2- Athralgia
3- Fever
4- Acute phase reactants (ESR, C-reactive protein, absolute neutrophil leukocytosis)
5- Prolonged PR interval
RF tests
1- increased ASO
2- DNase B titers
RF treatment
Most common cause of mitral valve stenosis
Atrial fib- valve disease?
Mitral stenosis
Mitral stenosis murmur
Opening snap followed by an early to mid-diastolic rumble
Most common cause of mitral valve regurgitation
Mitral valve prolapse
Mitral valve prolapse murmur
Mid systolic click followed by late systolic crescendo murmur
Standing and valsalva _______ venous return
Squatting and sustained hand grip ______
Increase TPR
Tx for symptomatic mitral valve prolapse
Beta blockers to decrease HR and force of contraction
Most common cause of AV stenosis in patients >60y/o, <30
>60- calcific valve

<30- congenital
Murmur of aortic stenosis
Systolic ejection murmur or ejection click
Syncope and angina with exercise, which valve lesion?
Aortic Stenosis
Most common cause of aortic regurg
Isolated (Aortic Valve) AV root dilation
Wide pulse pressure
Aortic Regurg
High pitched diastolic blowing murmur
Aortic Regurg
Bounding pulses
Aortic Regurg
Corrigan's water hammer pulse
Bounding pulses in Aortic regurg
Austin Flint Murmur means
Sign for AV replacement
Holosystolic high pitched blowing murmur
Either mitral or tricuspid regurgitation
Radiates toward axilla- murmur
Mitral regurg
Radiates to right sternal border-
Triscuspid regurg
Graham Steell murmur
Pulmonary Regurg
Carcinoid heart disease
PV stenosis, TV regurgitation
-Due to liver metastasis from carcinoid tumor of small intestine
Mitral valve prolapse most common in what age and gender?
Women 20-40
Aortic stenosis related to what 2 disorders
1) Age-related calcific aortic stenosis
2) Bicuspid aortic valve